We Love Chart Stalking

Tallmom, what have you tried to bring up O?
scerena - Welcome!!! Dont worry...you were not missing out on the other thread....trust me lol

mammag - I feel the same way!!! Im a bit lost with out it! Your taking soy this cycle too right? I feel it shortened my cycles. Last cycle I didnt take it because of the HSG and it stayed the same as the last cycle....I was shocked!

Tallmom - YAY! for the links!! Looks sooo much neater lol
Hi Ladies! :)

I've updated the first page with all of our charts so far, that was a learning experience, wasn't sure how to make our names be the link to our FF page, but I figured it out! :happydance:

Let me know if you'd like the color of your name changed ;)

Stinas- I've been using a cup for those cheapie OPKs, isn't crazy how expensive the smileys are!?

mammag- Whew! That's a sexy bfp OPK!! :thumbup:

Ash- I keep looking for your chart too! :dohh: Glad you'll be charting again.
All your symptoms seem really great so far, FX!

Lisa- Very glad to see you hear, thanks for sticking with us :hugs:

rmsh1- Welcome! :flower: Looks like you are having a long cycle, but looks like you are about to O! :thumbup:
I'm in the middle of one now myself :( :dust:

AFM- I've decided that I am going to take the prometrium if nothing happens by CD 60. I'm still chicken to take it, but i'm ready to get the show on the road!

Thanks for the welcome! I was starting to get a bit disheartened with this cycle, my first ever to be this long. CM has dried up and I thought maybe I wasnt going to O this month, and my AF might come on CD34 still. But today, while my temp is still down, I have a lot of ferning on my ovulation microscope, so perhaps I really am about to O. Will test with OPK after work. My last two days OPKs were almost as dark as the control line. I actually just want this long cycle to be over now
Here are my last few OPKs


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Ash- Yes your oh's count was good :) How exciting! I have never had a cervix wash so I haven't a clue what it feels like but sounds uncomfortable... fx'd you get your :bfp: on your first iui :)

Tallmom- cd50! grrr that is sooo annoying right! Looks like my cycle is going to be looooong too :(
Yes you can count on me to have taken pratically everything :haha: I took provera, think it took 10 days for my af to show or 10 days after my last pill, cant exactly quite remember? But other ladies get their af whilst on there pills, if the cycle drags out too much then give them a go??

Mammag- :haha: I am exactly the same lol BnB was down for two days for ages for me and I kept logging in constantly on my phone, then I would mess around on google with nothing to do, I ended up looking on other ttc forums (nowhere near as good as BnB) and ended up looking for ttc treatments- I think I will be so lost when I finally am pregnant- but will be a well deserved rest :)

Stinas- Good I dont feel so bad for not being active on the other thread if I havent really missed out :) How have you been anyways???

rmsh- I would say your opk's are getting close... keep bd'ing just incase :)
Ash- thanks for the support. If I take it I'm going to treat it like an experiment and log each day on here. Maybe I'll make a bnb journal so that other women who have to take it can have a day to day synopsis:)

Rmsh- keep :sex: ! Looks like your body is gearing up:). Keep bding until you get that temp rise three days in a row:thumbup:

Mammag- I've tried SI (didn't work) but this cycle didn't try anything. I've been taking Maca for a week so far. I just want a new cycle to start so I can start clomid!

Scerena- yup, definitely sick of these long cycles!
Okay ladies! Pray for me! I got up this morning and noticed my panties were wet!! Lots of watery cm and my cervix is waaaay up there :happydance:

Let's hope my body can follow through!!
My temp isn't accurate, I don't think cuz I got up once and went back to bed and tossed and turned for a couple hours.
Tallmom - FX'd AF shows ... never thought I'd say that but I want you to be able to get onto next cycle! I think logging everything about your promertrium journey on here (if you end up taking it) is a great idea to help other ladies!

Scerena - thanks for the crossed fingers! Maybe 1st time is a charm.

AFM - last night I had some pain really low on my right side, it almost felt like it was in front of my pelvic bone. Uhm, then I just had cramps all day off and on so we'll see. Only 3 more days and then will be a good time to test for real even though if I get my IC's today I'll be testing today!
Praying for you TallMom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to switch the temp on my chart from yesterday :( And if your interested I'll explain, time changed here on Sunday. I haven't slept right since, been going to bed at 2-3am and I get up at 8, which is when I usually temp, (but is still 7 o clock in my mental brain, lol) So yesterday at 8, my temps was 96.8 then at 9 which is technically when I usually take it it was much higher, but this morning at 8 it was still 96.8, I really feel like I O'ed and am not entirely sure what happened :( Boo.
mammag- keep bding! Your body is still trying to release that egg.

Ash- It will be nice to stalk your chart again ;)

I did some ovulation yoga this morning :haha: I'm going to every morning to help O along. Usually O happens around this time. It was extra late last cycle and I'm really hoping that wont happen again! I'm going to poas this afternoon, hope I get that smiley!
I love yoga! Maybe if I don't get my bfp I can try ovulation yoga. I told OH that I'm doing yoga while I'm pregnant, like pregnancy yoga =D
Tallmom- I hope that you are ovulating :dance: and I hope that you have bd :) All good signs :) Whats ovulation yoga???

Ash- I hope that you get a :bfp: in a few days gl hun...

mammag- you I am sure you will ovulate very soon or have done today as that opk was very dark definately a positive :) so fx'd you see a nice temp rise tomorrow.
I have a DVD of fertility yoga and it's broken into 4 practices, menstration, Pre ovulation, O and LP. In the perfect world I'd do it everyday, but in the perfect world I'm pregnant so :shrug: :haha:

There's different stretches and postures with breathing exercises. I do think it helps:)
Whats the name of the dvd hun? I might get myself one :) x
I'll have to try that out! I really hate this TWW. One minute I'm feeling good and then the next minute I'm feeling like I'm never going to get pregnant ... it's crazy!
Hey ladies!!!!
Glad to see this thread is thriving! hehe

I always wanted to try Yoga...but im not much of an exercise person. lol Wish I was, but im more like the people that pay for the gym membership but never go. Sad but true.

scerena - Yes, you missed nothing at all hehe.....im good...just waiting for that BFP....and waiting and waiting and waiting lol

Tallmom - I hope you O or at least AF come so you can start your clomid! Yay!

Ash - POAS!!! and thanks for charting hehe

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