what do u think of mmr

B had his last thursday so gives me my awnser i dont have it and everyone i know whos had MMR is fine
i put no as it isnt proven that the mmr can cause autism, autism is diagnosed about the time the mmr is given.

my ohs cousin has autism so i was really nervous about the mmr so i talked it thro with my hv who was very understanding and patient with me+ could c y i was concearned she got loads of stuff off the net 4 me n went thro it all, and made me see that its never been physically proven tht it causes it. i cud add loads more but its a subject i feel strong about and dont wanna get in a debate sorry :)
I put no as there is no hard research to suggest that the MMR is linked with autism.
I hadnt got a clue it was even suggested that MMR was linked with Autism!

I mean how can some antibodies being injected cause autism ?

anyway I havent read or heard anything about this so I cant really comment.
We were unsure about MMR when I had ds 5yrs ago but had decided to give him the MMr jab when it all blew about Tony Blair's son. When Blair wouldn't state that his son had it done it made us really nervous so in the end decided to have single vaccines. It has cost us a fortune ( about £700 in total for initial jabs and then boosters got disount. for boosters as had dd vaccinated at same clinic) . I personally think it is money well spent as the children most likely to react are boys with family history of allery. In few of my sons problems I don't regret having single vaccines and this baby and any other we have will also have separate vaccine.
so is it the fact that they get the measles mumps and rubella in onme injection together ? how come its better to have them seperartly ?
They think that giving it all in one can overload the system I think. Its such a long time now I can't remeber. If given sep thye have a gap of two to three months inbetwenn. Measles first , then rubella , then mumps.
ah right, and they think that can lead to autism! confuses me! lol
I am not concerned about the autism link but I am still not sure where I stand with the mmr. Wwe are thinking of single jabs but I am still trying to make my mind up.
Well actually the doctor who first made the claims about the link to autism it turned out was actually being funded by some association dealing with autism. And when a ful independant enquiry was made into possile links, they found no evidence whatsoever, and the origional doctor retracted his comments.


Here you go this provided information on the retraction and the money that the origional pulishers recieved to make the claim!
I too voted no, as there is no longer any evidence that links the 2!
Andrew Wakefields study was funded by autism group. The gvernments reports aren't exactly "independant" most are funded by drug companies. Until I see a fully independant report that isn't funded by drug companies or such like I will remain sceptical and will not risk my childrens health with the mmr. Especially when Tony Blair can not state if his son had the mmr jab. That fact alone makes me nervous when someone in government who rekons the jab is safe won't go on record and say that his son had the jab. Sorry if I upset anyone with this post but it is something I feel strongly about.
Mummy2twoplusbump said:
Andrew Wakefields study was funded by autism group. The gvernments reports aren't exactly "independant" most are funded by drug companies. Until I see a fully independant report that isn't funded by drug companies or such like I will remain sceptical and will not risk my childrens health with the mmr. Especially when Tony Blair can not state if his son had the mmr jab. That fact alone makes me nervous when someone in government who rekons the jab is safe won't go on record and say that his son had the jab. Sorry if I upset anyone with this post but it is something I feel strongly about.

totally agree with u my brother has autism
Hi all this was dicussed abit ago on another forum so have just copied and pasted my reply here :D
Ethan and callum have both had the MMR jab and so will lily.

Ethan is being investigated for autism at the mo and has been for sometime, but I don't think that the jab has anything to with children that are diagnosed.

This is only my oppinion but I've read quite a bit about austism and I think alot of the speculation if due to the fact that children start to show the signs of autism at around the age of 3, however I don't think this has anything to do with the MMR I think that it is just when children start to develope more in terms of speech, awareness and understanding so it is when difference between children that have autism and those that do not become more apparent.

Like I said though this is just my oppinion. :D
I don't think there's risk of Autism with MMR, but it IS a fact that until recently children in this country died of diseases like measles. Stanley will have the MMR.

Can I ask those mum's who say definitely not if they are intending to shell out on the single jabs?

I am all for parental choice (so no flaming please :) ) but am concerned that higher numbers of parents opting out of vaccination will negate the whole immunisation programme and lead to increased infection once again.

This is opinion, I have NO research back-up on it (although if any one can share knowledge on it I'd be grateful)
I don't think between autism and mmr. However it does concern me how many injections Seren is meant to be getting. I am all for immunisation for serious diseases but not sure about mumps. I was quite ill with measles, and have had mumps and ruebella. I am happy for Seren to get vaccinated against measles, and when she is older she will recieve the rubella one anyway like I did but mumps to me is a childhood disease like chicken pox, unpleasant but very rarely lfe threatening. I know in very rare cases there can be complications including encephalitis. Its just that as a mum I try my best to know whats going into my child, and there is so much informnation out there it can be really tough to make a decision what you believe is right.
Minxy said:
I don't think there's risk of Autism with MMR, but it IS a fact that until recently children in this country died of diseases like measles. Stanley will have the MMR.

Can I ask those mum's who say definitely not if they are intending to shell out on the single jabs?

I am all for parental choice (so no flaming please :) ) but am concerned that higher numbers of parents opting out of vaccination will negate the whole immunisation programme and lead to increased infection once again.

This is opinion, I have NO research back-up on it (although if any one can share knowledge on it I'd be grateful)

i totally agree with children having the jab im not saying that im only asking beacuse my brother had the mmr and is autisic

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