We got 'roids

Ladies i'll be back when i have ten mins to fill you in but all is ok.birth was fun and i did bleed a lot so had to have drips n blood.

love to all xxxx
Congrats Monika, that's brilliant news about your little girl arriving. :). I'm sorry you had to have a c-sec, but she's here and your both well and at home. woohoo. Are you going to keep trying to BF her? I tried BFing Isabelle. but she didn't like it and couldn't latch on properly and so switched to bottles and she's lots happier. Please don't feel like you've failed if it doesn't work out. You can say you at least tried.

Zoe, poor you having to have bloods and get hooked up to a drip. :(

Both your babies are gorgeous. I can't believe we're all mummies are still waiting for our little ones to arrive. Lauren, not long to go now hun. I hope your lo arrives soon for you.
Thanks guys! And thank you Rachel, yeah there is so much guilt around the bfing. I actually paid one of these lactation consultants $140 just to tell me to bf on demand, then proceed to try to sell me a bunch of herbs. :growlmad: I am becoming ok with it. If the bubs is happy and healthy that's what counts. :)
What a rubbish doctor to do that to you. How very rude!

For us Isabelle is much happier being bottle fed. I hated hearing her crying when we were in hospital and I was trying to express enough milk to feed her. I couldn't keep up with her as she was so hungry and I wasn't able to express enough milk. The mw told me she was getting enough though, but I knew different. When I asked for a bottle the mw told me she wouldn't drink much, but she gulped down half the bottle and looked happy to finally have a full tummy. She sure did show the mw that her mummy new best. hehe.

I thought the mw would try and make me feel guilty about not bfing her, but I'd told my OH that I was going to try and if it worked out, fantastic and if we didn't like we would ff her. I think because I'd got that mentality I wasn't going to let anyone make me feel guilty. It's also nice as my OH can do his turn of the night feeds and have their special time. As I'm sure you know, sometimes we have to do what the baby wants, not what we want.

I really hope you manage to continue bfing but again, please don't feel guilty if you have to do otherwise. I do miss that we weren't able to have that special bond that's created by bfing but I knew we couldn't continue like we were. We also found out she has a very mild case of tongue tie which is why she couldn't latch properly.
Hi girls!!! so glad to hear everyone is doing well! Congrats all around :) xx

I'm still waitingggggggggggg.....doctor gave me a sweep on Tuesday, and i was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced, but still nothing!!! I guess she'll come when she's ready. My husband came home Tuesday and it's so great having him here. :)
:wave: come on baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Lauren, i hope Eloise comes soon for you.

Woohoo that your hubby's home. You must be over the moon that he's finally back and that you can breath a sigh of relief that he's not going to miss you lo being born.

Come on baby everyone wants to meet you now. hehe
Hi girls, well...I had a second sweep yesterday and still no baby! I see the OB again tomorrow morning and he'll schedule my induction if nothing's brewing.

We had to put my dog down today because of complications from his kidney disease, so I'm utterly devastated. Clearly I need my baby now to cheer me up!

Hope you are all doing well with your babes!! xx
Oh Lauren I am so sorry darling.huge hugs.i think she needs to come now and give Mummy a huge hug xxxxx

Let us know what the ob says xxx

I'm having a few niggles.started to bleed and very sore tummy.Doctor is going to arrange a scan.thinks the fibroid is at large!

my birth story for you all to read.hope everyone is well xx

Hi girls- come on little Eloise, mom and dad are on the edge of their seats waiting for you!! I really missed out on all this waiting and wondering with the scheduled c-sec, it seems fun but I am sure it's tough as well :)

Thank you Rachel, yeah it really helps to talk about it because there is a lot of judgment out there. My milk is pretty much gone, even with the hospital grade pump I've been using. My baby is happy and healthy and that's what counts. I think the worst part is wondering, is she gassy because of ff? Or is she unsettled because of ff? The funny thing is both me and my OH were ff (me in communist Hungary, I dread to think what was in the formula over there, probably uranium) and are both fine and couldn't care less. Apparently we were both model babies as well but you can't really trust your mum to tell the truth on that front can you? :haha:

Have you heard that model Gisele going on about how women should be forced by law to bf and how, in addition to a pain-free labour at home with meditation (!) she is now bfing and would never feed chemicals to a baby. Her smugness almost makes me laugh, it's not enough to be a Briazilian supermodel she has to be a supermom as well :wacko:

Good luck Lauren!!!
Hi ladies - I was referred over here...I had an open myo 3 weeks ago after 1 year of ttc and no pregnacies. They removed 3 submucosal/intramural fibroids largest being 3cm X 4cm. I am recovering well but I have seen that other women were told to have an HSG 3 months after the surgery. My dr told me she didnt want to see me till I was pg. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.

It is nice to see women do get pg with fibroids. Unfortuntately I am not one of them. It seems I have no other issues and DH sperm is fine. Any advice would be great.
Hi girls!! My baby is here!

I had little Eloise Clara on August 5th...she was 6 Lbs 7 oz...and we haven't been home yet! sigh. I had a 9 hour labor total and it was active labor from the start...came on fast and furious!! An hour of that was pushing...which ended in a forceps delivery with an episiotomy because her cord was around her neck and her heart rate was dropping every time I pushed. Sadly when they checked her over, they saw she had an inperforate anus, which means her anus didn't fully form where it was supposed to, and she had an outlet too close to her vagina. The night of her birth she had to be flown to a children's hospital 4 hours away (a 45 minute flight), and my husband and I had to drive - ouch! She had surgery Monday and she's doing so well...it all went as planned, and she's pooping through the new hole. All is operational! we should be going home today or tomorrow. chris got a 10 day extension on his leave, so he'll be with us at least until august 25th, which is great. We have to come back here in 2-3 weeks time, so I'm hoping to get that extended further.

ttc - I'm sorry I don't have advice because I didn't know about my roid until after I was pregnant, although I assume I've always had them since my periods were always so bad. It doesn't sound like your fibroids are that large, so hopefully something happens soon. Sorry I couldn't be of more help :(
Hi - I've just found this thread and am another lady that has fibroids. I'm happy to have found this thread, last time I was pregnant my fibroids grew quite large and I would have liked to have someone on here to talk about it with. I am pregnant again and midwife says it's likely they will grow again during this pregnancy. Last time my largest one grew right up to 20cm across, so quite big! I didn't have any complications because of them though, so hoping this time it will be the same.

Congrats on the arrival of Eloise Lauren10. Glad to hear everything is going well with her now and that she will be home soon!
Hi Lauren, Congrats to you and Chris. I'm so pleased that Eliose arrived safely, despite not ending the way you had hoped. Poor little girl having to have such a big op at such a young age. :( It's fantastic news that everything went well for her and she's able to poop properly now. :)

I bet that 4 hour drive for you and Chris was somewhat uncomfortable, but worth it though. I'm so pleased that Chris was able to extend his time off to be with you both. You must be so relieved to have him around for longer.

TTC, I'm also unable to give you any advise. Like Lauren, I found out I had a fibroid when I was pregnant and had an early scan due to being in hospital due to hyperemesis. :(

kiwimama, congrats on your bfp. :) Fingers crossed you won't have any complications this time round and that they don't grow as big or fingers crossed they don't.
Hi ladies - I was referred over here...I had an open myo 3 weeks ago after 1 year of ttc and no pregnacies. They removed 3 submucosal/intramural fibroids largest being 3cm X 4cm. I am recovering well but I have seen that other women were told to have an HSG 3 months after the surgery. My dr told me she didnt want to see me till I was pg. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this.

It is nice to see women do get pg with fibroids. Unfortuntately I am not one of them. It seems I have no other issues and DH sperm is fine. Any advice would be great.

I knew my fibroids were there before I got pregnant. I'm not sure why your doctor would say she doesn't want to see you again until your pregnant. I would probably go and get a second opinion if you are not happy with what she's said. Hopefully now that you have had the fibroids removed, there will be more uterine tissue for an embryo to implant on, that's the only thing I could think could be going on there, although I am no health professional! Fingers crossed that in 3 mths you will conceive a little pea! :flower:
thanks Kiwi, I hope so too! I think I will go ahead and ask for some follow up and see what she says. I guess I will wait until I get to my 3 month mark.
I had my first scan today and saw little bean in there with a nice little heartbeat and they were wriggling around plenty! :happydance: Fibroid is already growing - 7cms across and little bean is only 2cm!
Awww good news for you! Wow to how big the roid is though x

Heya to you all.Lauren Congrats hunny xx

Will do a longer post when i have free arms x
Hello everyone.

I had a mc last week and found out during the scan I have fibroids. The largest measures 6.5cm and another measures 3.2cm. I have been told there may be more but those two were found. They are in the lower uterine cavity.

I was told that the fibroids had nothing to do with the miscarriage so that was good to hear. Anyone here have fibroids also in the lower uterine cavity and can make me feel better? I was told that it is more likely I'd have a C-section and not a natural birth because of them.

Hubby and I are also older (I am 38, he will be 41 next week). I would love to hear some insight as to what we can expect. I had no idea I had fibroids until my scan.

Thank you all!
Hi hun and sorry to hear you had a loss.

My roid was in the womb itself and I never knew untill I collapsed in pain one day.All the other ladys here may have answers.Some roids do shrink or move around so it may not get in the way of a natural birth.

Hugs xxxx

:wave: Ladies xxxxxxxxxxx

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