Ok I'm 20 turning 21 next month, and I was on BCP but I've been off for several months now. Since coming off I've been regular, 22 days like clockwork. Last period was on March 24, 2016 and lasted 4 days. My SO and I had sex and he did evacuate inside me on CD13 and sex a few times after that and before. Well, last week Monday, April 4, I threw up didn't feel nauseous or anything just randomly threw up. My period was due on April 6th and now I'm 5 days late. The only thing I've noticed is I've been extremely tired but it's been so hard for me to fall asleep! And also on and off since last week there have been some cramping but not nearly as bad as when AF is due (I have endometriosis/cramps are always horrible). My nipples hurt on and off too as well as going to the bathroom more frequently, but not just to pee. TMI warning: I usually only have about 3-4 bowel movements a week now it's more like 3+ a day! I talked to my friend who is a mom and she said I very well could be. My question is do you think I could be pregnant? Or is it even possible to conceive that close to my period? And if you think I could be pregnant when should I test?