Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

That's the night shifts finished for now. Thank goodness. Feeling really sick and tired tonight though. Body getting back into a 'normal' routine is always horrible.


I can imagine it's very difficult getting back to "normal" after night shifts. I hope you've got a few days off to rest up!
Sure do. Are you ladies back at work yet ?
Bright- this will be your stick bean!
Aleeah -woo for movement! Best part of pregnancy id say! Xxx
Blue - I sure pray it is. I am going to drive my doctor crazy on Friday LOL!!!
Thank you, ladies, for all your kind words. They were so nice that I read them aloud to my DH (he was upset too) and he teared up. I have to say I couldn't help but smile at Lindsay's comment that our rainbow babies like to create drama! :) With dh's and my personalities, it is not too much of a stretch to think of my baby being a little drama queen (I am still guessing girl, but I am rarely right about gender and I think girl would just be my preference). I took all your advice and just stayed home from work today. I had booked the morning off anyway, but I realized I would never have made it through the afternoon. I wish I could have watched some funny movies, but I was too exhausted from crying and napped all afternoon instead. But maybe DH and I can watch something happy tonight. We bought these yogurt fruit smoothie Popsicles today and I am so addicted to them. Pregnancy makes me so parched and these are very refreshing.

Lj - thanks for understanding my lack of emotions. I think it's definitely a self-protective mechanism and one that I don't much like having. I think my huge meltdown after was the culmination of a whole lot of anxiety that I have been keeping pent up inside for the past few weeks without even realizing it. Are you feeling more emotionally bonded with your baby yet?

Aleeah - I can't believe you are going to keep us all in suspense about the gender! :haha: I get sooo impatient when people don't find out the gender and my friend who is due at the exact same time as you is also not finding out. So now I can't wait til June to find out! Hehe. How exciting that you are feeling a bit of movement now. I'd imagine it's taking a bit longer or is fainter because of your anterior placenta.

Linny - it is very interesting you found that about being more prone to bleeding if you've had a m/c. I had actually surmised that myself based on all the bleeding that has happened in most of the TTCAL thread I am on. I figured there wouldn't be any scientific evidence to back it up, but I am glad you found some! I do wonder why that is, but it seems to be true (which feels like a cruel joke to those of us who experience it). Nearly everyone on my August babies thread is also bleeding. It's a scary time.

So, my dr did call today although the stupid receptionist failed to pass on the message that I had been spotting. She said the baby was measuring 9 weeks 5 days exactly, so my due date is bang on, and it also looks like I was correct about when I ovulated. Here's the annoying part - the report failed to even mention the baby's heart rate! *scream* She said the report indicated everything was perfect and going well, but I have no idea what the heart rate was. I find this beyond frustrating, but there's nothing I can do about it now. My dr didn't seem to know why I would be spotting but she reassured me that everything looked fine and just told me we'd reevaluate if I had more bleeding. So I don't think I will be getting another scan to reassure me...unless things get worse. Sigh. I will get to hear the heartbeat on the 27th at my dr's appointment so hopefully I can survive until then. Anyway, as for how I am feeling, for now I am a bit more calm mostly because I am all cried out. I will just be hoping that I don't have even a speck more spotting for the rest of the pregnancy.

Blue - I won't get another scan til 20 weeks sadly. Sorry night shifts are making you feel so crappy. I hope you feel better soon and that all that BDing was enough.

Brighteyez- do you have a dr's appointment on Friday, or will you just be calling then?

Crys - I will be stalking your chart.
Cryss - So a decision is made! Well, at least with the temping you'll be able to see what your body's up to, and gives the TWW something to focus on :) ...I quite liked it as it made me feel like a scientist analysing my graph hahaha. Oh, am so glad to hear twinges are normal I got them again last night and this morning - not up the fanjo any more though, all over the front of my pelvis twingeing away! x

Blue - Glad to hear the night shifts are over! I can sympathise with the tiredness, I used to work 8pm - 8am back in my twenties - I was utterly shattered. You just don't sleep the same during the day as you do at night. Are you waiting it out for AF time this month or have you got an idea of when you'll test? x

Lindsay - The shortness of breath sounds annoying but good to hear you're coping. The symptoms of pregnancy really are bizarre! x

LL - Glad to hear you got some rest chicken. I think US can cause spotting for all kinds of reasons, firstly although it's harmless to the baby it heats the area up by a couple of degress which causes irritation. The pressing they do is quite aggressive, I honestly thought i'd been injured at one point.

I didn't find out the heartbeat at either of my spotting incidents and was also pretty upset because i thought that'd be the main indication of whether things were ok. So, in a bid to reassure myself I looked up other significant factors and size is the big one! A slow heart rate is generally matched by a baby measuring behind. A baby measuring on time or ahead for your dates is a great indicator. If you're not having another US till 20 weeks are you considering getting a doppler or waiting it out? x

Afm - have had a rubbish night of nightmares. Dreamt I accidentally killed my lovely nana and then dreamt I woke up to bleeding everywhere. It was awful because when i actually did wake up it took me a bit to realise it wasn't actually happening. Shudder. Wish i could go back to the early days of sexy dreams. ;)
LL - I do have doctor's appointment Friday at 1:30pm so I will keep you ladies posted.
Good morning Ladies,

Ok I took another test this morning. This reading is about 3minutes after fmu was applied. The test I should yesterday was taking on Tuesday and I took the picture of it the next day which was Wednesday. I took another brand this morning right after it and it was negative so I don't knwo what to think. I can't wait for tomorrow to come for doctor's appointment. Tell me what you ladies suspect.


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Here is the negative test.


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Blue - Glad night shifts are over for you! Hope you can get caught up on your rest.

LL - Yay for baby's measurements being right on! Did the spotting stop?

Linny - I like having something to see during the TWW too. I analyze and research everything, so it's easy for me to get into analyzing my chart and researching what it could be...but that also drives me insane. I start symptom spotting and searching for other symptoms, etc. But I think if I didn't have a chart to study, I'd still drive myself crazy because I wouldn't know exactly where I was. So knowing is probably the lesser of two evils for me.

Those twinges across your pelvis are most likely your round ligaments stretching, getting ready to hold your baby bump. :thumbup:

Bright - That's definitely a positive test and read within the time limit. So the other test may not be as sensitive??
LJsMummy - Wow look at you! You're nearly out of the first trimester already!:happydance: You must be so pleased and excited! Has it sunk in yet? So pleased for you xxx

Blue - You're definitely not the devil :haha:, so at least you can say it was a silly dream! I bet you're really pleased to get the nightshift out of the way? Must be so physically exhausting. How many days past ovulation do you think you are now?xx

Lindsay - I'm sorry to hear about your nightmare New Years Day but glad it all seems stable now. My doctor told me all pregnant women have an increase in blood pressure in the third trimester but those with blood pressure issues anyway will have a higher increase, so it's good you're starting the meds now before the issue hits properly.:thumbup:

Blood pressure seems to be under control, I'm just taking Aspirin at this stage. I was told in my last midwife and consultant appointments that I have Thalassemia Alpha, they're still testing to see which strain. I'm hoping it's just the genetic form, which means I'm a carrier as I don't have any strong symptoms for any other xxx

Lit - I'm sorry and to you too Lindsay for not finding out the gender. Don't get me wrong, no doubt I'll be studying the scan pics very thoroughly!! But I just want to keep things a surprise for now, I'm still sure it's a little girl, I hope for either really but I guess my preferance would be a girl. I think you're right about the movement being so slight is probably down to the anterior placenta, I didn't expect to feel things this early but am grateful I have. It's still very on and off, haven't felt anything today but that's normal at this stage I think.

Don't worry about the lack of mention of heart rate, I never got told the heart rate at any scan, even though I asked. The main thing is there's a heartbeat and the baby is measuring as it should be, that's fantastic news :flower: xxx

Linny - Must be so lovely to finally be able to talk about the baby with family and friends, I found it made it much more real.:thumbup:

Nightmares are horrible, hopefully you won't have anymore. I was embarrassed about the sexy dreams, hubby had to wake me as apparently I was very vocal!! Annoyingly they were all of him, I really had hoped I'd have at least one with Christian Bale as Batman but no such luck!:winkwink::haha: xx

Bright - I agree with Crysshae, some tests aren't as sensitive as others, I swear by FRERs, though that can get expensive. Don't fret, I got lots of negatives on my cheap online tests but FRERs have never been wrong for me. Friday will be here before you know it lovely, and I'm praying it's your rainbow day xxx

AFM - Slept so well last night but still so shattered, all I want to do is sleep, all I'm thinking about it sleep... :sleep:xxx
Thank you ladies just waiting for tomorrow to get her.

LL-I am really happy that everything is going well for you.

Linny-I have been there with the dreams. Hubby use to think something was wrong with me. LOL But I found out they are perfectly normal.
LL, so glad you stayed home yesterday and that your doctor called with the update. Baby measuring right on time is an amazing sign and they probably didn't record the heart rate because there were no concerns :) I'm glad you got yourself a treat and I hope you had a relaxing evening. The 27th will be here before you know it and hopefully the spotting will be a thing of the past :hugs:

Linny, I'm with you, I'd like the sexy dreams back too, lol. I find I'm sooo suggestible with my dreams recently... even scary ads on tv will trigger nightmares, lol (like that new Carrie one got me a few times).

Bright, that's strange that one test was positive and the other brand negative. Is the sensitivity the same on them? Hopefully your doctor can shed some light on the situation tomorrow!

Aleeah, that's good news that your blood pressure is behaving itself. That's what I've heard about third tri as well and that was part of the doctors rationale for starting meds now in early third trimester. We shall see what happens, it's funny because the OB told me last week they wouldn't restart meds unless my blood pressure was 150/100 and it's nowhere near that. What's Thalassemia Alpha? Hopefully nothing that will cause you too much difficulty!

AFM, I am very tired today. We had prenatal classes last night and got home around 10, and then stayed up for a while chatting about the class and now paying the price, lol. I wish it was friday!
Lindsay - I found it strange too! I don't know if the the senstivity is the same and I pray she sheds some light tomorrow. One test is New Choice and the other is Dollar General One Step Pregnancy Test. If you find anything or know anything about the sensitivity on those brands please inform.
Cryss - hehe, yeah whatever happens in the TWW it's going to be a bit nutso, so might as well occupy yourself with a project!

Aleeah - Yes it was good to tell people, a little odd - so you've told folk now? RE: sexy dreams - that's a shame. You'd think we could all at least get batman in our dreams. hahaha! Well, i was having it off with everyone, most embarrassing when DF asked what was happening.

Brighteyez - Yes i'm sticking with the excuse that it's pregnancy hormones and i'm not to blame. hehe. Hope your docs visit goes ok tomorrow! Get an answer one way or another! x

Lindsay - Well done for making it to a late night though! I was invited to a party on sat and feel like such a loser for not wanting to go. Ugh, can we do pj's and tv-dinner again please?
Linny-I'm hoping it's new pregnancy hormones, tomorrow will answer all. LOL and no you're not to blame:haha:. Will be on here right after visit tomorrow with update.:winkwink:
I love how tired and lazy we all are now that we're pregnant! All I want is to stay in alllll the time too. And our house is a mess because I am too exhausted to lift a finger. DH helps a bit, but his standard of clean is a lot lower than mine. :haha:

Linny - sorry about your nightmare! I hope I miss that symptom as I only get a nightmare about once a year normally. But I have definitely been having sexy dreams! :haha: I find it odd, because during the day that's the last place my mind goes! Haha

Also, I am undecided about getting a Doppler. I fear it may trigger an obsession, and I know I'll get to hear the hb at every dr appt.

Crys - I haven't had any spotting since the initial incident, but I know it could be back at any time.

Bright- that is so weird about your tests. Hopefully your dr helps.

Aleeah - haha, don't worry, I'll survive not finding out your baby's gender. What is your prediction for my baby?? I definitely want to find out! Sorry to hear you are still so tired! I was hoping that would go away in the second tri.

Lindsay - I am glad your prenatal class stimulated some nice conversation with your DH last night, but I know how it is to pay the price the next day!!!

Blue - do you know when AF is due?
Hi everyone! Sorry for not being on here much lately. After the second miscarriage I needed a bit of time out from Bnb. xxx

How is everyone? :flower:

I am on cycle day 32 since the miscarriage and haven't got many symptoms really. Just a few twinges in my uterus and also increased cm - which I don't normally have this late in my cycle so am hoping it's a good sign. No idea when or if I ovulated this cycle! I had some routine blood tests done on Monday, so will find out the results next week - may show a reason for my miscarriages - although the doctor said that they rarely find a cause.

Aleeah - Glad you're back! I predict you are having a girl. :pink: xxx

LL - I've heard that some ladies start spotting around the time their AF would be due - maybe that's all it was for you? :hugs: It's great baby measures fine and that the doctor said all is well! :thumbup:xxx
Teacup - As I am nearly 10 weeks, this is definitely not around the time that AF would have been due. It would have been due a couple weeks ago, so I don't think that is the case. The cause of the spotting is a mystery.

I am surprised you still haven't had AF since the m/c, but then again it was not so long ago. Were you TTC this cycle or waiting until first AF? I am glad to hear you're getting some blood work done to rule anything out. Even if it's probably nothing, it's always best to get it checked. I hope you're doing okay and are going through the healing process emotionally. :hugs: How was your Christmas?
Teacup - As I am nearly 10 weeks, this is definitely not around the time that AF would have been due. It would have been due a couple weeks ago, so I don't think that is the case. The cause of the spotting is a mystery.

I am surprised you still haven't had AF since the m/c, but then again it was not so long ago. Were you TTC this cycle or waiting until first AF? I am glad to hear you're getting some blood work done to rule anything out. Even if it's probably nothing, it's always best to get it checked. I hope you're doing okay and are going through the healing process emotionally. :hugs: How was your Christmas?

We TTC'd straight away after the bleeding stopped, BD'd every other day. We also did last time I miscarried but didn't conceive until after my first period since the miscarriage.

Christmas was good thank you, but went too quick! New year was fun too - OH and I had a night out together just me and him. Did you have a nice Christmas and New Year's eve? Happy New Year!

Has your spotting stopped now? Hope the scan has reassured you a little. :hugs: xx
We had a lovely Christmas and New Year's Eve as well, but I agree that it went by way too quickly!!!

I haven't had any more spotting yet. I am not exactly 'reassured' but slightly less panicky I guess haha.

I am looking forward to seeing if AF or a BFP will show for you!

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