Weaning at 4 months

My parents started me on rice cereal when I was four months old.

I turned out okay. :winkwink:

Yes and some people have been weaned before and at 4 months and they turned out not okay.
But who are you, or anyone, to say that it's not necessary for any individual child before 6 months? I disagree - it was necessary for my child, and not just because of reflux, but because he was hungry. All babies are different and they DO develop differently.

It's not just that people who quote guidelines/research etc are jumped on - anyone who suggests that they want to start their babies on solids before 6 months is made to feel stupid and irresponsible (although that is probably not people's intention). The science says that it is advisable to exclusively breastfeed and not introduce solids until after 6 months HOWEVER some babies will be ready prior to this and their digestive systems will be ready at 17 weeks. I've no doubt that some babies will be ready before 17 weeks, but this is the information I chose to take notice of.

Oh, and the health secretary could be like the old woman in the shoe....he's a politician, not a scientist, and has nish to do with it. The next cabinet reshuffle he could be the defence secretary, and I'm sure he hasn't got his own Chinnok helicopter to qualify him for the job.

X-post. I agree with everything you are saying.
On the other hand I do think (based on what I have read not personal experience obvs) that MOST babies aren't ready until closer to six months.
Summer Rain - I agree entirely :) Why would anyone take the advice of one individual health professional? I didn't - I've seen my HV once, when Niall was 6 weeks, and never heard from her again. I did my own research and used my instincts (not necessarily mammy instincts, because Niall is my first child, but instincts as a reasonable well-educated adult).

Yet there are many people prepared to take the advice of one individual health professional just because she's written a book - Gill Rapley. She was a HV and a midwife. I don't know about yours, but as I say I only met my HV once, and my midwife was a blithering idiot. I like a bandwagon as much as the next person, but hers is one I'm not prepared to jump on.
I don't know about yours, but as I say I only met my HV once, and my midwife was a blithering idiot.

:haha: Here's something we can probably all agree on!

*I am a bit of a Gill Rapley fan though - but you are right, a lot of the BLW stuff isn't evidence based (yet?).*
Summer Rain - I agree entirely :) Why would anyone take the advice of one individual health professional? I didn't - I've seen my HV once, when Niall was 6 weeks, and never heard from her again. I did my own research and used my instincts (not necessarily mammy instincts, because Niall is my first child, but instincts as a reasonable well-educated adult).

Yet there are many people prepared to take the advice of one individual health professional just because she's written a book - Gill Rapley. She was a HV and a midwife. I don't know about yours, but as I say I only met my HV once, and my midwife was a blithering idiot. I like a bandwagon as much as the next person, but hers is one I'm not prepared to jump on.

I've never actually even read Gill Rapley's book and many of those I know who waited until 6 months chose to do traditional weaning, I did tw with two of mine, blw with two and by BLW I don't mean based on Gill Rapley's writing. :flower: xx
*I am a bit of a Gill Rapley fan though - but you are right, a lot of the BLW stuff isn't evidence based (yet?).*

Fair enough :) I've read it in the interests of research. And because I like a good story lol x
But I still think that we should stop to so quickly suggest that weaning before 6 months is fine. If a mum comes on here and says: My 4 month old baby is all of the sudden eating lots more and is really interested in watching me eat. I think we should say: Wait it out, there's a growth spurt at 4 months and also a sleep regression. See if it passes before you make any drastic decisions. Also babies are just curious.

Anyway, I weaned my daughter at 22 weeks because I followed the advice of my HV saying that she needed food because she dropped on the centile charts.. A month later it turns out they charted her weight wrong and it wasn't necessary at all. She was perfectly content with just milk and happy as always. I ended up making the wrong decision and majorly regretting this. Hence why I'm so serious about this topic. I don't want women to end up feeling as bad as I do about weaning, thus I want to tell them my side of the story.
I traditionally weaned my daughter & still gave finger foods at 6 months :shrug: i dont think BLW is a craze really.
i tw at 4 months with fruits and veg then onto finger food at just before 6 months... at 7 months he has everything we have :) no regrets x
But I still think that we should stop to so quickly suggest that weaning before 6 months is fine. If a mum comes on here and says: My 4 month old baby is all of the sudden eating lots more and is really interested in watching me eat. I think we should say: Wait it out, there's a growth spurt at 4 months and also a sleep regression. See if it passes before you make any drastic decisions. Also babies are just curious.

Anyway, I weaned my daughter at 22 weeks because I followed the advice of my HV saying that she needed food because she dropped on the centile charts.. A month later it turns out they charted her weight wrong and it wasn't necessary at all. She was perfectly content with just milk and happy as always. I ended up making the wrong decision and majorly regretting this. Hence why I'm so serious about this topic. I don't want women to end up feeling as bad as I do about weaning, thus I want to tell them my side of the story.

I agree - this wasn't best for your baby. And I'm sorry you felt about your decision. I would always advocate doing your own research and not trusting what a HV says just because he/she is a HV. I went on a Sure Start course where they said not to wean before 6 months due to current guidelines - I ignored them and am confident in my own decision. But that's me, and that's Niall. Worked for him, not necessarily for other babies.
I could honestly punch my HV :).

So yea, all I'm trying to do is make sure that women know both sides of the story. In the end it's up to them what they do. I just wish I had waited.
But I still think that we should stop to so quickly suggest that weaning before 6 months is fine. If a mum comes on here and says: My 4 month old baby is all of the sudden eating lots more and is really interested in watching me eat. I think we should say: Wait it out, there's a growth spurt at 4 months and also a sleep regression. See if it passes before you make any drastic decisions. Also babies are just curious.

I think you should definitely say this. I do think there is a big difference though between when someone is asking for advice (such as this thread) and when someone has already made up their mind/started and isn't really looking for advice. In those cases I think it is best to steer clear because in that case it could be construed as judgemental. (Not aiming this at you Lauki just generally). On the other hand I can think of a few posters on BnB who almost seem to be looking to be offended (not talking about anyone on this thread) and get very defensive when these topics come up. Thats how we get to happymealgate I guess.

I've actually really enjoyed this discussion and hope the OP doesn't feel like her thread has been too hijacked!
hah... no I dont feel like this thread has been hijacked :)

I did ask for advise, and I have gotten that in bucket load from a variety of different stand points. I have enjoyed reading all of the different view points and for those that say that before 6 months isnt fair them based on the research, I agree with you. I wanted to start weaning at 6 months, it was something I was looking forward. Feeding my little boy for the first time wasnt a great experience unfortunately because I was in 2 minds and it was a worrying time. I also appreciate that there is a 4 mth growth spurt and the regression. There is a point that someone made that the sleep regression would not be helped by the extra milk or the introduction of solids, and I do think that this has been missed but I actually agree with it fully! I also know my little dude went through his growth spurt at 15.5 weeks, he fed well, and did not fuss with his feeds at all - just supped them down, (which even though he was feeding more at this stint he was fussing with his milk, along with all of his other issues at this time) and during his growth spurt he sleeps A LOT.

I am glad this thread has not turned nasty as others can sometimes do. I am still happy with my decision and I am not currently regretting it at all (and I hope I dont come to in the future). I really believe this has helped him out a lot. And again for all those that said people wean early to get baby through the night... This morning I was up at 2.30 (for a feed and nappy change), and up for the day at 5. I do not care 2 hoots if the little man gets up during the night as stated previously (Sorry ladies, I do get defensive about this because for me it was nothing to do with sleeping through the night). Luckily I have a good hubby who allowed me an afternoon nap which is why I am up and cant sleep now!! Durrrr.... hehe...

Indeed, babies will sleep through when they are good and ready :) Glad you've got such a supportive OH!!

It's brilliant that you are happy with your decision, and he obviously is too xx
I think any discussion about weaning is healthy if I'm honest :) Of course, we all have different viewpoints and experiences, and there's nothing wrong with sharing them with others.
Glad things are going so well for you!
And yay for an awesome husband!!
Good luck Gracie! I know we always feel guilty when others say what we are doing can cause problems, but you know your child best. No matter what toy we buy or what we do, someone will always have a horror story behind it! Here the doctors tell us we can start weaning between 4-6 months, so it's not like you started at 4 weeks or something! I have yet to read any evidence that rice cereal at 4 months causes problems...there are articles and opinions on it, but I haven't seen any true studies showing this. And again, all babies are different and it sounds like you figured out what your baby needs right now!

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