Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hey ladies.

Bright - strange about tests hope doctors able to help shed some light !

I did read all the post and have caught up but as per usual the time I get down to the bottom I have forgotten who said what and what everyone said... still need more cod liver oil for the old brain.... haha.

Lit- glad your starting to feel better.

Crys-i missed temping this month. Lol might go back to it next month

Teacup- nice to have you back. Have you tested to see if your neg or pos? Mind Aleeah got a surprise rainbow!!

Afm- Af due on the 20th... (according to ff) I dont know how many days post O I am... Maybe 2-3... not sure. Trying not to symptom spot. But its not working. Lol. Dont think I will test but if I do im sure I will share it with you ladies.

brighteyez: both those tests would have the same sensitivity. Did the line on your fist test come up within the time limit? When you are so early on the concentration of your urine can make the difference between a positive and a negative test. Or, if you let that first test sit too long before you looked at it you could have had a false positive. So glad you have an apt. to get some answers.
:hi: hi ladies. I've been quiet but I'm reading along and keeping up with all of you.
How are you doing Sara? Where are you in your cycle?

I love you dp !! xxx

Hello SLG - I look at them within the length of time. I had my niece take on yesterday just to see if her test would come up positive with a faint line. She is 27 and already has 2 boys and she told me she only was on her AF for 3days. Her test came back negative within the time limit and then we waited 10 more minutes just to see if there was any change and ther was none, still negative:bfn:. I went and took another one the same test and within 3minutes it was a faint pink line like all the other test. So we waited 10mintues with mines an it still was positive:bfp:....it actually had gotten darker. So I am not sure what is going on but, I am glad I have my appointment today.
I hope you get some definite answers today, bright.

Blue - DP??? The first thing that came to my mind was Dr. Pepper.
:haha: Crys your soo funny. It was meant to be for display picture. hehe.

Stumbled across this article. Thought some of you girls might like to steal a swatch.

Lol! Oh! I thought you were telling Dr. Pepper you loved it today. :shrug: :haha: :dohh:

Good article.
You ladies crack me up!! I knew DP was something to do with SLG's gorgeous photo but couldn't think with it stood for at all... saying that I couldn't remember my own name on a work related call earlier, I went on mute and pretended I couldn't get it off mute!!! Is this what they call baby brain? Because it's embarrassing!

Sara - I love seeing you posting again, and your profile pic is so cute. How are you doing? :flower:xx

Brighteyez - I'm so excited for you, really hoping this is your glorious and amazing rainbow baby... hurry and up and tell us :happydance:xxxxx

Lindsay - Thalassemia Alpha is a mutation of genetics, so something in my chromosomes. Sounds more morbid and frightening than it is I think, basic effect is my red blood cells are shaped slightly differently than they should be. And this causes anemia much more easily. I'm anemic now but I'm on iron for it but my body isn't absorbing the iron as the doctors would like because of the weird shaped blood cells (I'm not a doctor so this is ALL my interpretation of what they've said!!). I'm still fit and healthy and if things continue there should be no issues but they'll keep checking my bloods and worse case scenario is I'd need a blood transfusion but that's so unlikely it's not worth thinking about. I was more concerned I'd pass it to the baby but OH has to be a carrier too and he isn't, so that's low risk too.

I'm so impressed you're having prenatal classes :thumbup:, I've done a little bit of research (I can't remember if I told you all but we bought a new house and looking to move soon) and there's classes going, it's just about getting the motivation to go to one! I'm so lazy!:blush:

Linny - We told close friends and family over Christmas. They were very shocked I waited until 16 weeks to say anything but even then DH bullied me into saying something, I was happy keeping it as our little secret but would have had a tough job explaining when a baby dropped out of me! I still haven't said anything at work, I really should but don't know how to bring the subject up for some reason.

I love that you turn into a man eater in your dreams! See that's how dreams should be, experience things we wouldn't in real life. Now if someone could please push batman my way I'd be a happy camper! I'm considering getting DH a batman mask for his birthday... but not sure he'd see it as a present for HIM!:haha:

LL - I'm so glad your spotting hasn't returned, I hope you're settling into being a pregnant mama a bit more now? You know what they say, rest as much as you can whilst your pregnant because in 8 months time they'll be no rest at all! :happydance: xx

And with regards to your prediction... I'm just not sure yet. I think I'll wait a few more weeks before I commit to blue or pink :wacko: xxx

Teacup - So lovely to have you back. I understand the need to take time out after a m/c. I'm just glad you're well and back. It's good you're having tests to find out about the miscarriages, I certainly felt better knowing one way or anyother. Fingers and toes that rainbow is just over the horizon :hugs: xxx

Blue - Totally get trying not to symptom spot, good luck with that, let me know if you find the winning formula, I'm surprised I'm still employed the amount of 'researching' I did on my symptoms, it led back to everything though, I'm pregnant, I'm not pregnant, I'm a man. :wacko:

Great article by the way, thank you, I'm having a bit of a tough day and it's helped me like you wouldn't believe. Thank you so much lovely :hugs: xxxxx
Blue - thanks for that article.

Sara - I'm glad you've been popping it in a bit more.

Aleeah - congratulations on buying a house! How exciting! I totally hear you on not wanting to tell anyone at work yet. It feels incredibly awkward. I do hope you feel comfortable telling soon, though. When is your next scan again???

AFM - I am feeling very stressed about work lately so I have spent a good portion of the morning dreaming about mat leave. It is the only thing keeping me going.

Bright - I hope you get some answers soon.
Blue - I'm impressed you're even trying not to symptom spot! The tww really needs to have some exciting hobbies to go with it! Thanks for posting the article, poor lady having to endure loss AND ivf. But it had a lot of sane advice. X

Aleeah - lol to forgetting your name! At least you managed to mute your way out of it lol. Re: work - I told my boss under the pretext that I was having all these appts. And being late every morning. I did end up doing it really weirdly because of nerves though, asked for a 5 min meeting, he sits down and I say 'I am with child' - as though I'm from the 18th century. He just burst out laughing. It did weirdly make me more nervous telling him than family. Good luck with it! Haha, imaging your dh's face when he gets presented with a batman mask! :) x

Brighteyes- any news love? Fingers crossed for you!! X

Cryss - how's the temping going? X

Sara- how did you find those books love (if you've managed to look through them?) I haven't read the Julia indochovna one but did think of getting it after the rave reviews. x

Lit- no more spotting is a great sign! Hope you're feeling as confident as you ought to be! X

Afm - ugh, yet another mc dream last night. Horrid. I woke up feeling utterly dejected about it. God, let's catch a break and enjoy a little bit of pregnancy at least! Df encouraged (practically dragged) me swimming tonight. As much as I whined all the way there it has done me the world of good. Now fish and chips! X
Lol Linny! I cracked up when I read how you told your boss. I hope your dreams become much more pleasant.

The temping is going. It's not perfect, but hopefully I'll be able to see the shift. I think I will.
Hello Ladies,

Went to the doctors and had blood drawn and ultrasound because Dr. said my uterus felt slightly enlarged. Went to get sonogram and they would tell me anything I was there in the exam room for about 30minutes. I asked was everything ok she said you have to wait until your doctor gets the report and talk to you. I asked when will that be and she said probably not until Monday or Tuesday. I am just really frustrated, sad and confused. Dr. said she would say it's time for my AF but it doesn't look that way.:wacko::dohh::cry: Not to mention my ankles are swollen, pressure is 158/87 so now she wants me to on pressure pills. All I could think about was my lost and cried all the way home.:cry::sad2::sad2:
Blue - No I haven't tested yet. I was going to test tomorrow morning, but I don't have any sure symptoms yet... I'll see if I can wait until Sunday (but I bet I won't!) I really want to be pregnant again! :( xx

Aleeah - Congratulations on your new house! How exciting! I hope the move etc goes smoothly. Do you have an inkling as to what gender you are expecting? :flower: xx

Linny - Haha! I liked your story of you telling your boss about your pregnancy! :haha: xx
Bright eyes- oh love! :hugs: that must be pure frustration, not being told the results, it seems like thats quite standard over there though so probably nothing to worry about. If it's an early pregnancy then they do a lot of hunting about checking there's nothing in the tubes, measuring the sac etc....I had this done, took ages. Hopefully you'll get in on Monday and get some lovely news. Meanwhile, do nice things for yourself, ice cream, funny movies and foot massages xx

Teacup - but symptoms are the very devil anyway! my boobs were never sorer than on my non-ov cycle. So, will you try tomorrow am? X

Cryss- hehe, I felt like a right numpty. Yeah i agree, the rules for temping always seemed a bit over-anal to me since I tend to wake up sporadically, but I did still see an obvious shift so I reckon you'll be fine! X
Linny - It is just can't stop thinking about it and stressing.:cry::sad2: Im sure it's not good for my pressure but it's on my mind. I just want my baby so bad. They gave me some information about my baby. There were no chromosome issues and at the time of death he measured exactly where he was supposed to be. I am so confused right now they told me that he measured less than what I was supposed to be and he is was deceased for a while. I thought I felt him move over the weekend before I had the procedure but thought I was just crazy and wanting something that couldn't be. But to hear this today really makes me think and feel like a failure as a mom like I let my baby boy down and didn't protect him. I wish I had went with my maternal instincts and made them check for his heartbeat again. Sorry for venting. I need to do exactly what you suggested ice cream...etc. I really appreciate your encouraging words :hugs:
oh, brighteyez, i'm sorry you are having such a rough day. Knowing that the technician knows what is going on but can't share the information is torture! I just don't know how I would handle that. Your followup tests sound promising. Remember that no news isn't bad news in this case, it's just that the tech isn't allowed to say anything. Hang in there. I know it will be a long weekend for you.

Linny: :rofl: I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when you told your boss! I was really nervous to fess up at work when I had my daughter. I waited until all us managers were in a meeting and just announced to everybody. Felt like a huge weight off my shoulders once they all knew.

LL: I'm so glad that your spotting has stopped. It does make sense to me that even an abdominal scan could cause spotting. Your uterus has loads of extra blood in it right now and everything is still settling in. All the poking around could cause a little blood to come loose.

Congratulations on your house, Aleeah. What a fun time to buy a house; you can settle in and fix it up for the little one.

Hi teacup. Good to see you!

My doctor pepper pic :rofl: was from my birthday last year. I was giving Emily a high 5 for helping to make my cake.
I feel so good for seeing my acupuncturist last week. I feel like I am trying to do something to help my situation. Plus, the treatment itself is very relaxing and leaves me feeling calm and centered. She also gave me some herbs to try to balance my hormones. After doing some research I found that I have most of the Chinese Medicine symptoms of hormone imbalance: cold feet, stiff lower back, and some more hormonal symptoms that you would expect. Everything my acupuncturist told me was confirmed in a book I just read! Apparently I am deficient in kidney yang. :shrug:
I am cleaning up my diet A LOT. No more refined sugar, very limited dairy, WAY more organic vegetables and meat. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I've felt horrible the last few days and I think it's sugar withdrawal :shy:
I really have enjoyed reading a few books on infertility. I liked "Inconceivable". It was a very easy read, in fact I read it in one day. Even more than that I liked "The Tao of Fertility". This is a look at infertility from a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective. So much of the information made so much sense. The testimonials were amazing. And, it really seems like things I can do. If you are open to acupuncture/diet/exercise and the like for medical reasons then I highly recommend this book.
Well, I've got to go wake up hubby and daughter. THey keep napping until early evening which means getting Emily to sleep at night is hard. Have a good evening (or morning, depending).
Linny - that is hilarious how you told your boss!!! At least it resulted in laughter instead of a more awkward situation.

Bright - I am so sorry about your terrible experience. That is just cruel to make you wait til Monday or Tuesday for the results. :hugs: and I am certain there is nothing you did to cause or 'not prevent' your m/c from happening. These things happen and it is absolutely awful, but it really isn't our fault. Hang in there.

Sara - I am glad you think that Sounds logical that an external scan could cause spotting as well (I think it might have been the other thread that I said that). It feels better to hear someone else say it seems logical! I know Linny said it too!
Those books sound really interesting and I am glad to hear you are trying some things to help with your hormonal imbalance!!

Teacup - I, too, really hope you are pregnant!! You deserve it. Good luck holding off testing.

Crys - I always temped at different times and could still see a clear trend. That's all that matters, really.
Bright eyes- we've all been where you are at some stage but trust me, it is not your fault. It's not just chromosomal abnormalities, it's also heart defects,placental issues, the list is endless (but fortunately not likely to repeat!) none of which any of us have control over. If you could have found the problem and fixed it with your own hands - you would have! And, unfortunately even if you had asked them to check again, they could not have changed the outcome. You did everything you were able and that makes you 100% the best mother you could be. And vent all you need to! That's what this board is for! Xx

Sara- really glad to hear the acupunctures working! I was going to try it before bfp. The tao of fertility book sounds really good. Yeah according to the randine Lewis book I had kidney yang and spleen qi deficiency. I changed my diet etc and did notice I had much more energy...it took a whole to kick in though.. Re cutting out sugar, it really is hard at first! I feel for you. But well worth it. xx

Lit- you're sounding way more positive / yourself again which is great. X

Afm- no more bad dreams last night! Hurray. Df discovered this morning that if he puts the Doppler to his throat and hums he can do a really good impression of 'star spangled banner' Jimi Hendrix style..... So, double use! X

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