We Love Chart Stalking

Ash - Thank you! It makes me feel a ton better knowing at least something is going to happen. Im beyond happy I dont have to chase this doc for asnwers. Beyond shocked actually. I have read soo many stories of these poor people that cant get their own results back for a good month...and for this guy to call the next day...im super excited. Now its just waiting for the 28th of the month to get the real answers.
18k is nothing for a venue. Its all about the day and the time of year...that plays a factor. Right now is busy season....until early aug. So its prime time and will cost you a pretty penny. Overall things add up. When it comes time for the details pm me and ill tell you what is a waste of $$. People spend money on stupid things that go un noticed. Sad but true.
Hey ladies!! Tell me what you think--> https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/pregnancy-tests/1004487-faint-bfp.html
Ash - I'm in Canada and the cost of the venue depends on what's inc, food, decor, blah blah blah. And #1 is how many ppl are attending. Diff venues have diff 'off season' times. Some say Nov-Dec, others say Oct-March, and yes others say there is no off-season! Shop around and GL. Personally, and I live in a big city, $18k is somewhat reasonable for 150-200 ppl. I'd shop around for less though.

Sharnw - if that's a POAS and not a OPK, then yes it looks like a BFP!
Stinas - Awesome news!! That's so great. I have to say I really admire your hubby and all he is going through. It sounds very uncomfortable and scary, and I feel like a lot of guys would say no way. I'm so glad that you will have answers soon, and it sounds like there's a very good chance you can have your baby the old fashioned way, and if not, at least be able to use his sperm! So happy for you.

Ash - I can't speak to the prices in the city (although 18k doesn't seem crazy), but I agree with Stinas about spending money on things that matter. Think about what people will remember...the music, the food, you and your hubby's HAPPINESS! And focus on the big things. We are pretty "plain", and didn't go crazy with a lot of things and kept things simple, but still get compliments on our wedding. Feel free to PM me too.

sharn - Looks like a faint BFP to me too!!

Hope all you other ladies are doing great. I'm still here and stalking, just don't say much. :) But I think of you all often and hope and pray for your BFPs.
Sharn- I think I see a faint line:) it will get darker everyday if it is a bfp, fx! Your chart looks like a bfp chart! That little dip is nothing to be concerned about:thumbup:

Stinas- that sounds really promising! The vein thing your doc is talking about are called varicose veins. People get them in their legs too. My OH has a big bundle in his sack :blush: I don't think it's an issue because he's gotten me pregnant before. But I have read that it can be a problem. Your DH sounds line he's being a good sport, which is really great. I'm thinking about asking my OH to get a sa, but I'm worried he'll be a jerk about it do I'm holding off for now. I think you still have a really good chance of getting your bfp the old fashioned way. :hugs:
Tallmom - You might be surprised. I was totally nervous about asking my husband to do an SA too...but to my complete surprise he agreed to it without hesitation. Goes to show our hubbies want a baby just asmuch as we do, even though they're not as vocal about it. How are you? Temps getting low, maybe ov is coming??
Thanks for all of the advice! Of course my DF and I want to have June wedding and that's peak season so we're going to be paying a little more for it but I'm kind of flexible on which month so we'll see what happens. I would really like to have it in June but depending on price and what not we'll make the decision then. I agree also that I need to focus on things that are going to make an impression and that people are going to remember and there's lot of things I'm weighing when choosing the venue. Like where we're going to take pictures at and this place we're looking at today is right near the water and the Brooklyn bridge. :) It looks GREAT! We're also having the ceremony where we're having the reception because I don't want to make my family drive all over the city and I want it to be nice since my pictures are going to be done there!
:hi: tallmom :) how was san fran??? Hope you had a good time??? Thats ok hun I dont mind af getting me to be honest means I can enjoy my hols :happydance:
yay you havent ovulated means you and oh have a chance :)

Mammag- good luck with your scan next week :) I have everything crossed for you :)

Stinas- so glad that things are finally looking up for you and oh and I hope that you get answers as soon as possible :hugs:

Ash- Wedding plans how exciting :happydance: How did the dress shopping go?

Sharn- :happydance: looks very promising and pink :) :happydance: when will you test again?

AFM- Relaxing cycle, no opks no temps just chilling then holiday with oh in just over a week I cannot wait and then onto injectables :dance:
Thank you ladies :flower:
Im very worried and angry. I woke up to a wet feeling down there an it was the F***** witch :cry:
I tested again and it looks like a grey line. My temp is going down :nope: :nope:
Sharn - It does look like a BFP to me.....I guess see what tom brings? or is AF fully here? Maybe it was a chemical?

Tallmom - Its very similar to a varicose vein...its called Varicocele. We wont know for sure until 3 weeks. Hopefully it goes by fast.

Ash - That sounds beautiful!!!
Stinas its stopped. Just getting sharp pains off and on lower left abdomen. Im getting bfns now :(
Sharn - Thats weird....I say if you dont get AF in a couple days call the doc. Your temps are still up.
Stinas- i know right? So weird.. I was expecting a rapid temp drop when i woke up, but instead its gone up a bit. Couple days and see how i go, then i'l check in to the doctor
Just second thinking that ff is wrong and i could be 11dpo? If thats the case, then i definitely wont be pregnant, spermies wouldnt have made it that late period
Dress shopping was amazing. I'm pretty sure I already found my dress but I'm waiting to order it until I'm 100% sure. I'm about 97% sure right now! I just need a few more days to evaluate things.

I'm testing tomorrow since I'll be 10DPIUI .... I really hope it worked but if it didn't oh well, I'll just have to try again next month with injectables.
Sharn - You could be 11dpo. I guess its just a waiting game right now

Ash - Yay! How many did you try on? How did they look???
Ash- glad you have nearly found your dress :) I hope testing goes ok today and you get your bfp :) have you done injectables before?- I am so nervous doing them next month!

Sharn- so sorry :hugs: :hugs: I hope things work out as that's a weird 'af'
Stinas - I tried on about 15, I liked 2 and it was hard to decide between the two but I'm pretty sure I'm set on the one so I'll post pictures as soon as possible. My dad has the pictures on his phone so I'll try to get him to text it to me so I can show you guys! It's very lacy and it's offwhite lace with a latte background .... it's gorgeous! I can send you a link to the site where you can see it. It's white in the picture so mine is going to be a little different but you'll get the idea.

There is the link. I'm not sure if it's going to pull up the exact dress but if not, it's the jessica. And I'm doing a couple of modifications to the dress. Oh, it's also within my parents budget for a dress so that's one expense me and DF won't have! :) Yay!

I tested this morning, BFN .... I mean I think I see a hint of a line but I always see a hint of a line. My boobs are also starting to hurt. I'm not counting myself out or anything but my hopes have fallen a little. We just have to wait and see what the next few days brings.

Scerena - I have not done injectables before but I'll be starting them in a week or so if this is a BFN ... I'm not really nervous, I have given myself the ovidrel shot three times already and the nurse said that the injectables are not much different so I'm hoping she's right and it's not crazy. The needles for the ovidrel are much shorter than what they give you at the doctor so it's not as scary. Our doctors office makes us go to a class to teach us how, and where to give the shots at.... I'll be giving them to myself because last time I had DF try he scared me so I do them myself and I actually like it better that way!
sharn- Sorry you are getting bfn now :( but maybe you are really only 11dpo and you were experiencing implantation bleeding? FX! Your not out yet!

Ash- It's still early, so don't give up hope yet! The dress is really pretty!

stinas- I hope the three weeks goes by fast for you too!

AFM- I think my body has given up Oing for now :( I think the trip threw my cycle off even more. I need to start going to yoga again!

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