Hey Everyone!!!
Coy - I swear you need to give yourself a break more than just once a week
You are a miracle Mom! Super Mom!
Your DD's are at ages now where they can go play QUIETLY on their own. Set them out at the table with some arts and crafts (but things they cannot use to destroy your house). Maybe get some big beads and some twine and let them make a necklace? Course you'd have to make sure that all the beads were picked up because that would be a choking hazard for Aeryn
so maybe not. I'm sure you could find some cool things for them to do at the $$ Store. Do you have one of those? I love the one in Canada, the one we have down here is not as good. Anyway, the place in Canada is called Dollarama and OMG the deals and the kids crafts! Awesome!
Then once they are happily ensconced, go take a break and just ZEN for a while.
Sams - ya.. the period of time between IVFs you feel so helpless, or at loose ends. I felt the same way. I just wanted to get started again! Waiting
was for the birds! Have you made an appt with your new FS yet? Have you discussed your options? Have they set you up for your cycle? Sometimes getting that all set helps, and hopefully before you know it you'll be cycling again
If you are doing a cycle soon, we'll be cycling together YAY! I figure I'll get AF sometime next weekend, and I THINK that is when we'll start the real FET. I will know more on Monday as to whether we need to wait an extra month (I hope not).
BabyWhisperer - 10% is not great odds, but it is better than 0!!! I wouldn't count yourself out yet. It isn't over until the fat lady sings. If an egg was fertilized, it didn't even enter the uterus until yesterday, it is supposed to be hatching today and starting to implant today through Tuesday. Some make the trip a little faster and some a little slower, but the embryo doesn't grow faster it literally takes 5-6 days to become a blast and 6-7 days to hatch, so testing now would be pointless. The things that you want to be on the look out for are more subtle, like pinching in the uterus or the feeling like your uterus is stretching, those symptoms are possible as early as today or tomorrow, but again most women don't even feel them. The rest of the symptoms are masked by the progesterone. So testing before 8-9 DPO is too early, and very few will get a positive at 9 DPO, so if you want to save yourself the disappointment, then wait until 11-12 DPO. By then if the bean implanted you should have sufficient levels for a FRER (the first response early result) to give you a positive. Or if you want to just wait until your BETA, that works too. I'm leaning towards just waiting for BETA this next cycle. The knowledge that it didn't work I think caused my mood to be worse didn't help anything at all! FX'd that you get a BFP!!!
Angel - How are you feeling? We haven't seen a post recently.. Hoping things are going well at your Mom's and that your DH is starting to come around. Give us an update if you can, inquiring minds want to know how you are doing and feeling
AFM - went to the 'Delray Affair' with a friend today. It is an arts & crafts fair in the next town south of me (Delray Beach). They shut down the main drag and then all the exhibitors put up their tents along the avenue. It was fun, and I got a lot of cards from some fun artists that I would like to buy art from. Some were of local houses that are all Caribbean with the pink and yellow and shutters just so. The others I liked were of native marine, and birds, like turtles, manatee etc. The colors both artists used were fun! All bright pastels and their technique was fun as well. So I will check out their websites and see if I can't figure out what I want where. I'm still trying to decorate my family room, and then I want to move up to my spare bedroom and the guest bathroom upstairs. I think these prints would be fun up there!
After that we ran to the mall and now I'm home and I'm just BEAT. All that sun and walking and everything, I think I just want to go to bed
It is only 7:40 here.. a little early yet
The sun hasn't even set
That is what progesterone does to me.
Tomorrow I need to get my gardening done, laundry done, and painting done. Plus run out to Kohl's and Michael's. I'm going to be a busy bee tomorrow
How much do you want to bet that I
sleep in and only get 1/2 of my chores/errands done?
Naughty Ali!