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Was your pregnancy planned?

This pregnancy and our first were very much unplanned, our daughter however was planned after our first pregnancy ended in an mmc
Well one day OH and Iwere uhm.. cough.. knocking boots.. lol. And I felt like super wet so i reached down tgere and discovered he had ..yeeaaah. lol.
And we we so scared. But after a few days we thought, hey screw it umm pregnant probably any way! So we were not preventing at all. After a couple months I kept getting negative tests and so we figured it just wasn't happening. Then I fis out I was almost 16 weeks.

So we weren't trying buy definatey not preventing at all.
So I'll say he was planned. :)
Yes, this pregnancy was very much planned.. I got pregnant the first month trying.
We weren't preventing, at all. And to be honest we both wanted a baby so yeah she was planned.
Sawyer was not at all planned. BC failed. but couldnt be happier now that shes in my life.
Not planned but couldn't be happier that it turned out like this :flower:
DD wasn't planned, BC failed. This one however was planned!
I had an early miscarriage last November that devastated us (I was on the pill, not a planned pregnancy) but after that we decided to NTNP we weren't expecting to actually get pregnant though! So yes and no haha!
My husband and I are/were married, I was 18 he was 27 and we wanted a baby! one miscarriage and now im 32 weeks couldnt be happier we want a lot of kids so we are starting early
Not planned :) I was on the pill AND using condoms!! But couldn't be happier now
Our little one was very much PLANNED and couldn't be happier about it :happydance:
No, with my first BC failed, we knew we wanted to have kids with a small age gap and were thinking maybe once Peighton turned 2 we could start ttc.. obviously that didn't happen :haha: but I couldnt be happier, Peighton is in love with her baby sister and I wouldn't have it any other way :flower:
Our daughter was still born almost one year ago. We were definitely not trying. the pain of losing her is still so new but I think we are going to be okay with this baby.
For me it was quite a shock cause before this pregnancy i. Got pregnant i had found out on may 13th mother's day and i ended up loosing it i had to take misoprostol because there was still pieces and i started bleeding 1 week after and i only had 1 period july 31st.

End of august the 29th i had a dream of having a bfp so on august 30th i just happen to go to dollar store to buy test and it was positive :D

Now that i am a week from my due date i feel amazed but emotional because i felt how it was to be pregnant i didn't exactly have the best pregnancy but i am gonna miss being pregnant!
Dylan wasn't planned but this pregnancy was. We wanted to have them close together and conceived the first month trying. :)
All three of mine were discussed and NTNP rather than actually TTC.

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