Past Stone: Algiz (reversed)
This stone has a very heavy feel to it, Yvanne i feel from this that you have always had to look out for yourself, always had to sort things out and get what you need to survive, i feel you have had to do this even though you have been in a relationship. Its telling me you have so many hopes, dreams and desires that you would to accomplish, but its just not been possible because you have had no real support around you. You tend to run around after everyone else but yourself, you are always taking care of your family and of the man in your life but getting nothing back from this! Although you love your partner and you do have chemistry together, i feel you have been very overburdened in the past and this stone is showing me that the person in your life has added to that and can be quite demanding at times. Its also telling me that you are week willed and tend to agree with your partner just to keep the peace in your household.
Present Stone: ISA (upright)
Yvanne, this stone is saying about an unstoppable change that is coming in to your life right now, you have to be patient and let it work its way through before you can think clearly and really truly know what you want from this. This stone is telling you there is or will be soon an emotional cooling off period, its a time for reflection, and stillness so your mind can breathe. You need to make the most of this time because its only a temporary period so it will not last long. Its designed to cool things and give you a change to hear your inner thoughts, they are there but things are so cloudy for you right now that you can not hear them. Listen to your inner voice, your gut feeling, deep down you know what it is you want from your relationship, so now is the time to clarify that.
Future Stone: Kaunaz (upright)
Oh Yvanne this is a lovely stone to have for your future, Kaunaz is the renewal of love, relationships and even a birth! so if you are not trying for a baby then please be careful because this will be a very fertile time for you. This card is showing me that the passion is going to be put back in to your relationship, it will become a very meaningful and loving relationship after you have had the cooling off time. I feel that you both have a lot to teach each other and you both much listen to what each of you wants, but with good communication, this relationship i feel will be very passionate and strong.