Waiting To Try Sept/Oct 2014 :)

Went to Kiddicare yesterday and got some Pregnacare for £1! :)

Nice! I won't say how much I spent on my meds...:blush: But I got 20% off!

Since I want my kids pretty close together and my diet isn't stellar, I really want to make sure I take stuff for a while!
Hi all, sorry haven't been able to read the whole thread. Me and my husband are hoping to start trying in October, only chose then because it's when my pill runs out. We've been married for 9 weeks, and have a little boy Tyler who's just turned 2.
Just wondering how you all chose then to start trying? I don't know whether to just start now and throw the pills out?

Start now! You don't know how long it'll take... :)
Hey ladies... After we didn't conceive in July (unplanned ooopsie 2 days after June's AF got me stuck in the dreaded TWW! ), we're back to our original plan to TTC #2 from September! Our DD will turn 1 mid-August. I'm Hoping to lose a ton of weight before September. Anyone else wanting to slim down before TTC?
I am trying to lose weight! I had a surprise pregnancy and June and it ended in an early loss. DH and I talked about me getting healthier, which I had planned before getting pregnant again. Since my loss in June, I have lost 12lbs. I have started doing some walking, and plan to start an exercise regimen in August (also, so I can be adjusted to it before start TTC so I can keep it up when pregnant, etc). I have about 14 more to lose before I will be "happy", although I'd consider losing 4 a healthier weight to be pregnant at. Anywhere between the 4 and 14, I think I will be great. I see myself making that by sept/oct.

I talked with DH last night and we are definitely on board for Sept! Depending on where I am health-wise, it will determine how excited I am about Sept or if I'd rather wait and try for Oct.
Good plan! I lost 44lb from my first pregnancy by doing 1.5hrs of walking every other day and eating paleo. It was a healthy steady weight loss. Hoping to lose the final 20lbs before mid-September. (Yes, I gained 60+lbs with #1... Hoping for a healthy 20-30lb gain with #2)
Nice! I lost 18lbs last fall soley by eating Primal and EBF. I couldn't sustain the lifestyle though, DH doesn't eat veggies and I can't afford to both buy a meat heavy diet AND two menus, AND cook two meals every day.

So I'm pretty much doing IIFYM, loosely based on the Zone with Primal influences :D

I only gained 33lbs with my first pregnancy, (33 week preemie though) which I easily lost most of EBF, I lost the rest doing Primal but gained most of it back since (that was last fall). I was overweight when I got pregnant with DS. I am looking to be at least 30lbs lighter pre-pregnancy than I was with my first pregnancy. I'm 16lbs lighter now, only 14 to go!
Hi all :)

Just wanted to share my excitement with someone. I saw my doctor yesterday and I'm off Roaccutane :happydance: :happydance::happydance: Which means that I will be able to stop birth control pills (I hate being on them) in one month and then start TTC in two months, which brings us to the beginning of October.

However, I decided that, since Roaccutane really took its toll on me (for the past few months I felt so exhausted :sleep:, had to stop running due to joint pains, not to mention extremely fragile skin), I will not start TTC until I feel like myself again. I hope that I'll be fine in two months of course.

Anyway my 2 months countdown begins :wohoo:, and now I just have to deal with the wait :) How is everyone coping? What are you doing to prepare yourself?
I'm doing great! I only have to get through this cycle and then next cycle we can TTC!!

I'm still losing weight, not as fast as I'd hoped, but slower weight loss will probably stick, while really quick is probably more likely to come back.

I started taking my prenatals in June, just a prenatal, fish oil, and vitamin D. Last week I changed my prenatal, added calcium + mag, and an additional magnesium supplement. I actually started feeling markedly improved after I did that, I think it's the magnesium. Apparently, it's very easy to get depleted in that when you get stressed. It helps you sleep, lose weight, helps with anxiety & depression, it's the bomb. It can also help keep you from getting pre-eclampsia (well, being deficient can lead to pre-e, so I'm guessing being not deficient can help prevent it?).

I haven't yet started my gym workout routine like I had planned to by now, but I am walking the neighborhood in the evenings, some days I go over a half hour (I shoot for 21+ minutes), some days I can only manage 10 minutes due to the heat, but I try and do it every day it isn't raining. I take the stairs at work. In fact, sometimes when I want to go up one floor, I will go down one, then up two, etc - just to keep it challenging.

I plan to use either OPKs or my fertility monitor, I don't know which...whichever one gives me a better price on sticks I guess. I also plan to use softcups (I already have some leftover from trying for AF) I am unsure on whether or not to buy preseed....I think if we don't get pregnant in sept, I'll buy it for oct.

Aaand on the other front, I plan to buy some special lingerie and toys, you know, make it fun for DH (he gets anxious when he knows we are "trying"). Arrange some date nights with babysitter, you know? :D
I started taking my prenatals in June, just a prenatal, fish oil, and vitamin D. Last week I changed my prenatal, added calcium + mag, and an additional magnesium supplement. I actually started feeling markedly improved after I did that, I think it's the magnesium. Apparently, it's very easy to get depleted in that when you get stressed. It helps you sleep, lose weight, helps with anxiety & depression, it's the bomb. It can also help keep you from getting pre-eclampsia (well, being deficient can lead to pre-e, so I'm guessing being not deficient can help prevent it?).

Thanks for sharing. I'm just taking FA, but I think I'll switch to the "conception" vitamins, when I run out and as my TTC gets nearer.

I haven't yet started my gym workout routine like I had planned to by now, but I am walking the neighborhood in the evenings, some days I go over a half hour (I shoot for 21+ minutes), some days I can only manage 10 minutes due to the heat, but I try and do it every day it isn't raining. I take the stairs at work. In fact, sometimes when I want to go up one floor, I will go down one, then up two, etc - just to keep it challenging.

Good job! I've heard good things about "30 day shred" workouts. It's something you could do indoors and they are about 20 minutes long. Just a thought :)

Aaand on the other front, I plan to buy some special lingerie and toys, you know, make it fun for DH (he gets anxious when he knows we are "trying"). Arrange some date nights with babysitter, you know? :D

Haha, I know what you're talking about )) Although, I was thinking more for myself, because between feeling exhausted from Roaccutane and the effects of the birth control pills, I feel like having enough sex for TTC will take some effort for me :blush:

And I guess by the time we start TTC, my husband will be sick of me talking about it all the time. He really wants a baby and I notice that he makes long term plans around it and asks questions about various baby-related staff, but... I know he a lot more introverted than me, and that sometimes my need to talk everything through a 1000 times is too much for him. Does anyone else has the same issue?
I started taking my prenatals in June, just a prenatal, fish oil, and vitamin D. Last week I changed my prenatal, added calcium + mag, and an additional magnesium supplement. I actually started feeling markedly improved after I did that, I think it's the magnesium. Apparently, it's very easy to get depleted in that when you get stressed. It helps you sleep, lose weight, helps with anxiety & depression, it's the bomb. It can also help keep you from getting pre-eclampsia (well, being deficient can lead to pre-e, so I'm guessing being not deficient can help prevent it?).

Thanks for sharing. I'm just taking FA, but I think I'll switch to the "conception" vitamins, when I run out and as my TTC gets nearer.

Well, I had a baby less than 2 years ago, and we have been breastfeeding ever since. I've read a lot about "second sibling syndrome" (probably bunk, but....) and closely spaced sibling issues with the mother's body. Since I had a health issue with my last pregnancy, I don't want to chance it with this one!

I haven't yet started my gym workout routine like I had planned to by now, but I am walking the neighborhood in the evenings, some days I go over a half hour (I shoot for 21+ minutes), some days I can only manage 10 minutes due to the heat, but I try and do it every day it isn't raining. I take the stairs at work. In fact, sometimes when I want to go up one floor, I will go down one, then up two, etc - just to keep it challenging.

Good job! I've heard good things about "30 day shred" workouts. It's something you could do indoors and they are about 20 minutes long. Just a thought :)

LOL thanks! I've actually tried them, and they are great - but they WILL kick your butt. My sister, who is the most athletic person I know IRL, who works out 4-5 days a week, etc played college basketball last year - SHE still says they kick her butt! I should probably try it, but it's a stretch from taking 30 minute walks to the 30-day shred! It's also not that sustainable, I wouldn't keep doing it when I get pregnant - I fully intend to keep walking, IYKWIM? I don't really want to do something "just to lose weight" that I can't keep up when pregnant, to some degree.

Aaand on the other front, I plan to buy some special lingerie and toys, you know, make it fun for DH (he gets anxious when he knows we are "trying"). Arrange some date nights with babysitter, you know? :D

Haha, I know what you're talking about )) Although, I was thinking more for myself, because between feeling exhausted from Roaccutane and the effects of the birth control pills, I feel like having enough sex for TTC will take some effort for me :blush:

And I guess by the time we start TTC, my husband will be sick of me talking about it all the time. He really wants a baby and I notice that he makes long term plans around it and asks questions about various baby-related staff, but... I know he a lot more introverted than me, and that sometimes my need to talk everything through a 1000 times is too much for him. Does anyone else has the same issue?

Sometimes I feel like that too, but honestly? Since I started the new supplements, I have soooo much energy. It may be a combination of the vitamins building up, me eating healthier, and exercising and losing weight, but I started feeling it I swear when I started taking the magnesium. Yesterday I felt like I'd had a double shot of espresso - without the jitters. I was super productive and in a great mood all day. Today, I just feel like I've had a coffee - DS woke up in the middle of the night last night and there was the most annoying bug (or frog) outside keeping me awake, so I didn't sleep as good.
Hi. I am new to this...I have posted a few things in other threads, but came across this one and its me! We are technically wtt until Oct because we suffered a mmc in June (D&C June 30). We actually got the ok to ttc now, but think we will wait until Oct. AF came surprisingly like it should have but it was not normal. Then I thought it ended, but now spotting again after nothing for 2 days. So my body just needs to adjust I guess. I have no clue as I have never been thru this before.
:hugs: MommytoLBG

I had an early miscarriage in June, although it was so early no medical intervention was needed. I wish I could give you some advice but I don't know :hugs:
We found out at our first u/s (9w2d) that there was no hb and baby stopped growing at 6w4d. So now just waiting for body to be normal so we can ttc soon. Hopefully as soon as oct.

Your little guy is adorable!! What a personality! :)
It was a lovely picture that captured his personality...I keep it to remind me when he's having quite a fit what a happy boy he is usually :)
Hey girlies :) Checking in... News: had my growing-into-the-cheek wisdom tooth removed a couple of days ago - didn't want to be in pain throughout next pregnancy coz OB said that it's risky getting it removed while preggo. Sooo relieved now, pain's gone and another stress factor out of the way! My advice is if you have teeth issues, sort them out before TTC! Weightlosswise: currently 175lbs, aiming to be 150 by September, so 25lbs to go! (I'll be happy with 20). How is everyone's weight? xx
It's irritiating me this morning. I have gained a pound this week. Not just today, it has been there the last 3 days so I don't think it's water or anything. I don't understand, I haven't changed anything. I am BETTER about logging my food, I've been eating BETTER foods, and now I am not only GAINING (okay, just 1lb, but when I should be LOSING it feels like I gained 2 lbs!) weight, but my milk supply has been declining (so I don't feel comfortable cutting calories anymore than I am already!).

I was down to 138, now I'm back up to 139.

25lbs in one month is quite a lot! I want to lose 14 in the next month, but I'm being realistic 4-8 is about as much as I'm going to get. 2lbs per week is about the most you can ask for safely. I'm currently losing 1/week. That will probably put me at around 133 come TTC time. I'd REALLY like for that to be 130, but I am not sure.

I'm so irritated, I'm having a Dr.Pepper this morning. I can afford it, calorie wise. But I was losing 1-2lbs/week when I was fitting in dr.peppers (in my calorie/macro counts). Now I cut that out, and started eating more protein, I am GAINING weight.
Hi ladies can I join??:flower: I suffer a miscarriage at 8wks back in jan2014 going to try in October the countdown has begun so excited but still nervous :nope: just hoping this time everything works out.
Hi 07Janet! Sorry about your loss. :hugs: I am excited, nervous, scared, so many emotions about ttc. Our time is soon.

miss priss~ are you also working out a lot? If it's a 1 lb scale gain could it be muscle mass and not actual weight? I'd like to lose 8-10 lbs prior to October as well. I am watching what I eat for the most part (ice cream is my guilty pleasure)...but I struggle with exercise. I hate cardio but love yoga and Pilates. A lot of success for many with 30 day shred but.... :neutral:

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