We Love Chart Stalking

Stinas - ok I'll be waiting for your pm! I also didn't know about the "abortion" pill and I can understand your concerns about your cousin getting like ... trapped! Some girls are crazy and you never know! I'm sure everything will work out though! Now that you guys mentioned that pill I do remembering hearing about that a long time ago but I never really paid it attention since I don't really believe in abortion so I could never have a use for it!

By the way - my boobs are itchy!
I was thinking clomid??... But I got advice from a few ladies on different threads that my temps and opks show that im ovulating and just try soy??

I have 2 months supply of fertilaid for women in my medicine cabinet, so I might just try that again. I didnt give it a chance to kick in last year (Nov & Dec). the directions said fertilaid's minimum 3 months of taking for a difference and I only used it for 1 and half month. I gave up :(

DH called this morning and I told him my temps have gone down and he was (pissed) off :( I told him I was ok but then I started balling my eyed out over the phone.. hmmm. :nope:

My doctor said wait for another 6 months before going further with fertility treatment, After all my ultrasound and blood were fine and dh sperm is good :huh:
I think the doc has to subscribe you clomid...and if you are regular, they probably wont right away at least.....I wouldnt think.
I like soy. If you take a peek into the soy thread a lot of the ladies are regular and they took it to bring forward O or to get a stronger egg....and worked for them. I am taking soy again this cycle. It seemed to have shortened my cycles, which is great! Hopefully it will work this time.

Im sorry you cried to DH...i do it too. Mine gets pissed off too.
I wander if I can order soy online.....? i'l have a look at the drug store soon to see if they have it on the shelf. Is it called soy?
Welcome Smooch!!!
Your chart looks pretty good to me!! Weird that its not a BFP yet...but some people dont get it until they are officially "late". Fx to you!

Ash - Thanks!! Im sure with time things will work out with my cousin...ill explain later in pm. I know about that "morning after pill"...but apparently this girl POAS a few times with a + and went to doc to get abortion and they gave her a pill to take. I have never heard of that. I told my friend maybe she is lying to her brother?...just so he wont get "stuck". Maybe im getting old and dont know about these things...not that I would want or need to know, but I just found it weird.

Scerena - Im sorry you have a fertile family...wow that sounds weird...but i know you know what I mean lol It sucks big time...like why in the world do I have to have the problems?! I know it will happen eventually to all of us, but WTF...why do we have to go through the long detour route?!? lol ahhh the joys of TTC!
Ya we shall see....thinking she will show in the morning....hoping we all get bfp's SOON!:happydance:
I have read often ppl talking about soy..I have no idea how or why its helpful for TTC.....another thing to research...LOL
Here is a huge thread about it...

Its called Soy Isoflavones and works almost like clomid. Pay attention to the mg in the soy pills....on the front it may say one thing, but in the back its a much smaller dosage of soy...you usually have to take a few in order to get a larger dose like clomid. I got mine from The Vitamin Shoppe.
Goodish news ladies! Dh's boss gave him the phone number of a brilliant fertility specialist in a city that is an hours drive from our small country town...

Dh is going to call them in the morning and make an appointment.

Its all come down to realistically, we really have been having unprotected sex for 2 years no condoms, no bc, (the occasion after pill 2-3 times) but yes no protection after my mc in October 2009..

The last 6 months we have been really TTC and still nothing.

My doctor is going to print out my blood results for me and I have my ultrasound disc and dh's sperm results all tested in August 2011. (hoping nothing has changed since then...) we are going to take them with us to show the specialist if we have an appointment.. FX
:hi: smooch, welome :) Hopefully af doesnt show and you get a surprise :bfp: fx'd!

:hi: sharnw- sorry you had atemp drop :hugs: sorry you cried, it is an upsetting journey but cry it all out and pick yourself up again- thats what I try and do even though it is easier said than done :hugs: we are here if you need to vent :) Good luck with your appointment I hope it all goes well :)

stinas- I dont mind, its more nieces and nephews for me to enjoy, just wish I could pinch some of their fertility :haha: Horrible having to go through this all, one thing is for sure though ttc has made me a stronger person, all the times I thought things were tough and got upset over little things- nothing compares to ttc and wanting a baby so badly, our time will come and trust me our time will probably be 100 times more special for us ladies just wish it would hurry up for us all :hugs:
I am considering taking soy next cycle I think, I might be pestering you for info :haha:

Ash- itchy booobs are a good sign, have you had any other symptoms??
Whew! You Ladies have been busy! :)
I haven't had time to read through completely, but I have this strange urge to go by some shoes:haha: I hope you all are well!

I wanted to post this link to the fertility yoga site: www.restoringfertility.com
I really love it! FrankieGirl from bnb gave it to me, so nice of her!!

Welcome smooch! I'll add you to the list when I get a chance today.

Hi Sharn!!! Glad you joined!! ;). I'll add your link too!
I think I have still not O'd and maybe having an anovulatory cycle :(

Going to stop the OPKs and just do temping til AF arrives
Good Morning my chatty friends!!! Finally decided to take some benadryl last night and got a full 8-9 hrs of sleep and my temp actually showed a spike this morning, yay!! I still think i'm 2dpo today though!! So I lied on my chart for yesterday :haha: I want my crosshairs.
That's great sharn ..hope Tht specialist can help:)

Scerena..Thx ....no AF this morning. I expect her tho...u just feel her un welcomed presence lol
Wahooo the fs has given me 50mg clomid to try on my next cycle, he said it should hopefully work better this time after the OD :dance: And I am being referred back to him so he can be my fs again :happydance: so happy! Now I dont have to see the other fs again! I like him for doing that as he wasn't meant to as it was oh's appointment...
Now just got to wait for af... might be a long wait as I haven't even ovulated yet, but I am happy I have something to try and will be scanned etc so at least I know if it is working :) This will be my 4th round of clomid but my 1st since the operation...

Tallmom- are you starting clomid on your next cycle if you dont get your :bfp: ??? We can be clomid buddies :)

Mammag- yay for the temp spike :) I hope you get your soy baby :)

Smooch- yes I know the feeling about af's presence :haha: hopefully she decides not to come fx'd

Hope everyone is well??
Well I got my IC's and took one, with a tiny bit of pee because unfortunately like an idiot I peed before I went downstairs to check the mail! And it was bfn. So, what's new! I've only ever had negative pregnancy tests so I'm just going to call my FS and make an appointment and get some injectibles and IUI this time.
Well I got my IC's and took one, with a tiny bit of pee because unfortunately like an idiot I peed before I went downstairs to check the mail! And it was bfn. So, what's new! I've only ever had negative pregnancy tests so I'm just going to call my FS and make an appointment and get some injectibles and IUI this time.

You might not be out yet, try with FMU tomorrow and you might see something

Fingers crossed!!

Things are so not working for me right now, but I still love to hear how everyone else is doing


I don't know if anyone knows how to tweak things but if you know how and want to, knock yourself out!
Scerena- I am going to take clomid next cycle :happydance: I think mammag is too?
We all can be clomid buddies! But first this epic cycle of mine has to end... :coffee:
Ash I cant tweak but I hope someone here can for you :hugs:
You might not even be out yet hun if you only had a little bit of pee and had a pee not long before that...

rmsh1- There is still time to ovualte, have you ovulated later in your cycle before?

Tallmom- yay :happydance: we can all be clomid buddies :) I noticed on another thread that mammag is starting next cycle too so just said we can be clomid buddies- even better now there is 3 of us :dance: I have to wait for my crazy cycle too- feels like it is going to be very very long :(
What cd's are you taking the clomid and what mg?

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