Apple -
honey. Gosh that's early you start spotting, is it linked to anything in particular? Perfect timing for an IB too...
Ali - fingers crossed honey, a few of the other things you mention also scream of a BFP to me. Sorry, don't want to get your hopes up too much but I'm with the rest and hope you get blessed with good news this week
Jess - D-Day Friday here we come (well not me literally lol apart from it'll be the weekend
Coy - keep those lawyers on their toes babe, imagine asking you to travel that distance at 7 months gone, no way hosey
AFM - have had a bit of a strange week, AF due today but no sign yet. My cycles can vary in length so not even thinking about testing yet (ok I am but like I couldnt be pregnant unless my name has changed to Mary!). Pals on another thread on here think I should lol but I am resisting, I am resisting as see no point. Ok, there is a slight chance but I mean slight. So slight my DH would be asking questions
I managed to get a BBT this morning and it is high (37.0 oC), and I still have some creamy cm, but I also feel a bit crampy so reckon I'll just be a couple of days late. I'm going to start charting again from now as well as this cycle not charting has left me so confused not knowing how my body is behaving.
This basically stems from getting positive OPKs 5 days in a row last week, but I used a different brand last night and it was negative. I also used a cheap IC HPT last Weds and that was negative too so I think my body is just a bit awry this month
Not happy as I want this AF now so I can get back on the TTC bandwagon after a couple of months off after my last MC. Didnt think I'd ever say it, but come on AF where are you?
Oh this game is so testing on our nerves, Ali hang in there, nearly there!