What Else Do We Have In Common, Besides Age! LOL

Great thread! I'm 38 (39 in just over 2 weeks), DH is 45 and we've been married one year and one month as of tomorrow! I have a DSS 22 who lives with us with his fiance who is 26 (they got engaged just a month ago!) and a DSD 17 who lives with her mother in the midwest. We live in San Diego where it is not sunny today! Grrr.... Our family also includes our wonderful whippet and 2 cats, and there are 3 other cats in the household that belong to DSS and fiance. Luckily they have their own rooms off the back of the house or I'd be forever vacuuming! I'm originally from England (Surrey) but moved here when I was 6. Still have a very large family back home and I really get a kick out of all the gals in the UK on here! I'm currently recently unemployed by choice as the 150 mile commute to LA was a killer and DH and I decided it was a bad stresser to have while TTC so I quit in Jan and have been officially TTC since. We've been NTNP since the month before the wedding (although I will admit to some strategic timing he was unaware of :haha:). Am TTC for my first! I was pg once before about 5 years ago, totally unplanned in a prior relationship, but I lost it 4 days after I found out at 5+5. Not sure if that would be considered an mc or just a chemical but it sure hurt emotionally even though it was unplanned. I love to read (Chick lit, fantasy and SF), and garden and I'm super busy working on a big charity event I'm running in two months time! I love sitcoms, Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother being current favorites!
Great thread! I'm 38 (39 in just over 2 weeks), DH is 45 and we've been married one year and one month as of tomorrow! I have a DSS 22 who lives with us with his fiance who is 26 (they got engaged just a month ago!) and a DSD 17 who lives with her mother in the midwest. We live in San Diego where it is not sunny today! Grrr.... Our family also includes our wonderful whippet and 2 cats, and there are 3 other cats in the household that belong to DSS and fiance. Luckily they have their own rooms off the back of the house or I'd be forever vacuuming! I'm originally from England (Surrey) but moved here when I was 6. Still have a very large family back home and I really get a kick out of all the gals in the UK on here! I'm currently recently unemployed by choice as the 150 mile commute to LA was a killer and DH and I decided it was a bad stresser to have while TTC so I quit in Jan and have been officially TTC since. We've been NTNP since the month before the wedding (although I will admit to some strategic timing he was unaware of :haha:). Am TTC for my first! I was pg once before about 5 years ago, totally unplanned in a prior relationship, but I lost it 4 days after I found out at 5+5. Not sure if that would be considered an mc or just a chemical but it sure hurt emotionally even though it was unplanned. I love to read (Chick lit, fantasy and SF), and garden and I'm super busy working on a big charity event I'm running in two months time! I love sitcoms, Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother being current favorites!

I am so sorry for your loss! :hugs: Btw, I have a lab puppy named Barney...bazinga! lol:happydance:
Ok, here's mine!

I live in NE Oklahoma, living with SO who is almost 35 and I just turned 40 - no kids, TTC#1. I teach high school Senior English (British Lit, which is my passion), Journalism and Yearbook. I am also finishing up my master's in English this fall with a thesis about Shakespeare (LOVE the bard!). Our last day with students is Friday, but my last day is next Thursday due to our 9 snow days in February because of our record breaking blizzard!

We have two kitties, Howie and Janie (named after two house guests on Big Brother US). LOL They are 3.5 years old, nearly identical brother and sister.

Speaking of TV, I am an addict: Big Brother, Survivor, Biggest Loser, General Hospital, American Idol, Food Network, Dexter, Weeds, Shameless, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, The Apprentice, Family Guy, South Park, Iron Chef America, Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, and so much more! LOL
Oh what fun!

I am 39 and my DH is 41...We met at Uni and have been together since 9/9/90 and married since 9/9/99. We live in coastal NC after moving here from Arizona, and before that, Sydney, Australia. We have 2 cats and a golden mix. I have stopped working since TTC. I was working very stressful 70-80 hour weeks for years....not conducive to TTC. If we are successful with TTC I will stay home. We were never really sure about having kids until my DH hit 40 and he was suddenly certain. I have enjoyed shows like Weeds, Shameless, True Blood, The Tudors...
Speaking of TV, I am an addict: Big Brother, Survivor, Biggest Loser, General Hospital, American Idol, Food Network, Dexter, Weeds, Shameless, True Blood, Vampire Diaries, The Apprentice, Family Guy, South Park, Iron Chef America, Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, and so much more! LOL

Wow! I think I just finally found someone who can compete with my little sister! She also knows everything about films, as well...
Marleysgirl My OH is the full-time SAHD and he's having a ball! Seriously, he's really good at it, which means I can work without guilt just now.

I hope u know how lucky u r!

I asked my DH if he would ever consider staying home and he looked at me as if I had lost my mind...
My turn....I'm 35 and DH is 37. We've been married for 4 years, together for 7. When we met I had DD(now aged 13) from previous relationship and he has 2(now aged 12 and 9) sons from previous marriage. We have made one DS (will be 3 on Saturday) of our own, so 4 kids between us so far. In the time we've been together we've fallen pregnant 5 times, 2 v early losses before DS and 2 in second tri in the last year. Currently seeing FS to try to get some answers.
I'm an intake/admin worker in a drug and alcohol clinic and up until last year was also secretary of a local womens health charity (volunteer). I only work two days a week since DS was born. I LOVE food and cooking.
We've got one dog, cattleXdalmation. She is getting old but is lovely. Our cat dissappeared in February. Very upset about that and miss him terribly.

We have lots of probs with DHs ex wife because she is a megabitch.
Uhmmmm....I think thats it!!
Oooooh, I meant to say. I was on telly last year!!! I'm the "older mum" from Cherry Has a Baby.

I remember you Marleysgirl! In fact I watched that programme 'cos you were on it....can't believe that was a year ago and now little Andrew is 2! So glad to hear you're all doing okay, loads of luck and :dust:
Hi Ladies,
I don't post very often but thought that i'd add myself, I am 39 for another 3 weeks and then its the BIG 4 0!!! OH is 35 and we are trying for our 1st together, I have 5 children ages 23-7yrs old, we had tests just over a year ago and found out that OH has a very low count so to be honest not really expecting to get my BFP, AF is due tomorrow so who knows perhaps I might get an early birthday present.
I too met OH online and moved from Warwickshire to the West Midlands to be with him, he is the best and so deserves to be a dad, because I already have children we aren't eligable for any sort of Fertility treatment so I guess if its meant to be then it will happen, I was told 2yrs ago before OH and I even lived together that I would have a little girl within 3yrs.....she only has a year to make an appearance now....:haha:
Me! Me!! I'm 41 DH just turned 48 we've been together 12 years married for 9 (DH has 3 from first time round, 24, 22, 14 and grand-daughter 9 mths). We've been TTC since Sept 10 (been trying to convince DH to go for no.4 for years) no luck yet but not giving up!! We have no pets atm but I'm working on a greyhound, would just love to adopt an ex-racer. I work full time PA to Headteacher at an all boys senior school (just love it, ALWAYS something going on!!) and also have my own business as an aromatherapist working 2 evenings a week. DH is a chauffeur, works horrible longs hours. Now that his kids are older we have so much more time together, we like going for long walks with a good pub at the end, nights away and travelling (when we can afford it!). I'm happy pottering around home spending time with my Mum and my guilty pleasure is Eastenders and Glee!!!

Lovely to read all about you ladies!!:flower:x

PS. Fab post btw daschundmom!!!x
Me! Me!! I'm 41 DH just turned 48 we've been together 12 years married for 9 (DH has 3 from first time round, 24, 22, 14 and grand-daughter 9 mths). We've been TTC since Sept 10 (been trying to convince DH to go for no.4 for years) no luck yet but not giving up!! We have no pets atm but I'm working on a greyhound, would just love to adopt an ex-racer. I work full time PA to Headteacher at an all boys senior school (just love it, ALWAYS something going on!!) and also have my own business as an aromatherapist working 2 evenings a week. DH is a chauffeur, works horrible longs hours. Now that his kids are older we have so much more time together, we like going for long walks with a good pub at the end, nights away and travelling (when we can afford it!). I'm happy pottering around home spending time with my Mum and my guilty pleasure is Eastenders and Glee!!!

Lovely to read all about you ladies!!:flower:x

PS. Fab post btw daschundmom!!!x

Glee, I forgot all about Glee, lol! I did not realize that it was shown in the UK. I am just so amazed by all of the women here, what great, strong women! It's just so nice to talk to each other about all of the positive things in our lives...we are a lucky bunch of girls, even if it doesn't feel like ti when a certain grumpy Aunt shows her ugly face! Lol. :hugs:
Jax41 - I always thought that greyhounds would be nasty, like race horses (they are VERY nasty!). But I met some greyhounds one day and they are soooo lovely. I want one too, but we've already decided that when our ole dog dies we are going to get a little dog.One that lives inside on the couch, or laps.
Ex racing greyhounds are sooooo adorable :kiss: They need hardly any exercise and love to lie on the sofa with their head on you :D

I would have loved one but couldn't risk it with the cats. Dependant on their history they either have to be kept on lead, muzzled if off lead or sometimes neither if their racing career ended before it started.

2 of my dogs are part greyhound and the youngest is such a cuddly monster. At the moment he is snuggled right next to me and is stopping me from getting off the laptop and doing housework :laugh2:

My dogs can be seen on the 2nd page of this thread along with pic of me & DH: https://www.babyandbump.com/not-trying-not-preventing/569896-anyone-want-buddy-40-year-ntnp-2.html
i forgot to mention i have an almost 10yr old step son.. what an awful step mum :blush: step parenting is immensley challenging :wacko:

looove the pics of the furbabies - i'd so love a house full of them too but my oh would sbe traight on phone to divorce solicitor !
My turn....I'm 35 and DH is 37. We've been married for 4 years, together for 7. When we met I had DD(now aged 13) from previous relationship and he has 2(now aged 12 and 9) sons from previous marriage. We have made one DS (will be 3 on Saturday) of our own, so 4 kids between us so far. In the time we've been together we've fallen pregnant 5 times, 2 v early losses before DS and 2 in second tri in the last year. Currently seeing FS to try to get some answers.
I'm an intake/admin worker in a drug and alcohol clinic and up until last year was also secretary of a local womens health charity (volunteer). I only work two days a week since DS was born. I LOVE food and cooking.
We've got one dog, cattleXdalmation. She is getting old but is lovely. Our cat dissappeared in February. Very upset about that and miss him terribly.

We have lots of probs with DHs ex wife because she is a megabitch.
Uhmmmm....I think thats it!!

Aren't ex's fun?! lol:wacko:
Jax41 - I always thought that greyhounds would be nasty, like race horses (they are VERY nasty!). But I met some greyhounds one day and they are soooo lovely. I want one too, but we've already decided that when our ole dog dies we are going to get a little dog.One that lives inside on the couch, or laps.

....and cuddle in your arms too!! Everyone thinks I'm mad wanting one of those 'skinny' looking dogs, but I think they're just beautiful.
My turn....I'm 35 and DH is 37. We've been married for 4 years, together for 7. When we met I had DD(now aged 13) from previous relationship and he has 2(now aged 12 and 9) sons from previous marriage. We have made one DS (will be 3 on Saturday) of our own, so 4 kids between us so far. In the time we've been together we've fallen pregnant 5 times, 2 v early losses before DS and 2 in second tri in the last year. Currently seeing FS to try to get some answers.
I'm an intake/admin worker in a drug and alcohol clinic and up until last year was also secretary of a local womens health charity (volunteer). I only work two days a week since DS was born. I LOVE food and cooking.
We've got one dog, cattleXdalmation. She is getting old but is lovely. Our cat dissappeared in February. Very upset about that and miss him terribly.

We have lots of probs with DHs ex wife because she is a megabitch.
Uhmmmm....I think thats it!!

Aren't ex's fun?! lol:wacko:

Nope, we had one like Mellybelle's and it was a nightmare!! Fortunately she remarried year before last and new DH takes it all poor man, but at least that means she leaves the kids, DH and me alone now.
Ex racing greyhounds are sooooo adorable :kiss: They need hardly any exercise and love to lie on the sofa with their head on you :D

I would have loved one but couldn't risk it with the cats. Dependant on their history they either have to be kept on lead, muzzled if off lead or sometimes neither if their racing career ended before it started.

2 of my dogs are part greyhound and the youngest is such a cuddly monster. At the moment he is snuggled right next to me and is stopping me from getting off the laptop and doing housework :laugh2:

My dogs can be seen on the 2nd page of this thread along with pic of me & DH: https://www.babyandbump.com/not-trying-not-preventing/569896-anyone-want-buddy-40-year-ntnp-2.html

Macwooly! Don't know which one to pick they are all gorgeous, luv the names too, and you and DH make a lovely couple!!!:kiss: I'm definately going to look into adopting one, I just feel bad leaving a poor little woofer all day as I can't get home even during the day to check.....and I'd feel that wasn't fair. What I'd REALLY like is for me to have one when I get preg and then the 3 of us can be together for my maternity leave - now that's planning!!!:thumbup:
I must admit I used to feel guilty going out for a night and leaving the dogs but my darling darling DH gets a good friend round to doggy sit :) He has a dog of his own and thankfully his dog gets on with the hooligans so when he doggy sits he brings his own dog too as I would feel awful if his dog was being neglected for ours.

Jax - defo look at getting a dog when you are home more but trust me greyhounds can be lazier than cats :laugh2:
Ex racing greyhounds are sooooo adorable :kiss: They need hardly any exercise and love to lie on the sofa with their head on you :D

I would have loved one but couldn't risk it with the cats. Dependant on their history they either have to be kept on lead, muzzled if off lead or sometimes neither if their racing career ended before it started.

2 of my dogs are part greyhound and the youngest is such a cuddly monster. At the moment he is snuggled right next to me and is stopping me from getting off the laptop and doing housework :laugh2:

My dogs can be seen on the 2nd page of this thread along with pic of me & DH: https://www.babyandbump.com/not-trying-not-preventing/569896-anyone-want-buddy-40-year-ntnp-2.html

Macwooly! Don't know which one to pick they are all gorgeous, luv the names too, and you and DH make a lovely couple!!!:kiss: I'm definately going to look into adopting one, I just feel bad leaving a poor little woofer all day as I can't get home even during the day to check.....and I'd feel that wasn't fair. What I'd REALLY like is for me to have one when I get preg and then the 3 of us can be together for my maternity leave - now that's planning!!!:thumbup:

I know some people are dead against this but I leave my dog all day and she sleeps the whole time. In fact, I have to wake her when I get in! I didn't do it straight from puppy - that would be just ridiculous - I gradually built up to it so that by the time she was 5 I didn't go home at lunch time anymore. If you can get an older dog that's used to being alone then you shouldn't have any problems alternatively you'll have to do what I did and slowly get your dog used to being alone. She gets a good walk before I leave, another when I get home and a short one before bedtime. It's exhausting but something I feel is totally my responsibility so try not to moan about it even when I've had a tough day or it's cold outside.

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