*This has been approved by admin (Wobbles)*
*Data collection is ending in the next couple of days! Please participate!*
Hi everyone! I am desperately seeking participants for my MSc dissertation, and I'm really struggling to find people that fit all of the criteria, and I'm worried I won't have enough people to pass
My biggest struggle is finding people with regular cycles or who aren't on any hormonal contraception, so I was hoping I might have some luck in the TTC board! I would really REALLY appreciate your help. I've posted the survey advert and link below.
(also if it's not too cheeky, I've put the survey advert on a public post on Facebook, so if you don't mind - and only if you don't mind - I would aprpeciate it if you could share on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/victoriaelizabeth89/posts/10156378464408098 )
Thank you in advance xxxx
I am conducting an exploratory study through the use of an anonymous online questionnaire for my MSc dissertation in Psychology. It aims to investigate the link between time in the menstrual cycle and social brain function.
To take part you must be (born and currently) female; be over 18; speak fluent English; have regular menstrual cycles between 25-30 days; not be on any hormonal contraception (currently, or within the last 3 months); not be on any hormone replacement medication; not be pregnant, breastfeeding, or have given birth in the last 12 months; not be post-menopausal; not have taken any medication in the last 24 hours; and not be clinically diagnosed with any psychiatric disorders, endocrine disorders, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids. (Please do not take part if you do not fit this criteria).
It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow the link below and complete the questionnaire. Participation should take approximately 10-15 minutes. Please share the link (whether eligible to participate or not) to help recruit as many participants as possible. Thank you in advance for your participation.
*Data collection is ending in the next couple of days! Please participate!*
Hi everyone! I am desperately seeking participants for my MSc dissertation, and I'm really struggling to find people that fit all of the criteria, and I'm worried I won't have enough people to pass

My biggest struggle is finding people with regular cycles or who aren't on any hormonal contraception, so I was hoping I might have some luck in the TTC board! I would really REALLY appreciate your help. I've posted the survey advert and link below.
(also if it's not too cheeky, I've put the survey advert on a public post on Facebook, so if you don't mind - and only if you don't mind - I would aprpeciate it if you could share on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/victoriaelizabeth89/posts/10156378464408098 )
Thank you in advance xxxx
I am conducting an exploratory study through the use of an anonymous online questionnaire for my MSc dissertation in Psychology. It aims to investigate the link between time in the menstrual cycle and social brain function.
To take part you must be (born and currently) female; be over 18; speak fluent English; have regular menstrual cycles between 25-30 days; not be on any hormonal contraception (currently, or within the last 3 months); not be on any hormone replacement medication; not be pregnant, breastfeeding, or have given birth in the last 12 months; not be post-menopausal; not have taken any medication in the last 24 hours; and not be clinically diagnosed with any psychiatric disorders, endocrine disorders, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids. (Please do not take part if you do not fit this criteria).
It would be greatly appreciated if you could follow the link below and complete the questionnaire. Participation should take approximately 10-15 minutes. Please share the link (whether eligible to participate or not) to help recruit as many participants as possible. Thank you in advance for your participation.