howdy girls!
Here's how my labor went:
So I went in for a biophysical profile just because I was overdue, then right after went to see the OB at my weekly appt. The US showed my fluid to be borderline low - which he said was no emergency but he was on-call at the hospital that night, so we might as well start induction! He met us in the hospital in an hour from that time. He gave me a half dose of the cervical gel to get me going (at 1pm) and HOLY CRAP!! By 1:30 I was in full blown labor and contractions were painful and almost constant. They slowed down to be 1-2 minutes apart, but after an hour of that I was ready for the epidural! So I got the epidural at 2:30. My water broke at 3:30, and the baby was here at 4:27! It was crazy fast. She was coming out before I even started pushing, then once I started pushing - I think it was only a few pushes and she popped out!!
I had a minor tear which isn't so bad considering I had a huge episiotomy last time, 4 stitches, and went home from the hospital the next afternoon.
She's a super breastfeeder and good sleeper, so things are going pretty well!

My DH is home until August 7th, so after that I'll have the 2 munchkins to deal with...which I'm kind of worried about, but everyone does it, right?! I'm sure I'll survive!
How are you guys all doing?