What a rubbish doctor to do that to you. How very rude!
For us Isabelle is much happier being bottle fed. I hated hearing her crying when we were in hospital and I was trying to express enough milk to feed her. I couldn't keep up with her as she was so hungry and I wasn't able to express enough milk. The mw told me she was getting enough though, but I knew different. When I asked for a bottle the mw told me she wouldn't drink much, but she gulped down half the bottle and looked happy to finally have a full tummy. She sure did show the mw that her mummy new best. hehe.
I thought the mw would try and make me feel guilty about not bfing her, but I'd told my OH that I was going to try and if it worked out, fantastic and if we didn't like we would ff her. I think because I'd got that mentality I wasn't going to let anyone make me feel guilty. It's also nice as my OH can do his turn of the night feeds and have their special time. As I'm sure you know, sometimes we have to do what the baby wants, not what we want.
I really hope you manage to continue bfing but again, please don't feel guilty if you have to do otherwise. I do miss that we weren't able to have that special bond that's created by bfing but I knew we couldn't continue like we were. We also found out she has a very mild case of tongue tie which is why she couldn't latch properly.