Nina- im sorry you are finding it difficult at the moment. I do have an understanding of how you are feeling. And to be honest im not sure how I get through the worst of it. I think I thibk to my self the more stressed and worried I get about it the less likely it will happen for us.
I lost my boys way back in feb and im still angry and upset about it. I thought this month I did have a sesne of peace with it all but when OH and I went to dtd past night I burst into tears. I really feel like I need a break from ttc but on the other hand I dont want to give up trying and wait any longer!
I hope you feel that we are here to help and to support and I really hope you get your bfp!
Nat- I agree with Nina stop testing hon. I'd put it down to your body getting rid of all the old hormones !
I'm sorry you are having a hard time hun

We are all here for each other

I appreciate what you are saying and I know why you are both saying it. If it was one of you guys I'd be saying the same thing to you. It'd be easier "mentally" to just assume that it was residual hormone and ignore it but its hard because I know deep down that isn't the reason