If I were you, I would not count that as a definite evap... you should take a pink dye test! I have everything crossed for you. Did that line show up within the time limit? And the other thing is that evaps are normally thinner so you should test with a pink one! I'm excited for you!
It was very very faint and got more visible after the time frame. This pic was taken 10 minutes after the time limit.
I'l test again tomorrow if af hasnt showed by then
Thanks Ash! We can ride the crazy boat together!!!
I have no clue if that can cause you to have trouble TTC....there is always a possibility I guess. Wont hurt to ask!
Sharn - I think its a BFP! Go buy a pink line test!!!
Is your CP open at all? Whenever I'm pregnant mine will be tightly closed, I always know I'm out or about to miscarry when it opens a bit. I've realized the softness/firmness don't matter much.
Stinas- I guess 15% of males have scrotal varicocele(varicose veins) its totally repairable with surgery. glad it's not hormonal!
Paula- yup, another 98.5. I've been waking up at 5:45 every morn and forcing myself to wait to 6 to temp. Now that my therm. reads Celsius I have to wait till I can check online to see what it is in farenheight. My Celsius one converted to 98.45 and the other one said 98.5. So I went with that
Sharn- I can't wait to see your next temp! I hope it stays up! That spotting I feel is a good sign, and the fact that your temp went back up!
11dpiui today, took a test when I woke up this morning and negative! So, I'm really kind of over it at this point. I'm going to ask my doctor to do some autoimmune testing since my mother has sjogrens and it's genetic to see if that's maybe a contributing factor to my infertility and then go from there. I'm pretty sure I just want IVF already and get this shit over with!
Tallmom - I'm pretty sure it's best to temp the second you wake up, being awake for those 15 minutes could mess with your temp even if you're not moving around much.
Ash Good idea to ask for the testing, you never know!
Ash - Im sorry! I would ask about being tested for it...cant hurt. IVF...since you have already tried everything pretty much, I dont see why not. Just remember, its still a journey in itself and will probably still be hard....but....im right here next to you buddy!
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