Blue, the cow stories made me laugh

I'm not sure what I'd do if a bunch of cows were walking towards me... I'd probably run too, lol. My hubby also has a farming background, our long term plan is to move out of the city on to some land and he will do some farming.
LL, don't consider yourself out! BFN at 10 dpo with afternoon urine is kinda to be expected. Your symptoms all sound good, and it's still very early days. Try again in a day or 2 first thing in the morning. Yes, interesting how cravings can be so different... I'm actually finding I'm kinda put off by things that are salty, they taste TOO salty to me. The most annoying part has been the food aversions. I usually really enjoy food but these days nothing really appeals, even though I'm hungry. The worst part of the day is when hubby asks what I want for dinner, lol, I hate that question! I ended up not calling the doctor because the pains went away again and it's back to just a dull achy feeling when I change positions or walk around a lot... which from what I've read, is growing pains.
Nina, I'm hoping you're not counting yourself out yet either, your chart looks amazing! I think nice level temps like that (especially if it's not your norm) are a really good sign. I'm looking forward to hearing more testing news on the weekend

I'm not sure about the strange pains either.... if you thought you ovulated from the left I'd think corpus luteum cyst, but since you didn't

Hopefully it's a good sign.
Linny, yay for a fresh cycle and a fresh start

I found that I felt much better (emotionally) after the first AF.