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Weaning and reflux *Advice needed - Long post*


Mummy to Morgan & Niamh!
Nov 22, 2007
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For those who's LO's have reflux, in particular "Silent Reflux", have any of you found that weaning actually made it worse?

Morgan started suffering with reflux (the silent type I think, as she never really used to vomit - no more than a baby does anyway - but was always in a LOT of pain after feeding and would gulp a lot, and not get her breath!) and has been on Infant Gaviscon since 6 weeks old.

The Gaviscon seemed to really suit her and calmed things down very quickly.

Our GP and HV were quite keen for us to start trying to wean her off the Gaviscon, and the GP was quite adamant that by 4-6 months, she should grown out of the reflux anyway, in particular once she started solids.

We started giving Morgan very small amounts of rice cereals from about 20 weeks (on GP & HV advice) and slowly started to decrease the Gaviscon. By Xmas, she was only having the Gaviscon in her first and last bottle of the day (she has 5 a day), but her milk intake was dropping dramatically and she totally went off the solids.

Then she got a nasty sinus infection which meant she was hardly eating/drinking at all. But once the antibiotics kicked in, she suddenly acquired a lovely appetite again!

But we noticed that some of the reflux symptoms were creeping back - gulping on herself which was obviously painful so she'd start screaming, coughing a lot, choking on apparently nothing, arching herself back and screwing her head to one side when she lay down (almost looks like a seizure but it isn't!) etc...

So we started giving her Gaviscon with every bottle feed again to see if it would help her.... only this time it doesn't seem to have the same effect????

Yesterday was so bad, she choked really badly three times, to the point where I had to almost turn her upside down and whack her on the back as she was gasping for air!!! This is happening at least once or twice a day?

She's so unsettled, and I'm even wondering whether this is half the reason she's not sleeping well at all at night? We've done the usual raising the head of the cot etc... again, no help to her?

I really thought that being on solids would sort her out, but to us, it seems to be making the problem worse and now the Gaviscon isn't working anymore either?

I've got an appointment at the GP for her in a bit, so will see what he says, but no doubt he'll just not listen and want us to go back to reducing the Gaviscon? (He's a bit crap at the best of times, but he's the only doc at the surgery, and we can't get in at another local one!! :hissy: )

Anyone else gone through this?

As you may tell, I'm struggling for ideas here!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this!
We had a similar problem with Aaron. He had reflux when he was a small baby, which gradually improved by the time he was sitting up and spending more time upright. However, when we started weaning him at 5 months it came back. He would be very sick, with violent heaving that left him pale and unwell for hours afterwards.

When we took him to the doctors, she said it was very unusual but suggested that perhaps the stress of being spoon fed was setting off his reflux again. She told us to stop giving purees and to offer finger foods instead, which we did, although he didn't eat much at first. He never had the reflux again, and eventually started eating spoon foods again at about 10 months, this time with no problems.

I've no idea if this is any help to you at all, but perhaps it would be worth trying finger foods. Hope you manage to get it sorted soon anyway. :hug:
Thank you freckleonear, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. Finger foods are certainly an idea, but I'm not sure where to start with that!! :dohh:

I've just got back from the GP, and he was as useful as a chocolate teapot to be quite honest! I reckon he thinks I've got Munchausen's By Proxy or something!!!

He said that he doesn't believe the problem is coming back, and he's never come across any of his patients having a link with solids and reflux! His advice - stop solids completely and stick to milk and try to wean her off the Gaviscon again! I asked him how long for, and he said that as long as she gains weight ok, he wouldn't be at all bothered if we waited another 3 months to give her solids!!! 3 MONTHS???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surely it's not right to leave off weaning until she's 9 months old????

Thing is, she seems to really enjoy eating, although she's not having massive amounts anyway - equivalent of like a tablespoon or so of different foods, two or three times a day. She doesn't, however, drink much milk, generally 20-24oz on a GOOD day!! And that was another reason why the HV suggested we started weaning when we did, so to top-up her poor milk intake?

He said though, that if cutting out the solids doesn't help her, he would probably refer her to a specialist, although he didn't say how long we should wait to see if it helps?!

I'm so confused as to what to do for the best! I mean, I'm not overly keen on stopping her solids completely, not now she's 6 1/2 months and enjoys it?

I was going to take her to the baby clinic tomorrow afternoon anyway to get her weighed, so I'll try and have a chat with one of the HV's and see what they say!

AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I was scared about weaning as it was, this has just made me feel 10 times worse!! :cry:
:blush: *Just being cheeky and bumping this up in case anyone else has any advice!!* :blush:
sorry cant give you advice but noticed that you call your lo missy moo, thats what i call my LO too, lol
Sorry, can't hlp. Rebecca started with reflux very young but I only really realised it was reflux at about 10 weeks. She was started on Gaviscon which helped massively but then she got really bad trump wind esp at bedtime. Thought it may be cos of Gaviscon so reduced that but then she was being sick lots. Saw one doc..she said don't wean..this was at 15 weeks. Then sw another at 17 weeks n she said wean vigorously..so Rebecca was on 3 solid meals a day within about 2 weeks. So now she on 3 meals, n 4 bottles...but recently she started being very sick again and bringing up solid food as well as milk...thought maybe cos only getting 4 doses of gaviscon a day. went to gp the other day but saw the one who had said not to wean and she has now said she tinks it's that r is getting too much of everything and bringing up what she doesn't need.
so, she said to reduce it...so on thurs she had 4 bottles equalling about 19oz and usual solids. yesterday she had 3 bottles and same today..today she has only had 17oz milk. hasn't made a bit of difference.
however, what i have oticed in all of this is that the less gaviscon she has in a day..the more she farts. it's creeping back..trump city is ahead!
BUT the gp, although not massively helpful...has referred her to a paediatrician. she will see him and also a dietician apparently..i'm gonna start making a note of her eating and drinking habits ready. i phoned the choose n book number today and she has an appt for 27th feb.
SO I would pester your gp and point out how much pain she is obviously in and make them do something.
That was my main worry...Rebecca is sooo readly for bed at 7.15 but wakes constantly for an hour or so as she is bringing up stomach contents into her throat. her bed is also raised. but i stressed to gp that i don't like seeing in her in obvious pain and discomfort.
know this nothing the same as for you but good luck xx
Jasmine has more mild reflux, but we have started weaning early. She just refuses to drink enough so she was not gaining weight. She loves food though and I make everythng with her formula so she is still getting lots of vitamins.
I've been debating whether or not to post my story on reflux posts for a while, i don't know whether it'll cause people unnecessary worry. But i've come to the conclusion it may be beneficial for me to do so. It's not intended to worry anybody, but just to let you know what the case is with me/what i've been told by specialists. I suffer from Gastro Oesophagal Reflux Disease (GORD/GERD) and have had the symptoms of it for as long as i can remember really. On a day to day basis it makes me sick and gives me heartburn. When i went to see my last specialist for further testing he asked me to find out from my mum if i suffered with reflux symptoms as a baby, as a lot of the people in the teen-30s age range that he sees have usually had it since they were a baby but it goes undetected/untreated. I'm 19 and it's affected me all the way through my schooling and exams, and i've had to suspend my university year through it affecting my attendance. I'm now more than likely going to have it operated on. I guess what i'm trying to say is that although a lot of babies do grow out of it, some don't. So if in your opinion as a mother it's really bad, or it doesn't seem to get better as they gets older, then try and push for it to be taken seriously. I've been seeing doctors and specialists for over 6 years, often not been taken seriously and been misdiagnosed numerous times, but i'm finally getting somewhere to getting it treated, it would have been a lot easier if it'd been properly addressed when i was younger. xx
Thanks Katy
Have never heard that before..hasn't scared me at all...just lets us know to be aware. Good luck with everything xx
Hey hun,sounds like you are going through the mill here.
Your Dr is a waste of space thinking that reflux stops at 4-6 months! prick sorry lol.

So you said she is much better when on the gaviscon ie drinks more milk etc? if that is the case i would continue with this.If the dr doesnt give you any i have loads spare here if you do need them :)
With Tabs she only has the gaviscon as a last resort as it really makes her already thick milk even more gloopy! but she is on domperidone and ranitidine anyway so that is the main saviour!

I was just wondering what type of milk she is on now?
Tabs has never been a big fluid drinker and still on a great day only has 24 oz tops. usually hovers around the 20oz mark a day and i still give her 5 bottles a day.She usually only does between 3-4oz but sometimes shocks me with a 6oz.If she didnt have to eat im sure she wouldnt! She is on a thicker feed to help her keep it down and sometimes i wonder if she gets fuller quicker because of that but reluctant to try a thinner milk again.

HV and consultant are a bit crap here too its all what ifs and maybes but you know your LO better than anyone.
The symptoms are definately the reflux from my experience.

Before each feed Tabs still gets the gripe water to help her burp as when she doesnt burp that is when she suffers with the acid coming up.

Is she on gripe water? and what type of milk is she on hun?
Sorry I have not read the replies but our experience of reflux and weaning.

When she started having meals we noticed despite still using gaviscon in every feed that she was being sicky again only of course now its food all over your carpet whist they crawl about :dohh: it wasn't major but definately annoying :( carried on with the gaviscon and more active she became on her feet etc the more it calmed down.

Sadly reflux doesn't have a cure but I wouldn't stop the gaviscon - now Caitlin is on her feet its RARE shes sicky thats usually when babies reflux 'calms'.
she was being sicky again only of course now its food all over your carpet whist they crawl about :dohh:

So glad i have laminate now!!

It can be really frustrating though as you make yourself constantly monitoring how much they have had and if its enough blah blah.......All the medical peeps are crap too cos they dont give you advice..........there isnt even a leaflet they can give you or anything.
hi, elliots still got reflux-we've been told to do a diary. write down when hes having his bottle, how much sick he brings up and when etc. we were advised to start weaning-but to be honest no improvement yet. the gaviscon helped a bit, but some days are worse then others.

ive just swapped formula to SMA staydown, see how he gets on with this and carry on with the weaning.

the gp will refer us to a specialist if in a week or so there is no improvement.

i'm so fed up of people telling me 'but babys do sick up a bit'.....this is more then a bit and normal.

Thanks everyone for your replies!

Well, Morgan hasn't had any solids now for just over a week. For the first couple of days, she had more milk than she's ever done... 35-40oz each day! (She's on SMA White BTW! - She was on SMA Gold up until about 4 months).

The last few days however, that's knocked back to about 25-30oz, at best, over 5 bottles.

She's having the maximum amount of Gaviscon in 24 hours, and things have got a tiny bit better, she's still coughing a lot, choking badly on apparently nothing, very irritable after her feeds and sometimes screams, sleeping badly etc...

In fact, yesterday morning, she projectile vomited twice - first time she's ever done that!!

So I've got to get her back to the doctors - hopefully the weather will have improved by Monday so I can get there!
Hi - We are going through the same as you have - weaning reflux gaviscon no sleep sad sicky baby! My GP thinks that maybe our baby is just being difficult and that I should let her cry. HV says I should give her more milk and gaviscon at 10pm then do controlled crying for the rest of the night. Have you had any luck? or suggestions? Pretty fed up.
Sorry honey, I haven't got any advice for oyu but just wanted to say thank you because the symptoms you described really matched my little boy's. His GP wasn't convinced that he had a reflux problem but told us to try the Gaviscon and see how it goes. He's been much better since then and the choking fits you described had been baffling us and our doctors for weeks.

Sorry I can't be any help, but thank you for confirming our suspicions about my little boy and I hope you get things sorted soon xx

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