What are your symptoms so far?


Mom of 2
Mar 17, 2009
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Hi girls....

Just wondering what everyone's symptoms are and how far along are you? I know that everyone has different symptoms and not always at the same time - just thought it would be interesting to see what everyone is going through right now. Thanks!
I'm 6 weeks 5 days and right now am not having that many symptoms, just sensitive nipples, larger and sometimes sore breast, and a queasy feeling when I haven't eaten for a few hours. That's it! No real morning sickness yet. Oh- and feeling moody too. No sex drive.

I'm interested in hearing what others are going through, too.
Sorry - realizing I should have also included MY symptoms -HA! There is the first symptom - though I think maybe because Im sooo distracted. My mind isnt working right lately - cant finish my own sentences or remember the names of simple things.

Sore boobs started 5 days ago - and they are really sore at times (usually dont get sore boobs with af so this is a new thing for me - feeling sorry for everyone who has sore bb's every month with af!)

Cramps - on and off - they were worst last week when should have had af - since then I notice them only once in a while - esp. at night when Im sleeping and wake up to pee - I then feel crampy.

Leg cramps - backs of legs especially upper and lower legs. (im eating bananas and drinking lots of water - not really helping)

Indigestion - feeling icky stomach and having 4-5 BM's a day - although not diarreah.

Feeling uck in early am when I wake up - needing to eat something to make it go away - even if its 5 am!

I am 4 +6 I think. I am surprised I have this many symptoms so quick - took me by surprise I guess!

3/14/09 I was deathly sick, didn't know I was pregnant... but woke at 3am puking which didn't stop until 4pm... not fun. Confirmed prego 3/17/09 and I was just tired and moody. (5 weeks 5 days).

I had sore boobs, cramps, loss of appetite, heat waves, fatigue, forgetfulness, emotional, sensitive smell, bloating, constipated, peeing a lot, and attention needy... (up until about 9 weeks when they started to lessen their strength.)

Now at 10weeks 5days I am sore boobs, kinda tired, horny more often(sorry-tmi), smaller appetite but it's not lost, thirsty, really light headaches, heartburn here and there as well as occassional cramping.

I can't complain, it's really been easy so far- sometimes I wonder if it's "too easy" and something's going to go wrong- but I told myself at the beginning I would not let worrying consume me and I was going to carry this baby fullterm- so the confidence has helped me stay level headed and not go crazy with m/c worries. :cloud9:
5weeks 3 days....

Constipated then I cant stop going lol
Very sore boobs that have now got little bumps on!
5weeks 3 days....

Constipated then I cant stop going lol
Very sore boobs that have now got little bumps on!

Just cause it's funny (& TMI) I have to share this... I realized those little bumps at about 9 weeks and well... I'm a silly woman, I tried to pop them I thought they were white headed zits so I was in the bedroom sitting on the end of the bed pushing the the bumps with my nails :rofl: OH came in the room and was like "what the hell are you doing?" I explained to him and made him take a look and he told me through his laughter to leave them alone theyre supposed to be like that!!:rofl: I was DYING laughing!!
hey guys , im tryin for my 1st an im now 20 days late im gettin so many of these symptoms but i have had 2 negative tests if it wasnt for the cramps an feelin like i was goin to see af that i wudnt question the tests were wrong! im goin the docs in the mornin to see if i can get a blood test but my mum had 1 an that came back neg after 3 neg hpt's! so im so confused! all the symptoms but i just dont kno what to think...did anyone here have symptoms but neg tests??
I am 9 weeks and my symptoms are I get queasy if I don't eat every 2 hours, my nipples have gotten larger and changed color, and certain smells make me really sick. That's all the symptoms I have, nothing else. :)
I'm 6 weeks 2day. Symptoms are fatigue, nausea (not sick yet tho) and my boobs tingle. Oh and very bad wind (both ends) :blush: :rofl:
6 weeks, 2 days. Overwhelming nausea and sickness, crampiness a lot of the time, dizziness, fatigue and a throbbing headache.
I'm 5+5 today and my main symptoms are...

TIREDNESS - OMG...I am so tired. I sleep 9-10 hours of a night and I have to have a sleep for 2-3hours during the day (which is awful when i'm at work as I can't have my nap!). I find the tiredness hits me in the middle of the day out of no where and I feel as though i'm going to pass out.

Constant urination - It seems I drink a mouthful of water and i'm dashing for the loo :lol:

Sore + big boobs - i've gone up 2 cup sizes already and my boobs and nipples are really sore and starting to feel harder

Hunger - If I don't eat every 2 hours I feel sick with hunger. I get woken up between 5-6am every morning due to my hunger. This morning for breakfast I had...1 apple, 1 banana, 1 plum and I was still hungry so I had a large cookie and i'm still not full.

Excess saliva - my mouth feels like it is full of spit all the time and I always have to swallow it away!

And thats about it. Some mornings and some evenings I do feel a bit queasy but nothing to really write about.
I have a massive burp session every morning and usually soon after I eat as well. I haven't been hungry in the mornings and have had to fore myself to eat. Usually I'm hungry when I wake up and have a good breakfast to start the day, but since easter it's just been one piece of toast and a hot drink. I have *very* sensitive breasts, sometimes they're sore for no reason! I've been very tired and have taken naps on a few occasions. Not sure how I'll manage when I'm back at work next week! My memory's not what it used to be. It's not bad, but a couple of times a day I'll forget what I've said right after I've said it. For a few days last week I was really emotional. The news made me cry!
9 weeks

nausea + vomiting if I eat something that doesn't agree with me.

Exhaused all the time

Boobs have grown 1 cup size and nipples are larger

emotional - I had my first outburst today.

constipated OMG

cant concentrate on anything at all. Feeling pretty dumb at the moment.

25/7 nausea which means I can only eat what I really fancy and at the moment it has to be salty stuff for some reason (I never added salt to stuff before) and I've totally gone off anything sweet as it makes me heave (which I'm finding very odd as I'm a massive chocolate person).

Sore boobs which feel rock-hard.

Tired no matter how much sleep I get.

Crampy (sometimes similar to AF pains, sometimes kind of stretchy, twingey pains).

Burping and farting like there's no tomorrow (Sorry, TMI :) ).

Between about 3am and 8am I have to pee about once an hour...

25/7 nausea which means I can only eat what I really fancy and at the moment it has to be salty stuff for some reason (I never added salt to stuff before) and I've totally gone off anything sweet as it makes me heave (which I'm finding very odd as I'm a massive chocolate person).

Sore boobs which feel rock-hard.

Tired no matter how much sleep I get.

Crampy (sometimes similar to AF pains, sometimes kind of stretchy, twingey pains).

Burping and farting like there's no tomorrow (Sorry, TMI :) ).

Between about 3am and 8am I have to pee about once an hour...

I have to pee all night as well. Pretty annoying because now I am not getting any good sleep on top of being exhausted
I'm 5 weeks and:

Feel a bit light headed/dizzy most of the time
Seem to have pretty serious case of pregnancy brain (forgetting stuff, thinking one thing, typing another etc)
Need to pee more often
Boobs look a bit bigger and ached yesterday
Feeling pretty tired (feeling ready for bed at about 9pm!)
Im 9 weeks on Saturday and i've been feeling so so tired, feel like i could nap anytime of the day, have a queasy feeling first thing in the morning and last thing at night and need to eat something every 2 hours! havent been sick yet just feel it, i had slight cramping a few weeks ago when my period would have been due but nothing since then. im so emotional or moody, feel so sorry for my other half!! i cried listening to the new miley cyrus song this morning!! i forget so many things! yesterday i put apple juice on my cornflakes!!! had to start again and got it right with milk the second time!! lol! my boobs are really sore and tender and have gone up a cup size! i've had a bit of heartburn and constipation! got my 12 week scan on 13th May and so excited but nervous at the same time!! keep having nightmares that theres gonna be no baby in there and that this pregnancy was all in my head!! anyone else feeling like this?
9 weeks 4 days...and just tired!

around 5/6 weks felt nausea and was sick once but everything seems to have dissapeard now..even my headaches :(

My boobs are still firm though, im trying to be positive and hoping my lil bubba is dancing around monday at my scan! :hugs:

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