Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Do you think so? I have the back pain when im standing up as well. Still dont want to get my hopes up though :( I want to leave it at late as possible to test. Ive not got any other signs! Xxx
Linny - Yeah, I eat constantly to stave off nausea, so if anything I've probably gained weight. I feel lucky that I've had fairly mild "morning sickness" compared to so many women, but I've still been able to experience it for reassurance. But I'm definitely looking forward to not being repulsed by some of my favourite foods soon! Is your nausea 100% gone yet?

I'm glad things are going well and that you got a nice commission! Great job!

Blue - Those dreams are a good sign! Most people say they get lots of vivid dreams in pregnancy. So far I don't at all (except the sexy dreams :blush:) but the MONTH before the cycle I got my BFP, I had all sorts of dreams about a positive pregnancy test and having a baby - something that I hadn't dreamt about in my entire TTC journey. So although that wasn't the same cycle I conceived, it did mean my baby was coming soon, and I hope it will mean the same for you!

Crys - Yay for O being confirmed! You might be right about your temp being extra high because of your better night's sleep, but I'm sure the higher temp is still a good sign. :)

AFM - The Ballet was just lovely last night! I definitely recommend going if you ever have the chance! It was nice for us since it was free! :happydance:

In today's news, I think I have the most infuriating co-workers in the entire world. We're having a crazy windstorm and the power went out around 10 this morning. Normally we're stuck in the office twiddling our thumbs for hours on end until it comes back, but this time my boss told us at 10:45 that we could all go home (or wherever) as long as we checked back at 1 pm and came back to work if the power was back.

So what was everyone's reactions? They all whined and complained that it was "too far" to drive home (I don't live in a huge city or anything...they all have max. 25 minute commutes). When I suggested they go to a RESTAURANT, coffee shop, or the stinkin MALL, they all whined and said they'd rather just stay at work. And do nothing. OMG! Maybe it was pregnancy hormones, but I was absolutely LIVID at them all! I am actually shaking with anger as I write this! ahahha. Because of their deplorable choice, what will end up happening is the power will come back earlier than 1 and they will all be forced to start working immediately, and I will have to come back to work earlier than I would have. We all could have had a nice 2.25 hour lunch break, but everyone would rather sit in a pitch-black office and do nothing instead. Wow. In case you're wondering, I still came home! To me, it's worth it to be out of work for just one second! I actually have a personality and a life and can find something to do if I find myself with an extra hour of free time!
</rant>!!! Sorry! I just had to get that out! ahha
Lol what a bunch or wierdos I would opted for restaurant! Haha nice wee early lunch hehe xxx
:thumbup:Blue - I'm eagerly awaiting news on your BFP!! You know I NEVER dream of babies except when I'm pregnant and don't know it... it's a massive sign for me, the only one that's been consistent 100% of the time. I'm not trying to get your hopes up but mine are certainly up for you!! Sending tonnes and tonnes of baby dust your way, and if it were me I'd wait as long as possible before testing, you don't want to get a false negative :dust::dust::dust:xxxx

LL- Your co workers sound crazy :wacko:! I'm with you, I'd be home in a flash! Glad you got a bit of time back to yourself today xx

Crysshae - Yay for FF lines!!:dance: I think you're in with a chance this month, I'll keep everything crossed for you xx

Teacup - Your symptoms sound very promising and it's probably just that you've tested too early, maybe leave it a day or two (I know how hard that is) and test again, always recommend FRERs they've never let me down so far, so test with one of those in a couple of days. Really hope this is your rainbow [-o&lt;xx

Lindsay - So glad the GD test came back normal and how exciting you get to see the little man on Friday again, I'll look forward to seeing some new scan pics :thumbup: xx

Linny - I'm sure the DSS will love having a little brother or sister around and it's so cool when you start thinking nursery stuff! It's all so much fun!! :happydance:xx

Bright - I hope things become clearer for you soon, it's horrible being stuck in limbo, here's hoping you get a surprise rainbow BFP :hugs: xxx

AFM - Sorry, short post for me! Work is very busy again as you can tell from my shorter and less frequent posts. I can still feel little one moving but it's all still very faint and distant and I'm now so used to it I barely notice it. Have scan tomorrow, getting nervous but ready and prepared for anything that might come up.[-o&lt;

Oh and I move this weekend...!:wacko: xxx
Do you think so? I have the back pain when im standing up as well. Still dont want to get my hopes up though :( I want to leave it at late as possible to test. Ive not got any other signs! Xxx

Yes, I do think so. I'm going to TRY to wait as late as possible to test too. We can band together!

LL - Crazy people you work with!

Aleeah - Yay for moving! DON'T YOU LIFT A THING!
Aleeah you have a busy next few days!! Woow Looking forward to hearing of you scan update tomorrow and to hear how you are settling into your new home! The last time i had a dream like that it was my bfp month but i dont want to get my hopes up!! I want this soo bad and it would make my year!!

Crys, yes lets ban together. When if your AF due?

I went to test today!! And I couldn't find ANY of my pregnancy tests!!! I swear i had about 50 in my cupboard !! need to order more which means I really wont be testing till the day AF is due!! I still have tightening at the lower back and sometimes front. Not really cramps so i dont know what it is...

Praying for a miracle this month!!
You are having some awesome symptoms! I pray it's your month!

My AF is due the 26th or 27th. I have no tests, and I'm trying not to let myself order any.
Still no AF... I was super emotional today and got a spot on my chin, so I'm sure she'll be here soon! I'm on cycle day 38 today! :wacko: It's getting silly now! Maybe my hCG took a while to go down after the last miscarriage? :shrug:

Yay Blue and Crysshae! Sounds like you're both going to be getting your bfps soon! :happydance: xx
Blue, I really hope this is your month!! I too, was stalking your chart and noticed your temps are a little higher than they were this time last month... hopefully that, along with your sore back, is a good sign ;)

Linny, yeah I was wondering the same about iron, that maybe it's contributing to my shortness of breath. My iron and hemoglobin were much higher earlier in this pregnancy. I hope things get sorted out with your DSS soon - I bet he'll be excited about being a big brother :) Congrats on the commission! What do you do for work?

Bright, any updates? Did you end up having a second blood test to see what your levels are doing? Hopefully you get an answer one way or the other very soon! It must be torture not knowing.

Crys, yay for confirming ovulation! I've got my fingers crossed for you this month too :)

Slg, sorry to hear you're still waiting for your body to sort itself out, I hope you get some answers (and solutions) very soon as well!

Teacup, I agree, you're still in with a chance!! Fingers crossed ;)

LL, I have wondered if other people's muted reactions were due to the fact that I was not as excited when I told them. It will improve though, people are very excited for me now. I'm glad you enjoyed the ballet! I went to the nutcracker when I was a kid... I didn't really appreciate it at the time, but I think if I were to go to ballet now I would enjoy it a lot more. You do have some strange co-workers, lol

Aleeah, I'm looking forward to hearing about your scan tomorrow!! I hope the move goes smoothly as well (and I hope you've hired some movers... no lifting boxes or furniture for you!)

AFM, still busy busy busy with work, I think the only think keeping me going at the moment is the fact that I only have about 10 more weeks left! Baby seems to have found my bladder now too... getting punches or kicks there quite frequently the last couple days, it's a very uncomfortable sensation!
Aleeah - Ugh, moving while pregnant would NOT be fun! I don't envy you. I agree - make sure you're not carrying anything except the lightest of light things! I hope you have lots of helpers. I am sure it will be wonderful when you are all settled and can start setting up a fresh nursery for the baby!!

Crys - good for you for keeping yourself from ordering tests!

Blue - ahhh! Are you going to go out and buy some tests? I am excited for you!

Lindsay - so exciting that you only have 10 weeks left! Good of you to last til 2 weeks before the due date. I am thinking of probably leaving 3 weeks before because that's the end of a pay period and I'll probably be pretty uncomfortable by then anyway. I can't wait til you're off work! Are you going to set up your nursery soon?

You might be right about some of others' lack of excitement stemming from our own lack of excitement. I hadn't thought of that. I will try to seem more excited next time if only to elicit a better reaction. ;)

AFM - well, my co-workers might have wanted to twiddle their thumbs, but I GREATLY enjoyed being cuddled up in a blanket on my couch for an extended lunch break.
LL - me too! - eating constantly for nausea. That's stopped now you'll be glad to hear! I put on 7lbs during first trimester, stopped gaining now. I think it stopped around 11ish weeks? But there are still foods, drinks and smells which repulse me and others which I can't get enough of. Can't believe your work mates! Sitting in the dark at work? Seriously? What kind of work is it? Lol, love your raging anger at it as well.

I'm finding I get easily angry recently - I read in my 'pregnancy day by day' book (amazing book, has pic and info for every single day!) that baby starts to hear things at around 16 weeks and realised i've been cussing like a sailor and ranting and raving about various grievances for about a month now! DF even asked if 'Scary linds' was making an appearance the other night (after an incident with cat litter)!? I had no idea...gotta love those hormones anyway!

Aleeah - Good luck with the move missus! Hope it goes smoothly and you get to just 'oversee' matters! :)

Blue - The only time i had a dream about having a baby was my bfp month! Is AF due 20th did you say? 4 more sleeps! I really hope this is your month :)

Cryss - good luck holding off testing!

Lindsay - Crikey time seems to have flown by!!! Can't believe it's just 10 weeks left! Is your nursery all sorted out? I'm hoping my next mw appt she can tell me if iron levels are low or not. RE: work, i'm an artist but I make my bread and butter doing illustration and design.

Teacup - hope AF or something arrives soon to break the deadlock! 38 days must be so frustrating. x

Brighteyes - yep how did you get on with your next appt or hcg level? How's things?

Afm - Well, I am currently waging a personal war against British Gas. I've been in a deadlock with them for approximately 2 months about an electricity meter mix up where they owed me £200+ and somehow it is utterly beyond them to refund me properly. I've consequently been on the phone to them on my mobile in work trying to get it sorted and eventually had to file an offical complaint....anyway, I checked my mobile bill and it has cost me £60 in phone calls just to get them to give me back the money they owe me! ffs.I cannot stand big corporations - right about now i'm considering paying my gas bill with exactly the same method they are using to 'try' and refund me. Le sigh.
Yes four more sleeps and hopefully get a surprise answer!

You cant buy tests here. I ordered some online today. AF will likely show before the tests come lol. Xxx
Blue - Gotta love the good ol internet! For all our poas needs. 4 days should be plenty to get to you, and anyway hopefully you won't need them to rush! :hugs:
Good morning Ladies,:hi:

Hope everyone is doing well today. AF is back and she is pissed :growlmad:. I was really lite yesterday not even filling a pad up and today I am clotting and cramping like crazy. I wanted to stay home and lay in my bed. So no pregnancy this cycle but maybe some luck this time.
Brighteyes - Aw! Sorry she's back and being a b***h! But, at least this means the hcg is out of your system and the next cycle is brand new. X
Hey Ladies!!!

SO good to hear from so many of you, I've been reading and following along but just not posting, feeling a little behind all of you lovely ladies!

Aleeha glad to see you're back, moving whilst preggo is not fun... but probably better than moving with a little one... :) we moved with a 1 yr old... packing and such was hard, as was keeping the old house clean to sell!!

Blue my fingers are crossed for you, I really hope this is your month.

Brighteyes, sorry to hear AF is here... onto a new fresh cycle !!

teacup, hopefully your AF comes soon, can you ask for bloodwork? to see if there is any HCG left in your system? have you tried a hpt to see?

Linny goodluck on your war with british gas hahahaha I can't believe you're so far already!! time is flying!!

crys hopefully it's your month too, as much as I'd love to have some of you as ttc budies, I'd rather you all be preggo already waiting for me!!!

LL your time is flying too... lucky you to have a couch at work? or did I miss something hahahaha

AFM well, lets see where to start.. oh yeah I need gallbladder surgery... tentatively booked for Feb 3... my OB said I don't need to wait to ttc after that. I have a special u/s booked for Feb 26, where they inject a saline solution into my uterus and will check to see if there are any holes in my uterus... this is the last test before I can ttc... everything else has been perfect, so I will know as of Feb 26 if I can ttc or not !!! my OB is optimistic and thinks that it will be good. I had a regular u/s yesterday it looked great. They have put me on 5 mg of folic acid, to try and replenish my folic acid stores that were wiped out from the methotrexate! All around looks like the end is finally in sight for me!! and hopefully you'll all be preggo and just waiting for me!!!
Aww kls its great hearing from you and so good to hear that you can ttc soon!

Bright- it will be a bit mixed emotion but at least your getting a fresh start for next cycle. Hopefully no false positives on tests

Blue - yeah I am on a rollercoaster but I have faith in this cycle.....fresh start. I hope there are no more false positives because I can't take it anymore.
Hey Ladies,

Crysshae - Don't worry I won't be lifting a thing, we've paid a small fortune to get removal men to come in and do everything, I just need to clear out clothes I no longer wear and shoes :blush:... this is a big task in itself for me! But otherwise we're all set, excited at the moment.

I can't wait for you to test, how many days dpo do you think you can hold out until? xx

Blue - It's annoying when you can't find tests you KNOW you have, this has happened to me so much. I kept buying them against what hubby was telling me to do, so hid them in weird and wonderful places but then couldn't find them when I needed them so brought more, I now feel like I have a lifetime's supply of them! I can send you some if you want? (seriously, as I have so many!! Can pop to post office tomorrow in my lunchbreak, am out anyway).

Teacup - I'm sorry you're stuck in limbo, it's not very nice, I've been there and was so disheartened. In fact I came to this forum asking everyone to pray AF would come, in fact a BFP came instead... so hang in there lovely, I hope this is it for you :hugs: xx

Lindsay - Your baby finding your bladder made me laugh, I had visions of a little boy punching a punch bag, I suspect it's actually very similar! 10 weeks is no time at all, you must be excited to finally have a break before the little one makes his entrance. I too want to know all about the nursery xx

LL - 3 weeks before baby comes sounds fantastic. I've decided to work till I drop... mad I know! But I'll work from home the last month or so, and can just stop when it all starts I guess.

I'm so jealous of your hour curled up, did you go back at 1pm and was everything back up?

Linny - I love your profile pic by the way, it always makes me smile! And I'm totally with you about fuel companies, it's day light robbery the amount they charge us anyway and then they don't want to give you the overpayments back of your money!! I had the same issue before DH moved in, I had overpaid by £400 but they wouldn't give me the money back and as DH and I were going to split the bills going forwards I wanted my money back and not to get absorbed in the bills. I was lucky as I only ever called them from the work phone but can't imagine the cost. Stand your ground, they would be chasing you if the shoe was on the other foot, so why should you not do the same to them? Once you get the payment get itemised phone bills and write in and complain, the least they should do is refund your phone bills back.

Bright - I'm sorry the witch is visiting but hopefully this will be CD 1 of your take home baby cycle. Hang in there, I hope AF is over quickly and painlessly for you :hugs: xxx

Kim - So good to hear from you and with good news regarding your TTC journey. You've been through so much, I do hope this BFP hurrys up and surprises you the first cycle it can. Everything sounds very positive though, I'm rooting for you missy :thumbup::flower: xxx

AFM - Scan went well, I was amazed at the level of detail they go into. The baby is slightly smaller than it should be but everything seems perfect. Placenta has either moved or they scanned me wrong last time as it's now posterior!! Weird!! Was offered growth scans but they couldn't really justify reasons why so I said I'd take the one at 28 weeks and then we can assess if I need another or not. I realise I can feel the baby moving now and having scans actually stresses me out more than anything else, so best to avoid them unless there's a medical reason for them. I'd rather they went to someone that really needed them. I think they're extra cautious with me because of my miscarriage history, so think I'll mentally need/want more but I'd rather they went to someone that needed them medically or mentally, rather than to make me feel better.

I'm still sure it's a girl, although we didn't ask and so the tech didn't look. Baby wasn't moving a lot but did keep moving it's mouth, was very cute, hubby asked tonnes and tonnes of questions in a language I didn't understand! Looks like he's been reading up on all sorts of medical stuff, poor man. I think we all sometimes forget how hard losses must be on guys, especially ones that don't talk about their emotions. I welled up a bit to see the worry on his face but am glad it's all ok xxx
Awww Aleeah im so glad that the scan went well! Soo exciting !! Glad you have removal men to come and do the hard stuff.

Yeah id take any test right now wil PM you xxx

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