Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Welcome, Linnypops. I am so sorry about your loss. :hugs: It is such a horrible thing to go through. Do you think maybe you're ovulating already? I get sore boobs around ov time. Are you going to be TTC right away, or waiting a certain amount of cycles?
Hey literati,

Yes it is, sorry to see you're in the same boat. I never really thought about poss of miscarriage before. I guess you just don't. I don't know if it's ov, I thought it at first but now the pain is ridiculous and I never had this before except just prior to af. Im trying again ASAP.... What about you, are you trying straight away? X
I know. I knew people had miscarriages and that is why you didn't tell anyone til after the first tri, but it honestly never really occurred to me that it could happen to me. :( ah, how I miss that blissful ignorance!
It is definitely possible for AF to arrive after m/c without ovulating in between. I guess you'll have to wait and find out. Do you temp or anything?

Yes, we are currently trying. I waited til my first AF after the m/c to start trying. Unfortunately, didn't fall pregnant first cycle of trying so now we're on our second cycle trying. I just want it so bad! :(
Linny, welcome, I'm so sorry you're here <3
MC is awful. I knew stuff could happen, but I never knew a missed miscarriage even existed, which was my first loss. I didn't know it was even possible. Like Literati said, I miss the ignorance.
I had awful breast pains before I ovulated. It hurt so much. When I was pregnant I had little to no symptoms, so I was kind of shocked that the hormones kicked in after everything happened.
We also tried straight away. We got pregnant the next cycle- but that one was lost as well, a natural at 6 weeks. Currently on lucky cycle 3 :)
I know you'll found a lot of great support here.

LL, You're bad! You're not supposed to make cosmetic changes on your chart ;) It still looks pretty good!

Blue, please don't feel like that, I absolutely hate that feeling, and I hate to know others feel it as well <3 You are not a failure. I wish I could hug you right now. You guys have a special place in my heart, really, it hurts me to know someone here feels so low. I wish we didn't know the pain :(

Crys, How are you doing Hun?

Lindsay, so exciting!!! time is flying!

Did I imagine it, or did Aleeah pop in the other day? :s I hope she's OK.

I got my blood taken this morning. Took them SO long to post the results. But I got a pretty nice number! the range is between 10-86, and mine was 64.6. I wish it could tell me if something else is there!
I had some more AF cramps today, but nothing else. I'm trying not to symptom spot, or overthink stuff. My temps rose again, who knows what's going on. I'm just trying to stay positive and pray. I know what's done is done, but I'm just praying it sticks.
I REALLY want to test tomorrow...
Nina - I know - I'm terrible! But I figure I always just use a later temp on weekends anyway so this is probably a more accurate number than those ones!

Aleeah was here a little while ago, but I can't quite remember how long it's been! It feels like ages.

That number sounds great! To be on the higher part of the normal range seems like a really good sign! I really hope all these "AF Cramps" are your uterus stretching to accommodate the baby! Your chart does look great and I'm glad your temps went up again today. I really hope mine do...but I have a sinking feeling they're going to hover in the lower range like they did last cycle. :( I really hope this is your month! I know it sounds silly, but I kind of figure I'm out of luck this month since I ovulated on my left side. :( I know - I'm crazy! But other than that, I feel like with all the days of fertile cm I had this month, those spermies had the best chance they possibly could! So hopefully my left ovary delivered and does not, in fact, only have bum eggs!

I've been having twinges/cramping on alternating sides since I ovulated, which I'm hopeful about...but I know I also got that last month. :(
Linny I'm so sorry that your going through this! This group has an amazing group of ladies that have helped me ALOT hopefully we can all do the same with you!
Are you temping or charting? I never thought once I would loose my babies and nievly thought that once out of my first trimester I would be fine... :( I wish I had that mind set now!

Thank you girls. I can't help it. Works on a slow just now so I'm not getting the shifts I thought so I'm off a lot and there's only so much housecleaning I can do before I go bad! oH is working his usual but it just makes me feel terrible he's out working all the time and I'm not... (I can't even do my womanly duties! ) having a lot of outbursts of tears. Loosing all interest in charting and temping and wasting money on vitamins men I'm not even working anyway. What's the point.

Lit and nina your charts look good! Any symptoms?
Literati - I know, I want the ignorance back too! although tell you the truth, I had a feeling from the very start..it felt 'weak' . I don't know how else to describe it? I don't temp or chart yet but I will be doing I think. I don't expect much except an af this month, I'll be glad to get this cycle over! So are you in your tww? (if so ive got my fingers crossed for you! ) sorry, my chart reading skills are nowhere to be seen!

Nina, ah love, so sorry to hear about your mmc and then the following one. :hugs: That must have been tough. Do you have any notions about why, or is it thought to be bad luck? re: boobs, I have been researching ( I know, google is evil!) but in my defence I usually search google scholar heh ..anyway, I used to get very mild sore breasts before af, then when pregnant it started a bit earlier. this time it was worse by far than all of that, unbearable and radiating down my arms! It just didn't feel right and it happened around the time I might have expected ov after mc. apparently pain like this can be caused by elevated levels of prolactin, the breast feeding hormone, and this in very high quantities suppresses progesterone and can suppress ov. Also, I found a study which gave high prolactin as one of the aspects of women suffering recurrent mc.....out of scientific interest I tried progesterone cream around the breasts...and sure enough the pain is going quite rapidly. I'm going to ask the doc to check my prolactin next month after af (prolactin's an easy fix apparently). I'm just not sure how to bring up the fact that I 'read it on the Internet' without her rolling her eyes. Heh. and... Third times the charm , ive got my fingers crossed for you!

Blue stars, thanks love, yeah it looks like a really good place....really sorry to hear of your losses :hugs:...I take it they we're in second tri? That's rough if so....do you have answers from the docs about why?
Yeah I lost the boys at 20 weeks. I had a rare pregnancy they where monochromic mono amniotic twins that where connected through the afterbirth one passed earlier and the other fed his twin blood to keep him growing. Eventually the other passed due to heart failure.

Glad progesterone cream worked for you! Xxx
Linny, that makes a lot of sense- sore boobs because of prolactin.
When I brought up estrogen and MC, I just told him that "I've been reading a lot lately" and he nodded. He knows how stressed I am and I bet he figured out I turned to Dr.Google as well. He told me I need to stop worrying so much!
I got my prolactin checked but on CD3. Levels were OK. Never thought to check after. I'd think you could just ask for a full hormone profile to be done. I think it's good to get those done- just to make sure everything is OK. You could say you just want a follow up.
Where are you from Hun? If you don't mind me asking... And I can't remember- but are you back trying, or waiting for AF?

Blue, sometimes we just need a break. Every couple of weeks I just sit there and don't make super or wash or clean. DH figured it out that some times I'm just out of it. Don't worry about your "womanly duties". You're doing fine <3 Seriously, just getting out of bed sometimes is a wonder. You've been through a lot- give yourself a break ((hugs))

As for me- I REALLY want to go and POAS. Bleh.
Bluestars - oh gods, that's terrible love. :-( . I'm assuming you're trying again now? Hopefully you'll get as much support and reassurance as possible through 1st and 2nd next time so you can set your mind at rest. I certainly don't think you should beat yourself up about not doing the housework! it would be weird if you were all gung ho and cracking on with the dishes after your loss.:hugs:

Nina - Oh excellent, well at least you can rule out hormonal issues - that makes more sense actually to ask for a full hormonal blood test. I will try, I suspect I won't have much luck on the NHS (i'm in the UK) - they're great but they won't investigate mc causes until you've had 3 :growlmad: I may get it done privately. I'm sort of NTNP at the moment because i've no idea what's going on down below, i've only just started OPK'ing so i'm trying to get my bearings. Will probably start TTC properly next month....this month mainly concentrating on eating well, taking supplements etc. Where are you btw?
Linny - I'm so sorry for your loss. Welcome! This truly is a wonderful group of ladies.

Blue - Please don't feel that way. You have every right to have some downtime and blah days, but you are definitely not a failure! :hugs: I wish I could give you a hug and take you out for a girls' day of pampering and positive conversation!

Nina - That's a really good number! I hope it means you have a BFP in your very near future - today? Or have you given in yet?

LL - Lol at adjusting your temps to make your chart look prettier. Fingers crossed for you.

Lindsay - How are you today?

I hope we hear from Aleeah when her appointment comes.

AFM - No, I haven't started an actual exercise regimen. We're going to walk now that the weather is nicer and hopefully manage to eat smarter most of the time.

DH and I had a day out yesterday. It was wonderful! TMI ALERT...When we DTD like teenagers in the car :blush: yesterday, DH forgot we were supposed to be waiting to try and didn't pull out. (This is the contraception we have used for years.) I haven't been charting or checking CM or CP this month. Once my lab work came back as negative, and I knew I had to wait until next cycle for my day 21 blood work, I decided to take a break from temping. However, I have noticed over the last few days, I've been very wet down there and feeling more in the mood :blush: so I'm pretty certain ovulation is very near... :shrug:
Blue, sorry to hear you're feeling so low :( I will echo what the others have said, you are most definitely not a failure and I'm sure you will have your take home baby soon :hugs: That's too bad about work being slow right now too. Perhaps since you've got a bit of extra time these days you can do something nice for yourself... maybe get a new book, or go out for coffee with a friend, or something like that?

Crys, thanks, yes, hopefully just ligament pain. It's been better the last couple days.... just a bit achy when I change positions. Glad to hear you had such a nice day with DH yesterday :) You never know, you may have a happy little surprise in a couple weeks ;)

Linny, welcome :) I'm sorry to hear of your loss. This is a lovely group of ladies and I'm sure you will find lots of support here. I had a lot of crazy symptoms before my first AF after the m/c - it could be that your hormones are just trying to balance out again, or maybe you're ovulating.... I always get sore boobs around ovulation.

LL, how are you doing? Any symptom spotting yet?

Nina, I don't know much about progesterone results, but that sounds like a good number to me!! Did you test today?

As for me, I'm doing fine. Had a bit of a nauseous day saturday, but feeling better sunday and today. Also managed to find some new clothes that should fit for a while so I've got a few more options in my wardrobe now which is nice, lol. I totally agree with all of you on the loss of ignorance... I'm still so hesitant to start looking into anything pregnancy or baby related... it just doesn't seem real yet. My mom was on my case about looking into prenatal classes so things don't get booked up, she even e-mailed me this morning with a list of places to call :wacko:
Thanks nina and Linny.

I went to my doctors today to speak to them about my hormone reading.... They have no record of it. Don't know what the doctor has done with it or where he got the result... Spoke to the other other doctor as well and he told me that they don't have any of my record after 2007. he also then went on to research my previous hormones reading that I got done to say I had pcos and now he says I actually don't have pcos and all the time my hormones and scans have been clear but gyni said I did.... So I am now super confused!! He wasn't me to stop my metaformin because he doesn't think it will help get me pregnant and it won't help have a healthy baby... So yes... I am even more at a loss than I was before.. Not feeling so glum today right enough!!! He says that if I'm not pregnant in hone next 2-3 month he will refer me to a 'real' specialist and not the one I seen the last time lol

How is every one else?

Nina I think you should test! Have you any symptoms?
Linny what cycle day are you ? Xxx
Blue, I'm glad you went to see the doctor. But very weird that they have no record of your recent blood test. I wonder what they did with it after they called you. Are you still going to do the blood test this month? That's good that he'll refer you to a specialist if you have no luck in the next couple months - it's good to have a plan in place :)
Thanks Cryssae and Lindsay. Sorry to meet under these circumstances :-( But glad we're all able to confide in other ladies that understand. It's a bit of a relief actually...I don't really know anyone else who can identify atm.

Bluestars - you're kidding! Why are doctors etc not properly in the digital age! no copies were sent to you then? I can see why you'd be confused. But yeah, it's good that they've not given you too long to wait there before 'real' specialist hehe. Well if i count start of MC as CD1, i'm on CD19...but HCG didn't leave till about CD8. So i've no idea in reality where I am or when AF will arrive. Hopefully soon. I just want to feel like myself again, i'm not sure why i think AF will do that, but I do...fresh start, clean cycle (hopefully) X
Thanks nina and Linny.

I went to my doctors today to speak to them about my hormone reading.... They have no record of it. Don't know what the doctor has done with it or where he got the result... Spoke to the other other doctor as well and he told me that they don't have any of my record after 2007. he also then went on to research my previous hormones reading that I got done to say I had pcos and now he says I actually don't have pcos and all the time my hormones and scans have been clear but gyni said I did.... So I am now super confused!! He wasn't me to stop my metaformin because he doesn't think it will help get me pregnant and it won't help have a healthy baby... So yes... I am even more at a loss than I was before.. Not feeling so glum today right enough!!! He says that if I'm not pregnant in hone next 2-3 month he will refer me to a 'real' specialist and not the one I seen the last time lol

How would he even know what is what at this point...if he has no records?
Blue - I am so sorry you're feeling down. It's funny how "the grass is always greener" because to me not getting a lot of work shifts sounds like the most amazing thing in the world. I am so sick of working lately that I hope every day that I will get sick so that I don't have to go to work. I've had a lingering half-cold for an entire month...I wish it would just get to be full-blown with a nice fever already so I could stay home one day!

I agree with Lindsay that you should find a way to pamper yourself and make your extra time off feel like more of a 'treat.' Also, that is sooo bizarre about your doctor not having any record of your blood tests. I am so confused by that. Hopefully everything goes smoothly now and you won't need to see the "real" specialist.

Linny - I hope you don't have a prolactin problem. You're lucky you have the option of private. In Canada we only have public and I have to wait until I've had multiple miscarriages before I can get any tests done. Thankfully, even though the standard is 3 m/cs here, my doctor said she would refer me to a specialist after 2.

Nina - Have you POASed yet? I can't wait for some good news in here already!!

Crys - :haha: Sounds like a great date night. I suppose you won't be too disappointed if you do end up getting preggers, as long as nothing is wrong in the hormone department.

Lindsay - First of all:


Did you buy any maternity clothes, or did you just buy normal regular clothes? That is so sad that you're still feeling hesitant to buy anything pregnancy or baby-related, but also so understandable. :hugs:

AFM - I am "noting" every symptom but I am not reading into them.
Today I have had to pee a LOT...but I always do and I drink a lot of water so it might be nothing.
I was incredibly irritable all weekend for no reason.
I have had a lot of creamy CM
My CP went from 'low' to 'medium' today.
I had insomnia last night. :( Blech.
I've also been very hungry lately, but I always have an increased appetite in the TWW.

That's pretty much it. I am only 7 DPO and I am sure it all means nothing. I am already starting to psych myself up for a July due date (even though that was a month I always wanted to avoid before). There's no point setting my hopes on this month. At least in a week I can have a glass of wine. Sigh.
He doesn't knows what's what! None of the,m do. Here usually once bloods have been processed they get out on an online programme for our doctors to get the results. He logged onto it today and the results aren't up. So either the other doctor phone pd for the results and the lab has forgot to put the bloods up or I don't know... At my old doctors all my notes where 'paper light' which mean they where all on the computer but when I moved here they aren't paper light so all they have of mine is the stuff from 2007. But they have never told me this until I told them today about some of my last medical history. I only moved to this medical practise in March because I liked my old surgery a lot. So he has from march onwards and all tests that's have been carried out because they go onto an online programme.

Yeah still going to go for tests on cd 21 again this month.

Crys I think we all deserve to go out together for a pamper day! Haha your night sounds fantastic and spontaneous! Best of them! Hehe. Cheeky wee one why not !!

Nina and lit I have my fingers crossed for you guys and can't wait for you two to start testing!!
Linds I think prenatal classes would be good to look at. I totally understand your worry but doing something to try and enjoy your pregnancy may help you relax and it to become more real? Wait till your in big huge mat trousers then it will seem more real hehe... Dont think it will properly sink I'm till you bring your baby home!
Linny I hope that AF shows for you soon so you know where you are!

Crys - :haha: Sounds like a great date night. I suppose you won't be too disappointed if you do end up getting preggers, as long as nothing is wrong in the hormone department.

As long as everything turned out wonderful, I wouldn't mind at all!

I hope those symptoms turn into a positive!

Crys I think we all deserve to go out together for a pamper day! Haha your night sounds fantastic and spontaneous! Best of them! Hehe. Cheeky wee one why not !!

I like this way of looking at it! Lol.

I hope they can get all your records straightened out and give you some real answers soon.
Blue - Oy! So confusing. Glad they're still testing again this month and hopefully now all is well!

Crys - Thanks! :) I hope all your tests check out and you can get your beautiful take-home baby ASAP!

AFM - Hubby has to work a bunch of OT tonight, so I won't see him til bedtime. Good thing I'm in the TWW and not BDing week, or that would just not do!

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