Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

I just wanted to let you guys know i'm leaving the group. I didn't want to dissapear and have everyone wondering where i'm at! I'm not 100% yet, but I think we are going to be a "one and done" family. Our fianances are pretty tight, and we want to be able to give our daughter a good life and to be able to do things with her. Even if we did consider it, It wouldn't be until she was in school (in 5 years!) and i'm not sure I want to start over again by then.

So I just wanted to wish you ladies well!!! Good luck with your little ones and TTC!!

Enjoy your beautiful daughter!! I wish you the best
Thanks for letting us know Britt, we'll all miss you and I wish you all the best no matter what decision you make. There is nothing wrong with having an only child or having a large age gap. You never know where you'll be a few years or so down the road. DF and I were originally going to start trying next year for a two year age gap, but both decided that it would be better to wait an extra year year because that one year will make all of the difference for us and for Liam. I get excited when I think about having only one kid in diapers and having Liam be old enough to understand what is going on and be excited about being a big brother. I was in kindergarten when my sister was born and we got along fabulously and it was really exciting getting to tell my teacher and classmates that I was going to have a baby sister. I was never jealous of her and we were still able to play together once she became old enough to do so. I know a lot of people worry about jealousy when it comes to large age gaps, but I think it has less to do with the age gap and more to do with how the parents treat the older and younger child once the baby arrives.
I am studying nursing and the plan is to finish school and work for 6 months to save some money and secure a job and the start TTC. I can't wait!!! So I finish school at the end of 2015 which means I will hopefully be pregnant in 2016.
I have a one year old and was an active member here when I was TTC/pregnant with him, this is the first time I've posted in ages :)
Welcome! :wave: :flower:
My little man also just turned one a little over a week ago and we are also trying to save some money and secure a job for me. I get married in about 8 more months so I'm pretty excited about that! Do you have any other goals besides money, finishing school, and getting a job?
Your son is a year already??? That went by FAST.
Congratulations on the wedding, very exciting! I'd love to get married somewhere in between now and baby but there's no ring on my finger yet!
Well ladies - one of my goals may be unintentionally coming closer to completion. Operation Yummy Mummy has been handed over to the care of an endocrinologist who has whacked me on thyroxine and victoza to fix my rebel thyroid... and has suggested a laprascopic gastrectomy sleeve to help me shift the excessive amount of weight I am carrying. Doesn't change our TTC timeline in my head but I'm not sure whether that changes things in the Khocolateman's head... I hope not. In other news, I am back to school tomorrow after two weeks of holidays and I am wishing I had a little one to be looking after instead of my class! It is easy to resent work when my heart is at home.
Well, I just got a kick in the stomach. My husband pretty much just told me this morning that he doesn't want anymore children. We have one daughter who will turn 2 in February and he has a 12 year old son from a previous relationship who he has nothing to do with. It is not an ideal situation but I learned to accept it and live with it. I do not want Kadence to be an only child and I have told him time and time again that if he doesn't want any more children then try and work things out so that she can at least know her brother. Fair enough? I am soooo angry right now. My job is especially stressful and I have just about no patience left and he lays this on me? I know it is only a matter of time before I sink into a depression and that is not fair to Kadence. She is the only light in my life right now.
How come he has nothing to do with his 12 year old son? I think it's fair to at least let your daughter get to know her brother.
Well ladies - one of my goals may be unintentionally coming closer to completion. Operation Yummy Mummy has been handed over to the care of an endocrinologist who has whacked me on thyroxine and victoza to fix my rebel thyroid... and has suggested a laprascopic gastrectomy sleeve to help me shift the excessive amount of weight I am carrying. Doesn't change our TTC timeline in my head but I'm not sure whether that changes things in the Khocolateman's head... I hope not. In other news, I am back to school tomorrow after two weeks of holidays and I am wishing I had a little one to be looking after instead of my class! It is easy to resent work when my heart is at home.

I'm glad you are getting your thyroid fixed! Do you think your DH would want to move TTC forward or push it back? Sorry about work- I've definitely been in your shoes before. I used to take my calendar and mark the halfway point from now to our TTC date. I started right about a year and a half to two years out. I forgot about it so when I flipped to the month where it was marked it was such a great surprise! Then I marked the next halfway and so on. I don't know, it just made it seem to pass the time easier at work. It was nice when it started taking less time to get to the next mark.:flower:
All right, time for a new game (clearly I have a lot of time on my hands while DS nurses lol). this is the- "whats the last picture on your phone game?" Obviously, please don't post anything with personal/sensitive information.

We went to an apple festival yesterday and got a characterture of my DS done. They got his big eyes perfectly!


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Chobani Greek Yoghurt with raspberry purée =) healthy dessert tonight.

Thanks for something positive to focus on... sounds like a few of us are doing it a bit tough at the moment. You BnB ladies are wonderful!


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All right, time for a new game (clearly I have a lot of time on my hands while DS nurses lol). this is the- "whats the last picture on your phone game?" Obviously, please don't post anything with personal/sensitive information.

We went to an apple festival yesterday and got a characterture of my DS done. They got his big eyes perfectly!

What a beautiful drawing. I can't draw to save my life. :haha:

So tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment to see what my iron stores are at. In June they were at 15 and tomorrow she'll tell me if she thinks I can donate blood again. Depending on what she says, I'm thinking of asking to get a second opinion about donating. I really miss donating blood and want to do it again.
Can I join!? We have a 3 year age gap and we'd ideally like the same next time :)
Profound thought for today - I will learn to enjoy the wait because these late Sunday sleep ins will soon be a thing of the past!

In other news, and on the other hand, another colleague at a different school announced her pregnancy yesterday. Jealous much!!
Today I couldn't resist not buying a onesie for a baby boy that said "future man of steel" at Target. :blush: It was too cute.
Had an internal happy dance moment today. We found out when I was pregnant with my DS that I had released two eggs but only one was fertilized. Twins run HEAVILY on my side of the family so we knew there was a chance of them. Since we found out, my husband has been very on board the "one and done" train. Since we are still 18 months-2 years out from TTC, I don't push the issue. Well, today we got into a discussion about our upcoming move etc and timing on another baby! I asked him if he was more open to another as our son gets older (their relationship is so wonderful to watch grow) and he said YES! Makes me so happy.

Last time around, trying was pretty stressful. I'm so thankful we were successful quickly (3rd month). The next time around though I'm hoping he is more open to the idea and we can take a more relaxed approach (NTNP for awhile instead of full on TTC).

In no way do I want another right now. We have our son and he is plenty. But puts my heart even more at ease knowing that my DH is warming to the idea of expanding our family in the future :)
That's great news KK! I also talked to my DF and he's willing to start trying next year if he feels like our finances are in order. I'm pretty stoked. I know that we wanted a 3 year age gap because we felt like DS would be too young for us to handle another when he's two, but after spending time with my three year old brother and five year old sister around DS's birthday I realized that DS will feel that young for us until he's at least 6 and we don't want that big of any age gap, so why wait an extra year for no reason if all of our other goals are completed before then? I also didn't want to deal with two in diapers but I honestly think that DS will be ready to start potty training early because he has removed his own clothes before and helps us remove them and put them on and he has been only having wet diapers at night, no night poops. He also only uses an average of three diapers a day. Even if I didn't feel like he would be ready to potty train early there is no guarantee that he would be potty trained by the time that #2 got here even if we went for a 3 year gap and we don't want a bigger gap than that. I would rather start trying in June for a Spring baby but DF seems really comfortable with trying in September around DS's second birthday, so if that's the compromise that I need to make then I'll take it. I'd be happy with a summer baby too and it's only 3 months longer. The thing I worry about is taking more than 3 cycles to get pregnant because if I can help it I'd rather not have another fall baby (all three of our birthdays are already in*fall) and I'd also like to avoid a December or January baby because of the holidays and the cold so unless I'm so broody that I don't care and don't want to continue our gender sway diet without actually TTC then we may need to take a 5 month break to TTC again. I'm sure that at that point I'd just TTC anyway, lol. I'll still stay in the group because we may not have our goals complete until 2016 anyway and may change our minds when next year gets here. I'd also rather continue with the mindset that we won't be trying for another year and 7 months for just in case so that I can be excited if it doesn't take that long instead of disappointed if it does. DF said that the only reason that he agreed to wait until 2016 was because he thought that I wouldn't complain if he wanted to start trying sooner. I'm just really thrilled that he's keen on trying next year if he feels like we are financially ready. :D
I won't know for sure when we'll be TTC until 3 months in advance most likely though, so I'm not going to change my ticker or my position on the WTT list until I do.
Hi ladies! I know some of you from my journal, but thought I'd introduce myself!

I'm Kaylee & I'm 24. My OH is 28 and we are (slightly) planning our wedding for May 2016. If all goes according to plan, we want to TTC Summer 2016. We aren't using any sort of protection other than withdrawal though, so you never know!!

Were waiting because I want to finish my degree and OH will be going through a job change and we'll be moving May 2015. We'd like to get married first, but it's not a priority.

Happy to join y'all in the long wait!

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