What is your religion and what does it stand for?

I'm a total atheist. while I do believe in the afterlife, I don't believe in any way shape or form in a deity or conscious being that created us. it's not logical to me, plus there is soooooooo much evidence to the contrary. evolution for example is FACT.
Your opinion is your own and you have every right to it but id rather believe that someone who loves me designed and created me to be who I am rather than just being a relative of monkeys. evolution dictates that the strongest variations of species survive and the others die out so how did Humans with one of the most fragile biological makeups of any animal on earth survive?
my hubs is catholic so is his family he is half spanish.
i do follow the Saddle Creek Cowboy Church. kinda hard for me cause i went back in TX every sunday and u dont find it in germany
Impacting The Cowboy Culture with the Gospel of Jesus by Planting Cowboy Churches in Every County
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo,
I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
I hadnt heard of your church before so just done some looking into it, I think you will find most major pentecostal Christian churches teach the same theology as what you are familiar with and so should most evangelical churches and any should be more than happy to provide you with a copy of their statement of faith for comparison so dont feel alone your churches statement of faith is quite similar to my own except that with my church being a Baptist church we have a few bits relating to that in there too
my hubs is catholic so is his family he is half spanish.
i do follow the Saddle Creek Cowboy Church. kinda hard for me cause i went back in TX every sunday and u dont find it in germany
Impacting The Cowboy Culture with the Gospel of Jesus by Planting Cowboy Churches in Every County
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo,
I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
I hadnt heard of your church before so just done some looking into it, I think you will find most major pentecostal Christian churches teach the same theology as what you are familiar with and so should most evangelical churches and any should be more than happy to provide you with a copy of their statement of faith for comparison so dont feel alone your churches statement of faith is quite similar to my own except that with my church being a Baptist church we have a few bits relating to that in there too

i know what u mean is just not the way i love. i found a group on post they meet every sunday. sometimes im goin when im not too tired cause its a 900
but i know what u mean and u r right :winkwink:
I have never followed a religion and never will x
I'm a total atheist. while I do believe in the afterlife, I don't believe in any way shape or form in a deity or conscious being that created us. it's not logical to me, plus there is soooooooo much evidence to the contrary. evolution for example is FACT.

Evolution is NOT fact. There are many holes in the evolutionary theory. I think people just like to accept evolution as it means there is no higher power that we are accountable to.
it's called THEORY of evolution. theory is something that is not proved. so yeah... there you go
I'm a Catholic...
I believe in my religion fully and go to church each Sunday but for me its more about having that comfort, that there is something, a reason in life.
I'm interested in others peoples beliefs, and would never judge anyone - no matter what belief they have, in fact I applaud people who do have a religion for not giving up and keeping the faith, its not easy when people judge you for it...

The only thing that science can't prove is love, which to me this the most important thing in life...
I'm not quite sure what I am...? I was baptized as a pre-teen, but do not fully agree with what my conservative Church of Christ's views were. I do believe that there is one God, and such, but I do not believe that gays are going to hell strictly because of their sexual partner preference. I believe that everyone makes mistakes and that if we have a pure heart and repent that we will be forgiven. I also believe that people from the Church of Christ are NOT the only ones going to Heaven. Believe it or not, this is sometimes a common view among this church.

I'm not quite sure where I stand as far as labeling myself or attending church:shrug:
I believe in God and I am a Christian a follower of Christ and I strive to be Christ-like.
Hi ladies,

I am a Muslim and my religion is Islam. I was rasied as a Christian and I started to read lots when I was at Univeristy (about all religions including lots of Bible study). I looked at things logically and did not focus on the media or what bad examples people have portrayed in any of the religions. I just went to the devine sources and asked my creator to open my heart to finding the truth. I used my intelect before my emotions and then it was clear to me that in my opinion Islam was my religion.

In Islam we believe that there is one God and he has no partners and that there is none equal to him. As the verse in the Quran says:

Say: He is Allah (God), the One and Only! Allah (God), the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.

One who submits and surrenders to God is a Muslim so we believe that all of the Prophets from the beginning of time were Muslim (inc. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jesus, Moses, Muhammed - may peace be upon them all)... since they all worshipped this one God and did not worship any creation of God or tell anybody to worship them.

Love to all :flower::flower:
I am a christian - Jehovahs Witness.

This is what we believe. The truth about what the bible teaches, and we stick to it as closely as possible. Hence why we dont vote for human governments ( as Gods kingdom with Jesus as king will replace human rulership and as the bible says in the end, will be the only hope for makind), hold high moral standards, dont accept blood transfusions, pray regularly and preach to others about this coming kingdom as Jesus did and asked his followers to do also, we dont celebrate pagan customs such as Easter and christmas - we still celebrate Jesus' death tho of course.

We believe as the bible teaches that we and everything around us was made with such precision, wisdom and love by our creator, God. Even the most simple things around us, the house you live in for example, had a designer......so it seems crazy to me to not conclude that our amazing planet, our brains, our bodies were not created with a purpose also

The bible also teaches that the world as we know it now, is not was the way it was meant to be. It was created as a perfect paradise where humans were to live forever, in perfect health, peace etc.

The world as we know it now as the bible teaches, is under Satans control and from world events that the bible speaks of that would be on a scale never seen before ( great wars, earthquakes, moral breakdown etc) we know that we are close to the time when God will step in and restore what was his grand purpose for us.

The reason he didnt do so sooner is because his right to rule was challenged by satan right back in the garden of eden ( were humans better off without gods guidance or could they rule themselves? Did God really know what was best for us) Time was needed to prove that humans were not better off without their creators guidance. Humans needed to reach their peak, many types of human rulerships had to be tried tp prove that we cannot succeed without Gods direct intervention - are we better off without Gods rule? We only have to look at the world around us to answer that question and it is clear to see Satans influence everywhere. And it is clear we dont know what we are doing...we are destroying the very planet we live on!

The bible not only teaches this but also is a historical account of early humans....gives guidance on how to lead a successful, satisfying life right now. :flower:

This is very interesting. it's like reading versus frm the Quran. It's amazing how different religions have similar beliefs. Love ur post :hugs:

This actually differs a lot to what we believe in Islam as we believe that God (Allah) has and always has had complete control of everyone and everything, including Satan (who was created by God). We don't believe that Satan is the cause of evil because if we believe that God is the cause of all good and Satan is the cause of all evil that would mean that Satan has equal powers to God and in the Quran it states that God has power over everything (and even more so since he created Satan).

But it is very interesting to read about the different beliefs. Thank you for sharing :flower:
Hi, :)

God still does have complete control, despite Satan influencing people. It accounts for much of the problems we see today. Gods right to rule was challenged right back in the garden of eden so time was needed to prove that satan is wrong and that humans need gods instruction or we suffer dire consequences (hence the world today) But the bible tells of many signs we will see just before God steps in and restores a paradise earth, his original purpose for mankind. We are seeing these everywhere today....

Just because Satan is the cause of evil, as well as disobedient mankind, it doesnt mean he is more powerful than God, thats not what we believe at all :) As God is allowing his rule for a limited time, so is still in control iykwim. God has a plan and nothing can alter that as he is the most powerful being, even satan acknowledges that.

And i agree its great to have a friendly discussion on this subject. :)
Hi, :)

God still does have complete control, despite Satan influencing people. It accounts for much of the problems we see today. Gods right to rule was challenged right back in the garden of eden so time was needed to prove that satan is wrong and that humans need gods instruction or we suffer dire consequences (hence the world today) But the bible tells of many signs we will see just before God steps in and restores a paradise earth, his original purpose for mankind. We are seeing these everywhere today....

Just because Satan is the cause of evil, as well as disobedient mankind, it doesnt mean he is more powerful than God, thats not what we believe at all :) As God is allowing his rule for a limited time, so is still in control iykwim. God has a plan and nothing can alter that as he is the most powerful being, even satan acknowledges that.

And i agree its great to have a friendly discussion on this subject. :)

Ah I see what you mean now. Thank you for explaining :flower: so if I've got it right, you believe that God has ultimate power over everything including Satan (who is responsible for all evil) but God is allowing Satan to continue with his evilness before stepping back in to restore peacefulness. I hope I got that right.

Do you also believe in heaven and hell?

Thank you for sharing... it is really nice learning about what others believe and sharing and talking about things in a mature way :flower:
Your welcome!! :) and yes you have got it right!! hehe.

Yes we believe in heaven ( this is where God, Jesus and angels are ) and where Gods kingdom (government) will rule from when paradise is restored on earth (replacing human government) but that hellfire is only symbolic as fire is used in the bible to represent eternal destruction, not a conscious torment. It makes no sense that a God of love would want to burn people alive forever, the thought is quite ridiculous really!

The greek words Hell or hades are actually translated as ' common grave; the bible says that death and hades themselves would be thrown into the lake of fire by God after armageddon (Revelation 20:14,15), so depicting eternal destruction as neither can be literally burned forever. So punishment for the wicked is simply eternal death without hope of a resurrection

I could go on and on with examples from the bible to back this up but wont lol!! x
I just wanted to say that I think it is beautiful to see a place (especially online) where people can talk about and feel respected in religion. :thumbup:

I know it can be difficult to convey a msg in type without coming off the wrong way.

Kudos to all of you who are here talking.

I am a pagan. I follow many different beliefs stemming from Wicca, druidism, shamanism etc....

To clarify Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic"[1]) is a blanket term, typically used to refer to polytheistic religious traditions.

I believe in a goddess (the mother) a god (the father), I believe all things great and small have a spirit.

I follow a "holiday or spiritual" calendar that revolves around the seasons.

I believe we are all loved children of the divine and we will all die and meet our creator in the end. Where things are different for me is that I do not believe in hell. I do believe in evil but not that the divine would create us, their beautiful children, for such a wasteful purpose.

Life is just a learning curve. If you’ve fulfilled your life's reason and you have lived a good life you will go to "heaven" the afterlife. If not then you will be reborn to try again and again if need be.

I don't believe that in order to fulfill these requirements you have to be a pagan. I just follow the path that leads me the right way.
I'm a Protestant, attend a Church of Scotland Church and sit on the Congregational Board. I am the youngest member by about 30 years :lol:
I was raised Catholic. But tell you the truth I don't know much about the religion.

But this is what I believe in..
The afterlife (ghosts.) I believe some live on Earth and can watch us through our daily lifes.
I believe in a god.
I believe you don't have to be baptised to go to heaven.
I believe god is a very loving and forgiving and not as judemental as some people say.
I believe in prayer.
I'm not sure if I believe in demons. But I do believe their are mean ghosts(past living people) just as there are mean humans on earth.
I believe in Saints (As they were loving giving people in their bodies.) And are the same in their spiritual form and can answer prayers.

I'm not sure what the name of this "religion" is .. but this is some of the things I believe.
Hey all :)
I believe in angels and have done 4a long time but have no clue if this falls in2 a religion? xxx
Well the bible certainly says there are angels ( not dead people but spirit creatures). Thousands of them in fact. :)
we muslims also believe in angels--greatures that Allah (God) made of light

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