We just got back bad sperm analysis… feeling hopeless.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2012
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Hi ladies,

I've been on the forums here off and on for quite some time now… Our journey has been trying to say the least.

Me-26, healthy, extremely active, A+ blood tests, health food junkie.
Him-28, healthy, extremely active, A+ blood tests, 90% health food junkie.

Sleeping together without BC for 4 years, using the pull out method until Oct/Sept of 2012. Of course we thought we would get pregnant right away…

Oct-May- Nothing. Tried BDing "on time". Learned a lot about ovulation and found maybe "on time" wasn't really our right time. Started taking tons of vitamins, cut alcohol, and most caffeine. Started charting but it made me totally insane. Found out my best girlfriend was pregnant after getting off BC for one month… didn't even have a period yet. Excited for her but also sad, we hoped maybe I would get pg soon and we could "do it together". On top of that mannny pregnancies were announced within our circle which left us feeling… on the outside because know one knew we were trying.

Early May- Went in for due pap, found out I had severe hpv. Scared and confused.

Mid May- Had leep done to rid of cancerous cells. Doc said she felt good about the surgery and as long as I healed right we could continue trying for baby mid June. (I somehow only missed one cycle. We were hopeful)

June-Dec- Tried being more "relaxed" (HA!) BDing every other day, every third day, when every we felt like it. Attempting to enjoy life and drank plenty of red wine in the process. Our moto… everyone gets pregnant when they're drunk and not even trying! Was not charting just tracking AF and marking down days we BD'd. No way in hell did we miss any chances in those months.

Mid/Late Dec- Doc called to check on me and we decided to move forward to see if something was wrong. Went in for an ultrasound that day. Blood test on Christmas eve. Best friends baby born Christmas morning. A flood of feelings.

Late Dec- Doc called said very happily that everything with me looks good! Ovulating normally, nothing bad in ultrasound pics (which has been a worry, as I crushed my pelvis in a bad horse riding accident years ago) Said next step is semen analysis.

Current- Got semen analysis back, regretfully opened it before dh got home from work. Read the results, look really bad. Tried to call doc right away but it was Fri night at 530 and the office is closed until Mon morning… started googling (bad idea) and dh came home to me sitting in the kitchen with tears in my eyes. Nothing good came after that. It's hard to see a man tear up…. Here's the results

Concentration aka count- 12 (normal >20)
Motile aka mobility- 13 (normal >50)
Progression- 1-2 (normal 2-4)
Morphology- 0 (normal >4%)
Total Motile Sperm- 5 (normal >20)
Viability- 43% (normal >65%)

From what I've read it seems IVF/ICSI might be our only option, if that. Of course this is from Dr. Google. If one of you ladies has any more info on what these numbers really mean, success stories, similar experience, or just want to join me in this journey it seems we'll be going down I would beyond appreciate it. Apart from 2 of my girlfriends (both who got pregnant at the drop of a dime) no one knows we're even trying. And obviously dh and I deal with things in different ways. Some days the loneliness is unbearable.
I totally understand how you feel - it's all so hard. We are older than you but I ovulate etc but hubby has very erratic sperm - sometimes there are lots and sometimes there are not.....He has motility issues too.
We had IVF and ICSI last Sept and it failed - totally heartbroken. So upshot is that we will keep trying naturally until we can try IVF again.

But during the IVF - hubby gave up caffeine and with the supplements that the clinic recommended - hubby's sperm improved 40%. But it is all so exhausting and I have so much anxiety over it all.

The loneliness is so unbearable - big hugs to you. Christmas was a wonderful distraction for me but now it's back to reality with a huge thump.....When will it ever happen.

I can't shed any light on those results for the SA but your doctor should explain it all to you and whether sperm can improve. Also - my hubby had to give a number of tests as sperm production can differ so much.

And though Dr Google is great - its also the cause of a lot of confusion and heartache so please do bear that in mind.

The thought (and cost) of IVF scare me and we're just really feeling down. I guess its just the un known. IVF seems so hard in a number of ways. We've always wanted 4 kids and if we cant concieve naturally I'm just now sure how that will ever happen. :(

DH is already quite healthy but we are considering trying a completely alcohol/caffeine free, processed meats (we love a good antipasto!) and refined sugars. We already eat 100% organic so I'm not sure how much it will help, but we're willing to try.

The only other factor we can think of is we both work in the horse industry and while he doesn't ride much anymore, he did before. He also worked as a vet tech for 4 years, so he's done many many X-rays. I'm not sure how much it would change things but… maybe.

Thanks for the reply. Anything helps at this point.
I know how frightening and daunting it all is but you have to try and take one step at a time. I know that's easy to say but if you look at the whole scary big picture - you go a bit bonkers.

I have always wanted a family but I didn't meet Mr Right until I was 40......It all seems so unfair but on good days - I believe that good things happen to good people and on bad days - I just want to wail and give up........

We had to pay a lot for the IVF so heaven knows if we could afford it again but in the meantime - I just have to give ourselves a fighting chance.

Caffeine is one of the worst things for sperm so tbh - it may just give his sperm a boost. My hubby wouldn't eat all day and just drink coffee! So I read him the riot act and he will try and have some sort of salad during the day and drink orange juice. Also look into a good supplement for your hubby - I use one for hubby that contains lots of the good stuff for his swimmers. But just bear in mind that it takes 3 months to really start working.

Maybe riding horses and the whole X ray has affected his count but your Dr should be able to discuss these issues with you.

As I said - one step at a time or else it just gets far too much. I know how hard it is - I really do:flower:
I can relate, we got the results of DH's 2nd SA on Monday. He had to do a 2nd as his Morph was low (3%) on the first. This time it was 0%... We were pretty upset, we had thought our issue was probably my endometriosis but now the dr thinks it could be either or both and our next option is ICSI. We are going to start in mid march. We're both pretty healthy but are going to try and be even healthier for the next few months. Also I looked into supplements and just bought Fertilaid for men online tonight... Can't hurt...

:hugs::hugs::hugs: I know that must have been quite a blow to get those results. However, it's way too early to assume that IVF/ICSI is your only option to get pregnant at this point.

What I would do if I were you is to research urologists--preferably a reproductive urologist if there's one in your area. A RE or OB/GYN are trained to mostly address women's problems, so they are not going to be able to help you with your hubby's issues. I wasted a whole year of TTC with an RE because her interpretation of my hubby's SA was questionable at best so we did nothing to improve his numbers.

The good news is that it's rare that a man will have a problem that is not fixable. Also, it seems that there are no problems on your end and you both live healthy lifestyles, so once the cause of your hubby's IF is identified and addressed it should be easy for you to get pregnant. Your hubby seems to be determined to do whatever is needed to fix the problem and that is better than most guys who let their egos get in the way or just aren't used to taking care of themselves.

A lot of couples with your hubby's numbers do opt for IVF, but a lot of that is because they'd rather get a quick fix than take the time on trying to fix the hubby's issues. Good luck!
Thanks Cali :) I do know what you mean however lets say we do find something and can fix it, that would take at least a few months. Then let's say we try again for 6 months but still nothing happens, maybe my endo has also been causing our trouble. Then we're back to square 1 but 9 months down the track. We are quite lucky in Australia that IVF/ICSI is subsidised by the government and we are also lucky that we can afford the remaining amount. But it's definitely something to think about and I'm going to research it for the next few days. It would at least be worthwhile getting an appt with a urologist so thank you for your advice xx
Sparkle, you are very lucky that your government subsidizes IVF! If money were no object I probably would have just gone the IVF route because it really is the fastest way no matter what the problem is. It's amazing how good they have gotten with it. Most of us in the U.S. though don't have it covered so it's $20K per try so it's the end of the road if that's the only option. It's so good to be able to have a choice so good luck whichever option you end up pursuing.
20k OMG I knew it was a lot but that is crazy! That is so unfair! Even without the amount we get back from the government the total is less than 10k I don't understand the difference... Best of luck to you too, have you been though or going through something similar? Xx
20k OMG I knew it was a lot but that is crazy! That is so unfair! Even without the amount we get back from the government the total is less than 10k I don't understand the difference... Best of luck to you too, have you been though or going through something similar? Xx

Yeah, we had been trying for almost 2 years with no luck. My RE focused on me and I had been through HSG, three failed rounds of clomid, laparoscopy, and a hysteroscopy. They found some polyps and a cyst but nothing that should have prevented us from conceiving. Finally I looked at dh's SA, which we had been led to believe was "fine" and after doing the research found it wasn't good at all. His count was just barely normal at 20 mil/mL, motility below the minimum at 30%, and worst of all a morphology of 0.5%

We didn't have the money for IVF so we had to hope supplements worked for us. Dh started taking Fertilaid, countboost and motility boost and a month later we got our bfp. We could have saved so much time if the doc had referred us to a urologist in the beginning.
I was hoping I could join ladies. I dunno what considers as long term but I have been trying on and off for 3 or 4 years. I fear endometriosis and possible fallopian tube blockage has ruined my chances of my very own pregnancy. Me and OH have discussed adoption if we do not concieve within a few months. I also have a question, do any of you ladies have vaginal pain (or pain near that area) around AF time and your fertility is fine? I hope im not intruding. Just hoping to find a few buddies along my journey. Baby dust ladies.
Yeah, we had been trying for almost 2 years with no luck. My RE focused on me and I had been through HSG, three failed rounds of clomid, laparoscopy, and a hysteroscopy. They found some polyps and a cyst but nothing that should have prevented us from conceiving. Finally I looked at dh's SA, which we had been led to believe was "fine" and after doing the research found it wasn't good at all. His count was just barely normal at 20 mil/mL, motility below the minimum at 30%, and worst of all a morphology of 0.5%

We didn't have the money for IVF so we had to hope supplements worked for us. Dh started taking Fertilaid, countboost and motility boost and a month later we got our bfp. We could have saved so much time if the doc had referred us to a urologist in the beginning.

Wow Cali that's amazing! Congrats on your bfp! Sorry you went through so much to get there though :hugs: You've definitely given me hope that maybe we've still got some other things we can try. So all your DH did was the supplements? I've already got the Fertilaid on the way going to look into the other now!
I was hoping I could join ladies. I dunno what considers as long term but I have been trying on and off for 3 or 4 years. I fear endometriosis and possible fallopian tube blockage has ruined my chances of my very own pregnancy. Me and OH have discussed adoption if we do not concieve within a few months. I also have a question, do any of you ladies have vaginal pain (or pain near that area) around AF time and your fertility is fine? I hope im not intruding. Just hoping to find a few buddies along my journey. Baby dust ladies.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: Have you already had a laparoscopy? I would not give up until you've had one at least. Many women with endo have had success after having it removed and they can usually repair the fallopian tubes at the same time.

Three years is such a long time to be trying. I hope you get your forever baby soon so that you can get out of TTC limbo hell!

Yeah, we had been trying for almost 2 years with no luck. My RE focused on me and I had been through HSG, three failed rounds of clomid, laparoscopy, and a hysteroscopy. They found some polyps and a cyst but nothing that should have prevented us from conceiving. Finally I looked at dh's SA, which we had been led to believe was "fine" and after doing the research found it wasn't good at all. His count was just barely normal at 20 mil/mL, motility below the minimum at 30%, and worst of all a morphology of 0.5%

We didn't have the money for IVF so we had to hope supplements worked for us. Dh started taking Fertilaid, countboost and motility boost and a month later we got our bfp. We could have saved so much time if the doc had referred us to a urologist in the beginning.

Wow Cali that's amazing! Congrats on your bfp! Sorry you went through so much to get there though :hugs: You've definitely given me hope that maybe we've still got some other things we can try. So all your DH did was the supplements? I've already got the Fertilaid on the way going to look into the other now!

Yeah, the only thing he did was the supplements. We took Fertilaid and the accompanying Countboost and Motilityboost. We were going to try them for three months and then he was going to go to a urologist for another SA, but we got pregnant!
Not yet. Our schedules and life in general is just too much at this moment. Like I said, we are going to switch things up for a few more months. But at this moment anyway we are leaning more towards adoption
20k OMG I knew it was a lot but that is crazy! That is so unfair! Even without the amount we get back from the government the total is less than 10k I don't understand the difference... Best of luck to you too, have you been though or going through something similar? Xx

Yeah, we had been trying for almost 2 years with no luck. My RE focused on me and I had been through HSG, three failed rounds of clomid, laparoscopy, and a hysteroscopy. They found some polyps and a cyst but nothing that should have prevented us from conceiving. Finally I looked at dh's SA, which we had been led to believe was "fine" and after doing the research found it wasn't good at all. His count was just barely normal at 20 mil/mL, motility below the minimum at 30%, and worst of all a morphology of 0.5%

We didn't have the money for IVF so we had to hope supplements worked for us. Dh started taking Fertilaid, countboost and motility boost and a month later we got our bfp. We could have saved so much time if the doc had referred us to a urologist in the beginning.

Cali - do you mind me asking - how old is your hubby?? I am just trying to see if age and sperm production differs with age.....My hubby is 48....
Not yet. Our schedules and life in general is just too much at this moment. Like I said, we are going to switch things up for a few more months. But at this moment anyway we are leaning more towards adoption

Hi there - we would look at adoption but if you are undergoing fertility treatment in the UK, you have to wait 6 months to start the process....All so hard as at our age - every second counts....

I don't have any pain that you mention so do get that checked out. I don't know too much about procedures - I only had a hycosy to check my tubes etc and all was fine. But I am 42 so age against me - hey ho.....
Not yet. Our schedules and life in general is just too much at this moment. Like I said, we are going to switch things up for a few more months. But at this moment anyway we are leaning more towards adoption

That's totally understandable. One way or another you will be mom! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

20k OMG I knew it was a lot but that is crazy! That is so unfair! Even without the amount we get back from the government the total is less than 10k I don't understand the difference... Best of luck to you too, have you been though or going through something similar? Xx

Yeah, we had been trying for almost 2 years with no luck. My RE focused on me and I had been through HSG, three failed rounds of clomid, laparoscopy, and a hysteroscopy. They found some polyps and a cyst but nothing that should have prevented us from conceiving. Finally I looked at dh's SA, which we had been led to believe was "fine" and after doing the research found it wasn't good at all. His count was just barely normal at 20 mil/mL, motility below the minimum at 30%, and worst of all a morphology of 0.5%

We didn't have the money for IVF so we had to hope supplements worked for us. Dh started taking Fertilaid, countboost and motility boost and a month later we got our bfp. We could have saved so much time if the doc had referred us to a urologist in the beginning.

Cali - do you mind me asking - how old is your hubby?? I am just trying to see if age and sperm production differs with age.....My hubby is 48....

My hubby was 41 and was three months shy of 42 when we conceived. Sperm production and quality does tend to go down with age for a lot of men but there's evidence to show that any such decline is entirely reversible. As they age, men tend to have a harder time absorbing certain nutrients that are vital to sperm production and quality, but if you supplement those, the sperm goes back to where it is supposed to be. There are some really good studies on coq10 and L-carnitine in particular on men's sperm.
Not yet. Our schedules and life in general is just too much at this moment. Like I said, we are going to switch things up for a few more months. But at this moment anyway we are leaning more towards adoption

That's totally understandable. One way or another you will be mom! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

20k OMG I knew it was a lot but that is crazy! That is so unfair! Even without the amount we get back from the government the total is less than 10k I don't understand the difference... Best of luck to you too, have you been though or going through something similar? Xx

Yeah, we had been trying for almost 2 years with no luck. My RE focused on me and I had been through HSG, three failed rounds of clomid, laparoscopy, and a hysteroscopy. They found some polyps and a cyst but nothing that should have prevented us from conceiving. Finally I looked at dh's SA, which we had been led to believe was "fine" and after doing the research found it wasn't good at all. His count was just barely normal at 20 mil/mL, motility below the minimum at 30%, and worst of all a morphology of 0.5%

We didn't have the money for IVF so we had to hope supplements worked for us. Dh started taking Fertilaid, countboost and motility boost and a month later we got our bfp. We could have saved so much time if the doc had referred us to a urologist in the beginning.

Cali - do you mind me asking - how old is your hubby?? I am just trying to see if age and sperm production differs with age.....My hubby is 48....

My hubby was 41 and was three months shy of 42 when we conceived. Sperm production and quality does tend to go down with age for a lot of men but there's evidence to show that any such decline is entirely reversible. As they age, men tend to have a harder time absorbing certain nutrients that are vital to sperm production and quality, but if you supplement those, the sperm goes back to where it is supposed to be. There are some really good studies on coq10 and L-carnitine in particular on men's sperm.

Yep - it gets hard to keep the sperm in tip top condition! He is on a great supplement recommended by the clinic and keeping off the caffeine and attempting to eat a better diet I am hoping helps.

I can't and won't give up but boy oh boy it's all so exhausting. I invested in a CBFM to pinpoint exactly when to get jiggy which has taken away a lot of stress. Just gotta keep trying.....

My hubbys parents were told that they couldn't have children (No reason given in those days) but they hit their 40's and bam - they had twins!!!! So there maybe something hereditary there but we have to hope that we will get there in the end.

Fabulous news for you - gives me hope!
Yep - it gets hard to keep the sperm in tip top condition! He is on a great supplement recommended by the clinic and keeping off the caffeine and attempting to eat a better diet I am hoping helps.

I can't and won't give up but boy oh boy it's all so exhausting. I invested in a CBFM to pinpoint exactly when to get jiggy which has taken away a lot of stress. Just gotta keep trying.....

My hubbys parents were told that they couldn't have children (No reason given in those days) but they hit their 40's and bam - they had twins!!!! So there maybe something hereditary there but we have to hope that we will get there in the end.

Fabulous news for you - gives me hope!

I really think age is not as much of a factor as they make it out to be. Sounds like you are doing all the right thing and please update if you get a bfp!! :)
I totally understand how you feel 1timemomma. If you look at my signature you'll see my DH has now had 2 SA's done and both were bad. The only difference with our situation is that we have a 4 year old DS. At this point I honestly don't know how we conceived him - whether it was a miracle (took us 5 months to conceive) or whether for some reason in the last 4 years something has totally changed with my DH.... It's so frustrating and hard to understand as we are both healthy, eat well, exercise, only drink moderately at weekends, don't have much caffeine etc etc.

After his 2nd SA (in Oct) I ordered him Fertilaid which he is taking although he is only taking 2 a day rather than the 3 and that's just the ordinary ones. Really he should be taking the count boost and motility boost as well but he says he doesn't really like the way they make him feel.... no idea whether that's just a cop out or what but I can't force him. Thankfully he is seeing a urologist next month so I'm hoping we get better feedback/info etc from him as our Dr totally downplayed it so DH seems to think it will happen naturally it's just going to take time. I'm getting fed up of waiting - it's been 2 years. I'm also heading to the obgyn to make sure there aren't any problems with me.....

I'll let you know what happens next but in the meantime keep your chin up. Hopefully your Dr has some better advice for you but I would definitely recommend seeing a Urologist and try the Fertilaid! :Hugs:

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