Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Yeah. I HATE HATE HATE comparing this, but it was O-3 for my last miscarriage.... because he had some issue that time too. Lol. But at least I know I could get pregnant.
Aleeah - Sorry to hear about your friend's bad news. :( That must be heartbreaking for them. xx

Blue - Good luck this cycle! I know what you mean about feeling lost when you don't know your dpo! xx

AFM - Still no sign of AF and I'm on cycle day 36! I have no idea when I ovulated as I ran out of opks on cd 21. :shrug: I haven't had any period cramps or anything yet.
Aleeah - That is really too bad you won't be able to take as long of a mat leave as you'd hoped. How long do you think you will take now? I certainly hope you can take longer for your 2nd.

I know personally I will be taking my full year of mat leave no matter what. I absolutely hate working and can't imagine taking less time off. I would rather have to move out of our house and live in a box than go back to work early. :haha: We are hoping dh will get a better job before I go on mat leave so we will survive okay. At the moment I'm not sure how we'd make ends meet some months. :wacko:

That is absolutely horrible for your poor friends. The thought of it makes me sick, because I think we'd all like to think we're "safe" if we make it past the first trimester. I do hope their baby survives, or maybe even it was misdiagnosed and the baby will be healthy after all.

Linny - Yes, it's probably from greater blood volume and also your organs are already getting a bit squished I'd imagine. Do you think you'll be able to do some side work so you can stay home for more than 6 months? I think that's a nice alternative.

About your "fat," I agree it's probably a lot of bloat. I am so bloated every single day that by the end of the night I look 5 months pregnant. Some days I wake up somewhat flat which gives me hope, but other days (like today) I wake up also looking 5 months pregnant! It's awful. So I've mostly been wearing maternity jeans already simply because it's more comfortable. Also...I discovered this weekend that although I am not "showing" I have thickened in my abdomen. I now just look like a box, even when I'm not particularly bloated. It's very slight and most people wouldn't notice, but I certainly feel very fat when I wear a form-fitting shirt. :wacko: I don't think it is fat though...my uterus is the size of a large grapefruit already so it's bound to be pushing things up a bit even if there's no definitive bump!

Blue - That is understandable going back to temping next month. For me, I need to know EVERYTHING I possibly can. It would drive me crazy not knowing as well! But maybe you will get your BFP and won't have to temp at all!

Bright - So sorry you're not pregnant again. :hugs: At least they're taking proper care of you and checking things out.

Crys - Good luck this month!

AFM - Telling my family was not that fun yesterday. We gave my dad an envelope with the ultrasound pics inside, and he did seem genuinely happy for a moment and exclaimed, "Really!? Nice!" (which is enthusiastic for him) but after that he got really quiet and seemed uncomfortable talking about the pregnancy. I couldn't help but feel he didn't want to bother getting excited in case something happened again...which definitely feels bad but is understandable. :nope:

Then telling my sister and her husband over skype was even worse. We hadn't figured out how to bring it up, so I tried to just slip something into the conversation about buying baby clothes and the reaction was just silence and us all staring at each other for a few moments. Then my wonderful dh (note the sarcasm), said to me, "And you think *I'm* awkward" which made me terribly embarrassed. I burst out crying and ran out of the room. They did eventually coax me back, but the moment was ruined. It felt so flat as they expressed their congratulations. I just wanted to hide in a corner somewhere. I think they are excited, though, it just wasn't a good reaction at all. :dohh: Now I am dreading telling anyone else because it's so awkward.

I also cried on my mom's shoulder later on because she said, "What's really upsetting you is that *you* can't seem to get excited about this pregnancy, isn't it?" She was very right. :cry:
AFM - Telling my family was not that fun yesterday. We gave my dad an envelope with the ultrasound pics inside, and he did seem genuinely happy for a moment and exclaimed, "Really!? Nice!" (which is enthusiastic for him) but after that he got really quiet and seemed uncomfortable talking about the pregnancy. I couldn't help but feel he didn't want to bother getting excited in case something happened again...which definitely feels bad but is understandable. :nope:

Then telling my sister and her husband over skype was even worse. We hadn't figured out how to bring it up, so I tried to just slip something into the conversation about buying baby clothes and the reaction was just silence and us all staring at each other for a few moments. Then my wonderful dh (note the sarcasm), said to me, "And you think *I'm* awkward" which made me terribly embarrassed. I burst out crying and ran out of the room. They did eventually coax me back, but the moment was ruined. It felt so flat as they expressed their congratulations. I just wanted to hide in a corner somewhere. I think they are excited, though, it just wasn't a good reaction at all. :dohh: Now I am dreading telling anyone else because it's so awkward.

I also cried on my mom's shoulder later on because she said, "What's really upsetting you is that *you* can't seem to get excited about this pregnancy, isn't it?" She was very right. :cry:

Sorry to hear things didn't go as you hoped telling family. :hugs: You should get excited about this pregnancy though! If you are really worried about having another miscarriage then get an early scan (I think they're about £50) to put your mind at ease. :flower: xx
Did you say that you had bloods taken bright eyes? (My memory is terrible) xxx
Lit - reckon I can do the side work, I've been given some nice book cover commissions on the side recently so am thinking i could put together a portfolio for those things and try to get more work in like that. Perfect work from home stuff. I totally agree, and my friends all said it too - a year off is what you want!! I already work 4 days so hopefully I can cut back to 3 when I go back.

Re: telling your family. :hugs: sorry it didn't go as planned, but I reckon your mum is a heck of a wise lady. I'm sure it will get easier as you get more used to the fact that this is your rainbow x

Teacup - how frustrating, I take it you don't temp etc? I hope something shows up soon! X
Blue - yes I had a blood test on Friday and I was at 8 and the doctors said I should be at 0 today.
Maybe leave it another few days and test again. If it positive again go back to docs and ask for another blood test xxx
Teacup - I already had an ultrasound last week, so I won't get another til 20 weeks. I know I'm out of the highest risk part, but the anxiety is always there still.

Bright - I agree with Blue's advice!

Linny - That would be really nice to cut back to 3 days/week when you go back! And sounds like you have a very promising start to doing some work from home. I am hoping to also reduce my hours when I go back, but there's also the matter of life being expensive and us still having a lot of student debt to pay off. I'm not 100% sure if I should cut back to part-time after the first, or if I should suck it up and work full-time to pay down debt until baby #2. It's a hard choice! But if I did cut down, I'd probably just cut down to 4 days/week. After Baby #2 I would definitely love just 3 days/week!

Yes, I'm really hoping it gets a lot easier after hearing the heartbeat on the 27th. Maybe that will make it sink in a bit better. How are you doing lately? Has your anxiety dissipated with being in the 2nd trimester?
LL; I'm so sorry that your announcement wasn't fun. It does sound like your mom is right. Mom's always know, don't they?

Bright; hmmmm, you shouldn't be getting a positive hpt if your level was 8 on friday. I know that sometimes the hpts that say they pick up on 20 mui often can pick up on 10ish. I recently found out that some hormonal imbalances can give false positive hpts. I had a positive hpt but negative blood test and it turned out that my FSH/LH were really high. Probably not the case for you but it's possible. Your LH could be high if you are ovulating.
Wow, lots to catch up on from the last few days!

Aleeah, congrats on the new house! When do you move? That's very exciting :) Yep, I thought the prenatal classes were pretty important for me... I'm the kind of person who needs lots of information and to know what to expect and I'm already quite happy with our choice (well, in reality it was my choice, hubby's only going because I said he has to, lol).

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. You're right, life can be very hard sometimes. I hope she can get appropriate medical care for her little one! My aunt had a baby with that, and she ended up terminating the pregnancy as she was told (in her case, my understanding is that the hernia can be more or less severe) that the baby would not survive after birth.

Linny, what a way to tell your boss :rofl: Your pancakes sound very yummy! You need to come over to my house and make breakfast some day ;) Re. the breathlessness, I was told it's a combination of hormones (progesterone makes you breathe more apparently) and less space for your lungs. I am certainly getting winded more quickly these days too.

Crys, I'm sure you'll be able to see the temp shift even if the temping isn't "perfect". I always just took my temp when I woke up and I could always see the shift. I've got my fingers crossed for you this month!

Teacup, sorry to hear about your BFN :hugs: but at least you'll have a nice fresh start next cycle :)

Slg, sounds like you've been doing a lot of research! Good for you making all those changes, it's not easy. Hubby and I have been gradually making similar dietary changes over the last couple years and I think it's made a big difference for both of us in terms of overall health.

Bright, so sorry to hear that it wasn't a new pregnancy. Sending some big hugs your way :hugs: At least if this is not your month, you'll have a nice fresh start with a new cycle next month.

Blue, I think cramps at 5 - 6 dpo are definitely something to be happy about :) I've got everything crossed for you this month! I'm also glad to hear that if this isn't your month, you are going to go back to temping next month - I love chart stalking!

LL, I'm sorry to hear that it didn't go as well as you'd hoped when you told your family :hugs: I bet your mom is right (they always seem to be!). I have noticed though, that the people who knew about my m/c were more reserved in their excitement for me this time. And my dad was much the same way as yours was... didn't say much when I first told him, but as time as gone by he has gotten more and more excited.

I think every time you hear the heartbeat and see your baby, it will sink in a little more and you will allow yourself to get more excited :hugs:

As for me, I had my 2 hour glucose tolerance test on sunday and checked the results this morning and my blood sugars were all in the normal range so it looks like no gestational diabetes which I am very happy about! The only think out of range was my iron levels, so they'll probably put me on supplements at my next appointment. I have my next growth scan on Friday so looking forward to seeing the little guy again :)
Linds woohoo for passing blood glucose test hehe. I think a lot of woman become anaemic during pregnancy. I know I did the last time. But thats easily sorted. Can wait to hear the updated from your growth scan!!

Sara-where are you now in your cycle ?

Lit - your family are.maybe just worried. They will become more excited. I can remember when I feel pregnant the first time I had to tell the family and I was terrified. I thought my mum was going to be angry (we arent married yet...we where planning our wedding which was going to be last winter) but she took it fine and so did my dad! My mum wasnt excited until she came to one of my scans with me and seen the heartbeats then she burts out crying.

Afm- I feel soo lazy today! Im still lying in bed and its 10 past 10... really cannot be bothered getting up haha. I was uncomfortable in my lower back and front last night ... I was thinking weither I felt every month or not. I think I might and just always say awk al remember this next month... and I dont remember. It's away today though so its not an implantation cramp. Im pretty sure the last time I feel pregnant I was sore for days.

Teacup how are you?

Crys hows your cycle going ?

Bright- have you peed on a stick again? Are the lines getting lighter or darker?

How is everyone else ?

LL - Yeah, hopefully it'll all work out somehow with work! Do you have anything you could do to bring in a side living? My freind saw her mat leave as a way to finally start up her own business accounting.

Glad to hear you'll get to hear hb on 27th! You'll be moving into the second tri then!!! :hugs: I wouldn't say my anxiety is altogether gone, i'm relieved to be out of that awful awful trimester but i've been on high alert for so many months now that it's quite hard to relax completely. I think I will feel *much* better when I start to feel some movement. X

Lindsay - Great news about the GD result! Sorry to hear about iron results, good to know they'll be supplementing them though! I haven't really bothered much about iron - I have a ridiculous vitamin routine which DF is very sardonic about, so I guess it just got missed off my radar but I just looked it up on baby center -

'Iron is important because we need it to make haemoglobin, which helps our red blood cells to store and carry oxygen around our bodies. '

Maybe it contributes to the feeling of breathlessness along with the other factors??

Blue - God I wish I was still in bed! hahah. Well, you must be needing a bit of a lie in. I'm feeling excited about your symptoms....trust it to be the month you don't chart that you get your bfp! :) x

Brighteyes - any change with the tests today love? x

Cryss - Yes at least you know the wee men can stay alive for quite a while! :) I heard something about that being able to influence the gender once (probably a load of codswallop but fun fact anyway!). Hope to see good news from you in another 10 days?? :)

Afm - All good. Day dreaming about sorting out my step sons room so it can be combined nursery/bedroom. We still haven't told DSS and don't know how he will take it. He's 7 and an only child so he might be really excited, or might feel like it's competition and taking over his room etc. Might be a while before we get the chance too as there is an issue with contact atm, been going on for months, back in court. Nightmare. I hope he gets to see us and find out before he literally turns up to a baby brother/sister and us married. That'd be a bit much for any child! x
SLG - That's a thought. I will ask doctor about that. I took another test this morning and positive again. I also tood and opk and it was negative. Thanks for info, calling doctor now to see if she can rule out some things.
Blue - they are a little darker but if I was 8 on Friday maybe I should wait a couple more days where I may be at 20+. But I have been testing every morning.
Brighteyes - that is very strange, they should obviously be getting lighter. Hopefully your doc can rule out anything left over..I hate the terms they use for that, i'm not sure how else to put it....you said your US showed you were clear right? If that's the case then perhaps it is a very recent new pregnancy? x
Bright - I hope the doctor can help you get some answers.

Blue - It's very possible you could've been sore for days last time because there were two implanting at the same time. If you were pregnant with only one, it might not be as prevalent. It would be great if the month you gave up charting and trying hard, it all worked out for that BFP!

Linny - Good luck with the room and telling your stepson. I hope everything works out well for visits.

Lindsay - Glad you don't have GD. Anemia is quite normal in pregnancy. I actually only had it with my first though.

LL - I'm sorry your announcement didn't go as well as it could have. They are probably feeling reserved after the miscarriage since they love and worry about you. I hope you can find some excitement and joy out of your pregnancy very soon.

Tea - If you hadn't ovulated by CD21, do you think you might still have a chance? It's only been 16 days since then, and if you ovulated a few days later....? Did you notice any signs of O once you ran out of OPKs?

Slg - I hope you're doing well. Are you going to have more testing done as you go through acupuncture and such?

Me - Pretty sure I'm 2 dpo by my temps. If I'd had more CM this month, I would feel more certain. I don't think I was drinking enough water, and I didn't remember to check "thoroughly". Lol.

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