LOL This thread is too good not to jump into! Haven't had to bribe DH...yet... ask me again in two days!
Right now I'm CD 11, and DH and I have
every night since CD 7 (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th) basically everyday until a positive OPK, and then every other day after that!
Although when I mentioned to DH that we'd be
almost everynight his response was "ohhh hell yeah!" LMAO but we'll see how that hold up in a week! haha I have a great positive feeling this month - this is the exact same setup it was with my DD - March was month #3 TTC, and sure enough! TADA! LOL Hopefully I'm just destined for Christmas babies!
Good luck ladies! Baby dust to everyone for a sticky bean and Christmas babies!

Good luck ladies! Baby dust to everyone for a sticky bean and Christmas babies!