We got 'roids

Hi again Naliaka

I'm okay, not much to report until my next scan next week! Glad you haven't too much to worry about!
Do you have a date yet for your C-section?

I hope the contractions are not that bad...mine have been out of order:wacko::wacko::wacko:

I dont have a date yet its just watching and waiting to see but it must be before/on 38 weeks:cloud9:
Hi again Naliaka

I'm okay, not much to report until my next scan next week! Glad you haven't too much to worry about!
Do you have a date yet for your C-section?

I hope the contractions are not that bad...mine have been out of order:wacko::wacko::wacko:

I dont have a date yet its just watching and waiting to see but it must be before/on 38 weeks:cloud9:

normally I only get 2 or 3 STRONG contractions per hour, sometimes even less, which I can just about cope with (I don't bother counting the mild ones).

But on Tuesday evening I had a fight with my mum and since then I've been having between 12 and 15 strong painful contractions per hour (they've been 5 minutes apart at most) - I actually wrote down the time of each one all day at work on Thursday - and normally when they come this frequently 3 or 4 doses of painkillers puts a stop to it but not this time. They finally eased up at around 1am this morning and now they're only coming every 15-30 minutes but my entire abdomen is so sore from contracting non-stop for 4 days that even the touch of light cotton clothing causes me immense pain. I was going to go to the midwifery triage but I'm now so afraid of not being taken seriously that I just couldn't muster up the courage. And now that they're not so frequent, there's no point as I'm sure they just won't believe me. I wish there was an irritable uterus support group in this country.

I'm so happy for you that they take yours seriously hon, you're very fortunate. Where are you based? And I'm glad they're looking after you so well. Could be only a few days until you meet your beautiful baby!
Hi again Naliaka

I'm okay, not much to report until my next scan next week! Glad you haven't too much to worry about!
Do you have a date yet for your C-section?

I hope the contractions are not that bad...mine have been out of order:wacko::wacko::wacko:

I dont have a date yet its just watching and waiting to see but it must be before/on 38 weeks:cloud9:

normally I only get 2 or 3 STRONG contractions per hour, sometimes even less, which I can just about cope with (I don't bother counting the mild ones).

But on Tuesday evening I had a fight with my mum and since then I've been having between 12 and 15 strong painful contractions per hour (they've been 5 minutes apart at most) - I actually wrote down the time of each one all day at work on Thursday - and normally when they come this frequently 3 or 4 doses of painkillers puts a stop to it but not this time. They finally eased up at around 1am this morning and now they're only coming every 15-30 minutes but my entire abdomen is so sore from contracting non-stop for 4 days that even the touch of light cotton clothing causes me immense pain. I was going to go to the midwifery triage but I'm now so afraid of not being taken seriously that I just couldn't muster up the courage. And now that they're not so frequent, there's no point as I'm sure they just won't believe me. I wish there was an irritable uterus support group in this country.

I'm so happy for you that they take yours seriously hon, you're very fortunate. Where are you based? And I'm glad they're looking after you so well. Could be only a few days until you meet your beautiful baby!

I hope that you are not in so much pain dear...have you got something prescribed for the contractions pain killers dont work:shrug::shrug::shrug: on the uterus:wacko::wacko: i get so annoyed when you are darnm seroius and someone doesnt take you seriously..my doctor prescribed ventolin tab 4mg that i have been taking 2 tabs after every 8 hours..

You asked about where am bases am in a beautiful country called Kenya,in its capital called Nairobi if you google it youl find it on the map its in Africa thus why we have very different time zones:haha::haha::haha:

Now am watching movement of the baby and am getting paranoid because she told me when change i go in to have my section ,,,am getting scared now
will let you know what next am going for a nother check up tomorrow il be 36 weeks:flower::flower::flower: I thank God this far i have come ..
I hope everything works out great keep me in the loope:hug::hug::hug:

Lauren what is going on:winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:
you gals are getting so close to your due dates!! exciting!!! i wish you all the best!!!!!
sorry i havent been around much. LO keeps me very busy and DH wants to start trying for his baby brother now!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! :) :hugs:
Hey gals had my baby via emergency section after contraction being too much will update with the story
Hi Nali, how is everything going? I hope you and your baby are doing well!!

Ready...sorry about your painful contractions...you should get checked when that happens...do you feel any pressure? People piss me off...you can't let them get to you, your health comes first!!!
hey gals tell you motherhood isnt easy but very full filling just got a few minutes but promised to update you on what happened

I had gone to hospital for the 36 week check up,the evening before i had such bad contractions that the doctor had told me to keep an eye on the baby movement so when i went in on the 30th April she asked me about the movement i thot that they had got generaly sluggish in the night,she monitored the heart rate and told its fine then she did a quick ultrasound at her office the she dropped the bomb shell ,,il have to get this baby out tomorrow...

iwas given another round of steroid injections t 8hrs interval and finally booked in for the section on the following day thus 1st may at around 10am

I finally got in the operation theatre at around one the rest i cant really remember but i was under full anesthesia cos i wad having contractions also the doctor wanted to have a look at the roid,,she told me she couldnt remove it cos its quite big 10cm by 10cm and would have coused alot of bleeding,,

I stayed in hospitall for 3 days discharged on the 4thday ..the section is healing well am having the two week appointment with my doctor to check on it tomorrow.

I do not know how to post pictures i have a few in my computer my be il try later

Cheers gals will pop in when i can
Hi Nali, do glad everything turned out well, try to get us pictures!

Army how's the baby making coming??? Lol

All is good here, getting nice and uncomfortable!! Ready how are you feeling?
thanks for the update Naliaka, hope you manage to post some pics soon!

Hi Lauren, glad all's well your end. I'm not too bad, my fibroids haven't grown at all in my last 3 scans and don't appear to be blocking baby's exit route so hopefully I'll have the nice peaceful hypnobirth I'm dreaming about!
Thanks for the update Naliaka!! Im glad to hear that you and LO are doing well.

Lauren: Baby making ...lol its been very interesting to say the least! We made attempts to start TTC but it was soooooo painful. I didnt realize that would happen. But it is now starting to get better. The only thing is I am exclusively Bf'ing and I am not ovulating since I havent had a period yet. So I plan on starting to wean once LO turns 6months in Sept.

I'm so excited for you and Ready!! I can't wait to hear both of your L & D stories and see the pics!
Thanx all you great gals i always know i have a family here:flower::flower::flower:
Lo is doing great:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Army wife already trying for number two:haha::haha::haha: i dont have that option soon cause of the section:dohh::dohh:

Lauren how are you doing?

Ready ...all is set for you both you gals are lucky to be having a viginal birth

Tried posting but failed...will try again

Cheers gals:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
from my journal:
Around midnight my contractions started to get a bit more painful than usual- actually the pain was all concentrated in one fibroid.

The contractions were 8 minutes apart and I happened to be on skype with my hubby, who refused to put the call down.

I had to go to the toilet 4 times and evacuate my bowels each time (sorry for TMI) and by 3am the contractions were more intense and 3 minutes apart.

By 6am the contractions were back to back and I had also thrown up and at 6:45 I lost my plug and finally started to believe I might be in labour.

My hubby said I should go to the hospital but I was afraid of being too early and getting sent home, or that my labour would go on for more than 4 hours and I'd end up with a C-section. So I did nothing.

My mum came downstairs around 7:30 and saw me on all fours whincing a little and asked if I needed an ambulance. I said no but she went upstairs to change. She came back around 8:00 and I said I needed the loo. She said not to go to the loo because she didn't want her grandchild born in the toilet bowl. She dragged me off the loo but I only got as far as the bathroom door as I needed to push.

I knelt down in a sort of squat and my mum dialled 999. While she was on the phone to 999 she was asked to examine me (remember she trained as a midwife many moons ago) and said she could see the water sac. Suddenly it burst all over her and the floor. 5 minutes later the paramedics walked in and 30 seconds later my little boy was born at 8:30am! Placenta followed 3 minutes later.

We were transferred to hospital because I was bleeding (all under control now) and they're keeping us in because baby's only 5lb 4oz.

That's all from me for now! Will post a pic in due course.
hoooooooooooooly crap Ready!!!!!! firstly, congratulations!!!!! your DS is doing good?? How many weeks were you?

I'm glad everything turned out ok! What's his name? Can't wait to see pictures!

i'm still holding steady over here! a little bit of dilation and she's engaged, so just a waiting game. I can feel that her head has pushed the roid to the side, just like last time, so I'm sure all will be good :)

Nali glad to hear your little one is doing great too!

I'm next I guess!? :)
hoooooooooooooly crap Ready!!!!!! firstly, congratulations!!!!! your DS is doing good?? How many weeks were you?

I'm glad everything turned out ok! What's his name? Can't wait to see pictures!

i'm still holding steady over here! a little bit of dilation and she's engaged, so just a waiting game. I can feel that her head has pushed the roid to the side, just like last time, so I'm sure all will be good :)

Nali glad to hear your little one is doing great too!

I'm next I guess!? :)

Lauren, any update?

My gorgeous little boy is doing just fine, born at 37+2. He still doesn't have a name and my mum's getting impatient about that...
not his best side but it'll do!


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Wow ready! Congrats!! What a story! No drugs or anything! You are one tough momma!
Do you have any other children.?
Lauren i know you do.
I was just wondering. Me and dh are having tough times with lo. Some wks are better than others. Since he hit 3 months or so he has been super fussy. Now we are contemplating even having a 2nd child because of how stressed out we are at the moment.
just wondering if you guys have any experience/thoughts on this. Im hoping once he hits 6mos. Or so things will get better. When do babies become less fussy and more happy? Thanks guys!
sooooo cute Ready!!! xoxox

Army, I have a lot of thoughts on that!!! from the start i was never one of those moms that felt this crazy bond right away, and I struggled with the adjustment a lot. I loved her of course, but I wasn't loving being a mom at first. It was a good 4-6 months before we really started enjoying her, because that's around when they start giving back! You'll get smiles and laughs, and see them start to learn and respond more to everything around them. I found that my DD was SO frustrated and I couldnt figure out why....until she started crawling...she was so happy! It was like her little brain was ahead of what her body would do for her, and she'd get SO mad. That's still her personality. lol. It absolutely gets better and my feelings about a second child totally have changed over time. I am infatuated with her now. She's fun to hang out with...even with her terrible twos tantrums...I really enjoy it! (Still not a stay at home mom though, can't handle it!)

Don't even have the conversation yet about a 2nd until you get to the 4-6 month mark and start enjoying things more. That's just my experience, but I have a few other great friends that are the same as me...so I don't feel so badly about feeling that way. Some people just aren't infant people! I really never was.

I hope that helps!

As for me now, I found out yesterday that LO was breech. this morning they did and ECV to turn her and it was successful! it's only a 50% chance of it working, but it worked and we'll just hope she stays there. :) Back to waiting!
Thank you sooo much lauren for your input! Thats pretty much how i feel too right now. Right after he was born was so tough i was on an emotional rolllercoaster. I felt like things were getting better at 2 months but now he has entered a very fussy stage and now me and dh are thinking 1 is enough, but i really do want him to have a sibling. I agree with you, i think once he starts being mobile things will get better. There is light at the end of the tunnel and it sounds like im almost through that tunnel! I hope so! Im not one for the infannt stage, i love when they are mobile and can play games and interact more. I am a stay at home mom. So i am pullingg my hair out 24/7.....lol. dont get much of a break
You are so close to the end! Im excited to hear your labor story too! Whats your plan on juggling the 2? Maybe ill have another baby when he his old enough to help out.

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