Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue - I usually O between CD12 and 14. I know you're not getting your hopes up, but I can have mine up for you. :hugs:

Linny - Lol! Been there and done all of that except the OPKs, but I've taken plenty of HPTs too early.
Thank you crys. And I for you. Maybe our month together ? Xxx
Blue- how is the relaxed NTNP approach going?

Crys- good luck this month! You're getting to the exciting part.

Lj- great to hear from you. I am sorry to hear about your being hospitalized for dehydration! It's awful you're so sick. I hope the nausea meds help... I wouldn't be too worried about them.

Linny - good to rule anything out.

Lindsay - yay for buying a crib! That is an exciting step.

AFM - I've been feeling really anxious about the scan the last few days and also kind of depressed. DH is really still grieving our m/c which he told me about yesterday so that was sad. It's been rough but really hoping for some good news on Wed.
Hello ladies,

I took my opk Sunday and it was positive but been BD since the 28th of December. I hope it's correct. My husband didn't want to wait for AF so we have started. I am so excited about the positive OPK. Just started doing temps Sunday.
Bright - good luck mrs. Always great when you see the positive on opks!! Fingers crossed for you.

Lit- its going fine. Very relaxed usually by now we have bd'd everyday for the last week. I think we have done it three times when we wanted ! (When I could be bothered). Im thinking I could be O'ing but im not sure. Feel uncomfortable. Cant believe how quick this cycle has gone in. Hope the rest of it goes as quickly as well haha! Not looking forward to the 1st of Feb. Will be a year since I gave birth to the Boys. Ive been thinking about it a lot. Like the day and what felt and what they looked like. Regrets... wishing I held them longer looked at them more. My friend just went through a similar thing and ive been trying to help her as much as I can. She was 21 weeks and found out her baby had such severe spine abifida and that it wouldnt survive the pregnancy. Poor soul. She didnt want to see her baby or even find out the sex. She wanted to give birth and forget it ever happened. Its her way of coping I know but I just couldnt forget my babies. I know she wont forget truely but I think seeing them and holding them helped me understand that they had to go and at least I seen them as well as felt them. ... I dont know. Just want to hug her.

Blue - Feb 1st sounds like it will be a very difficult day indeed. :( I am so sorry for what you went through but I am glad you at least have the memories of holding them and seeing what they looked like to look back on. It must be very emotional to think about. It's so sad about your friend. Everyone has different ways of coping I know, but I agree with you that yo are better off with having held your babies and had an experience with them. Poor girl.
Ljs, sorry to hear you ended up in the hospital on new years. I hope you're feeling a little better now, and that the meds are helping! I had anti-sickness meds too, but it was a different one (diclectin) - it worked quite well for me.

Blue, I'm going to be hopeful for you this month too :) It does sound like Feb 1 will be a rough day for you :hugs: I'm so sorry you had to go through such an awful thing, but I'm glad you got to hold your babies.

Crys, that's a tough choice whether or not to temp. For me I always liked temping because it made me feel like I was doing something - but you're right, it is just one more thing to obsess over! I'm going to be hopeful for you this month too :) I'm feeling quite good besides the occasional feeling of shortness of breath. Otherwise not many complaints - hopefully it stays that way!

Linny, how are you doing? Your tww description made me laugh - I think we've all been there, lol. We recently painted our whole house so we're not going to re-do the baby's room - it's a pretty neutral colour right now (light brown/beige-ish) so it'll be easy to decorate with whatever colours we choose. Baby will be in our room for the first little while though.

LL, I'm really hopeful that you're going to come back with great news on wednesday :) Totally normal to be nervous though! I don't think I slept for 3 or 4 nights before my first ultrasound, I was so terrified there would be no heartbeat again. Hang in there! It's not much longer now :)

Brighteyez, good luck!! I hope you catch the egg this month :)

As for me, I think hubby and I have the nesting bug - we re-organized the whole main floor on sunday, lol. I've got a couple doctors appointments this week, and then starting prenatal classes wednesday evening so it's going to be busy.
Hey Ladies,

I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, it was totally unexpected but we had to look after a relative over Christmas and it meant I didn't get a chance to get online, with that and working lots. I have missed you all lots and lots though.:flower:

Hoping someone can update me with where everyone's at? From reading the last few pages I can only comment on the below.

Blue - Hey don't mock the immaculate conception! I'm a firm believer that's how we conceived this little one, hubby often jokes it'll be interesting to see who it looks like (as in him or the milkman!):winkwink:.

I'm so sorry for your friends loss, it must be the most heartbreaking thing to go through, I too like you would want to see my baby and hold them but I understand the pain and shock had probably made her make a different decision. I hope she's ok.:hugs:

I just want to give you a hug too :hugs:, remember your beautiful little angels are looking over you and they've already given you the most special thing in the world, they made you a mummy. Hold your head up high missy, this is the year you'll do it again, I just know it.:thumbup:

I am sorry to still see you trying though, I had hoped to come back and see you were up the duff but I'm still hopeful it'll happen for you. I agree with the others, the doctors simply HAVE to help now, not that I think anything is wrong but at least they can rule out anything simple. Fingers and toes crossed for you as always xxxxx

LL - I can't believe you're at 9 weeks now, I'm so happy for you :happydance:. I'm also very optimistic your scan on Wednesday will be fine, expect tears regardless though, I cried more at the sight of a healthy heartbeat than I did at any other scan, so don't forget the tissues!:thumbup: xx

Linny - Wow, look at you into your second trimester already!! So pleased for you, I hope you're more relaxed now and enjoying it all?:flower:

Lindsay - Can't believe you'll be on maternity leave soon, I'm so jealous!! My job's so demanding at the moment, the only thing keeping me going is the light at the end of the tunnel in the form of maternity leave! And loved reading about all your nesting, it's so surreal baby'll be here before you know it and you'll be glad you got all that cleaning and tidying done before.

Crysshae - Yay for hitting the action part of the cycle! I always felt quie happy around then as felt I was proactive :blush:. I complately sympathise with wanting to temp or not wanting to temp, do what you feel comfortable with, I really am praying you get that nice sticky BFP this cycle xxx

Brighteyez73 - Sorry you find yourself here too. I fell pregnant first cycle following my last D&C with no AF inbetween and this one seems to have stuck, so it's very possible. Good luck :hugs: xx

AFM - Well ticker says it all, baby is doing ok. We told some friends and family over Christmas which has certainly made it very real but I'm still hesitant to tell people, I'm hoping I wake up one day and I'm ready for it all but for now it seems easier to hide my poor little baby! I love it's mine and DH's little secret, though it's getting bigger! Got my first scan since the 12 week one next week xxx
Aleeah- it's soo good to have you back ! We missed you !? :hugs:

I hope your rele is doing ok! And I'm so glad baby is doing good! I can't believe your nearly 20weeks! Are you going to find Out the sex of baby?

Hope work has calmed down a little for you !

Welcome back !!!!!
Thank you for the encouragement Aleeah! I really appreciate this thread it is helping me get throught and stay hopefully! I hope I get a BFP this month!!! Fingers crossed for the best but if not I will keep trying.
Aleeeeaaahhhhh! It's so good to see you here! :hugs:

You're almost at the halfway mark! Can you feel movement yet? Can't wait to see pictures of your little one next week.

Lindsay - The shortness of breath will be there for the duration. Just take it easy as much as you can. The longer your little one gets, the more he will push on your lungs, and your stomach, ribs, and everything else. Lol.

Blue - I'm so sorry for everything you went through and that your friend is having to go through something similar. I just want to hug you both. :hugs: 2014 is going to be the year we get our rainbows!

LL - What time is your scan tomorrow? I want to know when I should be stalking. :haha:
Aleeah, it's lovely to hear from you and I'm so glad to hear that you, DH and baby are all doing well :) Will you be finding out the gender next week at your scan? It's so exciting that you're almost half way there! I'm feeling about the same way with work, I've got way too much on the go at the moment and would love a holiday, but know that likely in 10 - 12 weeks I'll be off (and still busy but in a different way :) ) so trying to hold out until then. I hope things calm down for you soon! Yes, it seems pretty surreal to me too, some days I forget I'm pregnant, lol. I think it'll probably seem that way until the baby is here.

Crys, that's what I've heard about the shortness of breath, lol. Too bad. I'm trying my best just to ignore it... seems to kinda work, lol.

LL, yes, what time is your scan tomorrow? This is very important information, we need to know when to be checking in :)
Aleeah! - So good to see you back! Hope your family member is doing ok? I was on the verge of hunting you down before Chyrss said you were ok! haha. :hugs: . Wowzers, it's amazing how far along a ticker gets if you're not checking. As others have asked, are you feeling any movement yet? I know it's a bit early! Yeah, all good over here. Feeling much better physically these days x

Blue - God that's tough :cry:. I didn't realise this was the case, I can't even begin to imagine how hard that was. But I agree i'd also have wanted to be there for them. I'm very sorry for your friend's loss, no decision about that can be even remotely easy. :hugs:

LL - Aye, stalking rights for us! If we could all get in to the US suite that'd be best but will take what i can get. It's going to be fine, I promise you! :hugs: but I know how hard it is to really believe in that X
Lindsay - Thank you. Yes, I don't know how well I'll sleep tonight although I slept fine last night because I had another one of my 'fatigue attacks' and slept straight from 7:30 pm. Maybe that will happen again tonight so I don't have to stay up worrying. That is exciting that you guys have been reorganizing the house and getting ready for the baby. What kind of prenatal classes are you taking? How many classes are there in total?

Aleeah - It's SOO great to hear from you. I can't believe how far along you are either. I am feeling the same way about telling people. I'm not sure why a previous m/c makes us so want to keep our pregnancies a secret, but it certainly has done that for me as well.

What I am curious about is what is YOUR gender prediction, since you're never wrong? :winkwink: You'd better tell us before the scan...if you're finding out then!

Linny - Thanks. It really is difficult to believe that. I just can't get over the stark difference of the two possible outcomes tomorrow. Tomorrow could either be one of the happiest, most relieving days of my life, or the worst. That terrifies me.

To Crys, and everyone else who asked - My u/s is at 9 am tomorrow. If it helps you figure out how far off my time zone is, it is currently 1:03 pm as I post this. I will try to get on and let you know how the u/s goes.

I am wondering about this u/s clinic's guidelines about water consumption beforehand. In my u/s with the last pregnancy, I wasn't nearly as far along, and they just asked me to drink 3 glasses of water. That is also what I drank for the follow-up u/s which had my bladder almost bursting and giving me a panic attack. But for some reason I was told at this clinic to drink SIX 8-oz glasses of water an hour before. I know if I do that it will have devastating consequences, but I'm really confused why their guidelines would be so different? I plan on drinking 3-4. I can't see any reason that my bladder wouldn't be EXTREMELY full by then. Would any of you mind sharing what you were asked to drink before?
LL - mine just said a large glass of water, not sure if you remember but because I did that and then had a long wait time I was in agony for several hours after the US. Since then I had the 12 week one and literally just drank a small glass about 30 mins before going in. Was fine but not sure about tilted uterus??? I would say, if it feels too much, don't do it!
LL, I didn't drink as much water as they said for my early scan, I would have been in agony!! I just kind of guessed and took a water bottle with me - I think I drank normally throughout the day and then had 2 glasses of water about an hour before the ultrasound I had quite a wait as well so was very glad that I didn't drink as much as they wanted me to. Worst case scenario they'll say your bladder isn't full enough and have you drink a little more water. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have another "fatigue attack" tonight and sleep well :)

We're taking a hypnobirthing class, it came quite highly recommended by a good friend and actually I've found the pre-class exercises really helpful already. The classes are 3 hours once/week for 6 weeks.
I just did the same as linds lit. Don't over do it.

Little bit of advice ladies. Sitting here and im experiencing little shooting pains in my lady area. Its not all the time it takes me by surprise... any ideas on what it is? No other symptoms or anything.

Never mind I googled it and now I wish I never asked. To be fair OH and I had bding time earlier (6ish) and for the sake of quickness and less mess I used a softcup to keep the mess at bay. I have taken it out now. I really hope it was the sexy time and soft cup combo and not endometriosis or ovarian cysts... :( xxx
Blue - Stay away from Dr. google! I am sure you don't have endometriosis or ovarian cysts. And, regardless, you'll be going to the doctor soon so you can ask about the pains then. But I'm sure it was just normal. There are so many aches and pains that we TTCers notice down there because we're hyper-aware and are just totally normal.

Lindsay - That sounds interesting! You'll have to tell us how you like it and if it works well for you!

Thanks a lot, everyone, for sharing your liquid consumption! I won't feel at all guilty about only having 3 glasses of water, then. I have a feeling I have an extra tiny bladder, because even when I'm not pregnant I have to pee every 30 minutes or so! :haha: They have a threatening message that if we don't drink enough they'll have to reschedule the u/s, but I am certain 3 glasses will be enough. I'm also hoping I won't have to wait long because my appointment is only 20 minutes after they open...so I'm guessing I'm only the 2nd appointment of the day.

Linny - I would hope having a retroverted uterus wouldn't change anything. If anything, having a full bladder wouldn't help at all and they'd have to go internally? But maybe my uterus has tipped forward already.

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