What is your religion and what does it stand for?

lilbump I have several member of my family who see ghosts. My Grandma, Uncle, Dad, and two cousins. Which are all catholic :D I believe theres more then one religion that believes in ghosts.
I was raised Catholic but I am a Christian. I don't believe in religion, I believe in faith and I believe that there is a God who created every one of us in his likeness. I do not believe however, in certain elements of the bible because I also believe in science. I do not believe that God created the world in 7 days, I believe in the theory of evolution and I do not believe in the immaculate conception. I also believe in the supernatural.

My partner is Agnostic and doesn't believe in anything so theres a raw nerve there with getting our child Christened.
The bible doesnt teach that God created the earth for human habitation in 6 x 24 hour days. Rather the Hebrew word translated 'day' can refer to varying periods of time.

Like when Grandpa says 'back in my day'.

Interestingly, when summarizing Gods creative work, Moses speaks of the the whole 6 creative days as 'one day' in Genesis 2:4. Therefore with that reasoning the creative days could have each been thousands of years long. The bible also speaks of one day in Gods eyes, being a thousand years to us.

The Genesis account also doesnt refer the creation of the universe and earth itself (Just says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth - suggesting they had been around for some time before these creative 'days), just the creation of it for human habitation, and the plant and animal life.

The bible doesnt teach that God created the earth for human habitation in 6 x 24 hour days. Rather the Hebrew word translated 'day' can refer to varying periods of time.

Like when Grandpa says 'back in my day'.

Interestingly, when summarizing Gods creative work, Moses speaks of the the whole 6 creative days as 'one day' in Genesis 2:4. Therefore with that reasoning the creative days could have each been thousands of years long. The bible also speaks of one day in Gods eyes, being a thousand years to us.

The Genesis account also doesnt refer the creation of the universe and earth itself (Just says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth - suggesting they had been around for some time before these creative 'days), just the creation of it for human habitation, and the plant and animal life.


That's a very interesting prospect hunni. We were taught at school and from a young age that God created the world in 7 days and that's just what I didn't believe in :flower:
it's 6 days in Islam (the creation of the Heavens and the Earth). also before creation of Adam, Allah created angels and jinns. in Islam angels are pure creatures that were made of light and they spend all their time worshiping Allah. Jinns are the creatures that live beside us. they are made of smokeless fire. and they were created long time before humans. jinns can see us but we can't see them. they can be muslim, christian, jew, and also unbelievers. there are good ones and bad ones. people are forbidden from contacting them and it is considered a major sin if one does that. Iblees (shaytan, devil, satan) is jinn in Islam (NOT an angel). before Allah created Adam, iblees was one of the most loyal and most worshiping jinns from all. in fact, he was obeying Allah so much that when Allah created Adam and He called all angels to show him to them, He invited iblees too. when Allah ordered angels and iblees to bow down to Adam, all angels obeyed the order of the Creator and did so but satan didn't, the arrogance didn't let him do it, he even asked Allah, why he should bow down to someone who was created out of dirt when he, iblees, was created out of smokeless fire (he considered himself better than Adam)?
so i guess this is one of the differences between Islam and Christianity, the moment that we consider satan a jinn, and not a fallen angel.
I am doing the ALPHA course at the moment and I am REALLY struggling to get the science out of my mind. Sorry if this is the wrong place. I am REALLY trying but getting no where. I go again Thursday so hopefully I will be honest and say I am finding it hard at the min.
The bible doesnt teach that God created the earth for human habitation in 6 x 24 hour days. Rather the Hebrew word translated 'day' can refer to varying periods of time.

Like when Grandpa says 'back in my day'.

Interestingly, when summarizing Gods creative work, Moses speaks of the the whole 6 creative days as 'one day' in Genesis 2:4. Therefore with that reasoning the creative days could have each been thousands of years long. The bible also speaks of one day in Gods eyes, being a thousand years to us.

The Genesis account also doesnt refer the creation of the universe and earth itself (Just says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth - suggesting they had been around for some time before these creative 'days), just the creation of it for human habitation, and the plant and animal life.


Islam has very similar teachings; it isn't seven 24 hour days (or in our case 6, we don't believe God rested on the 7th as we believe 'resting' or sleep is an attribute of the creation only) but the word 'yawm' (yom in hebrew and aramaic) does refer to a period of time, another example is the day of judgement will seem like 50,000 years long; there is also no specification about when the universe was created in terms of how many years ago, so these facts are considered part of the unseen and an area where Muslims will just say 'God knows best'. xx
I believe in humanity, freedom and love regardless of race, color, age and other reasons. The best religion is - the religion of Love. I believe, if you can't love a person who can be seen and touched then how can you love someone who can not be seen or even touch.
Im a Christian.
Non-Denomination. I was raised Catholic but quite a bit of the religion didn't line up with what I believe to be true.

I bought a Bible and read it cover to cover. Then learned both Hebrew & Greek to study it properly. Took me 4 years and counting.

I believe Jesus died on a cross to reunite my soul to God. To allow me to be the righteousness of God and enter into his presence without a sense of inferiority or guilt.

I believe in the good of people, I believe that the Bible is 100% true and I study, and pray and apply.

I believe that everyone has the potential to be Christ-like with the acceptance of redemption.

I believe that Love is the loudest volume there is. :flower:
Hi ladies,

I was just pondering.... I am Muslim and my religion is Islam. In the Quran and Hadith it gives very detailed descriptions of what happends when we die, what happends in the grave, resurrection and the day of Judgement and the afterlive of Paradise and Hell. This is the whole point in our living... it gives us a focus and purpose to life. It also helps us to withstand tests and remain patient.

I was wondering what everyone else's beliefs are about what happends after death and what your religion says about it.

the bible is being heavily debated on the subject of what happens after death and different sections of the Christain faith have differing beliefs on it

Personally I believe that when I die I will go to see my Creator (if this is imediate or not i dont know but for me it will appear to be as i wont be aware of any time lapse that goes on) and i will live in fellowship and worship to him for all eternity infinity and beyond. What there is and isnt around me im not really sure I mind lol the Bible teaches of a "New Heaven and New Earth " where God restores the earth to how he intended it to be and as the inhabitants of heaven are pure and holy and sinless that we can inhabit that would without spoiling it.

I am still making up my mind on the " heaven and hell exsist" business I believe that Heaven is a real place and that Jesus, ,Moses, Elijah and several others are there with God and can view what is happening on earth, Hell im not sure on ive been doing some research on the subject recently but i do believe there will be Eternal seperation from God for some which personally is a rather "hellish" concept to me the exsistance of Hades a place of eternal fire and distress is another thing altogether and im making my mind up on that.

does that answer your question
the bible is being heavily debated on the subject of what happens after death and different sections of the Christain faith have differing beliefs on it

Personally I believe that when I die I will go to see my Creator (if this is imediate or not i dont know but for me it will appear to be as i wont be aware of any time lapse that goes on) and i will live in fellowship and worship to him for all eternity infinity and beyond. What there is and isnt around me im not really sure I mind lol the Bible teaches of a "New Heaven and New Earth " where God restores the earth to how he intended it to be and as the inhabitants of heaven are pure and holy and sinless that we can inhabit that would without spoiling it.

I am still making up my mind on the " heaven and hell exsist" business I believe that Heaven is a real place and that Jesus, ,Moses, Elijah and several others are there with God and can view what is happening on earth, Hell im not sure on ive been doing some research on the subject recently but i do believe there will be Eternal seperation from God for some which personally is a rather "hellish" concept to me the exsistance of Hades a place of eternal fire and distress is another thing altogether and im making my mind up on that.

does that answer your question

Thank you :flower:
Hi ladies,

I was wondering what everyone else's beliefs are about what happends after death and what your religion says about it.


As a christian (JW) we are taught that that the 'dead are conscious of nothing at all" as it says in the bible at Ecclesiastes 9:5 and Eccl. 9:10 says: “All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol (sheol means hades or grave)", Ps. 146:4: “His spirit (life force) goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish" so they are simply sleeping and in Gods memory awaiting a resurrection.

I believe death is simply the opposite of life :)

The bible does say that a certain small number (144,000) will go to heaven to rule with Jesus to make up the heavenly government (new heavens) that will rule over a restored, cleansed paradise earth (new earth), this is where the rest of us (great crowd) will be Psalms 37:29 - "the righteous themselves will possess the earth and reside forever upon it" The bible says that the earth will remain forever too so will never be destroyed as such - new earth meaning new society and restored conditions.

As far as hell, i could write an entire page on it but i am taught that the bible doesnt teach that anyone will literally be burned forever - the idea is abhorrent and isnt logical imo. The bible says 'the wages sin pays in death' - not eternal torment and Fire is used in the bible to symbolize eternal destruction - or eternal cutting off from God, meaning no hope of a resurrection. Interestingly, in Revelation it says that Death and Hades (the grave) themselves will be thrown into the lake of fire so obviously these cannot be literally burned so simply symbolizes eternal destruction of these :flower:
I believe (According to KJV Bible and an in-Depth study of Hebrew&Greek) that the new heaven and the new earth will be. That God will restore the Earth to its original plan and that heaven will also exist. That Heaven will be an actual geographical location with streets of gold. Considering I believe God made man from the ground, I dont find heavens description hard to believe. I also believe that Hell is also an actual geographical location. I believe there will be good & Bad people in heaven and hell. As the Bible says that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life that no man can come to the father but through Him. So I believe that anyone who has had the opportunity and rejected Jesus will go to Hell and the believers will go to Heaven until the New Earth is restored. The reason I believe good and bad people will be in both places is because I believe the only unforgivable sin is rejection of Jesus Christ, that God can and does forgive anything else.

I'm a melting pot of different faiths, I have catholicism from one side and possibly some sephardic jewish ancestry from my spanish grandad. But then I have a hinduism and muslim from the other. So I wasn't really brought up in a faith. My parent taught us to respect all religions so growing up we celebrated xmas, eid, holi and diwali.

I went through an agnostic period in my life but during pregnancy I seeked out religion. During my agnostic stage, I was a firm believer in science til I realise that science itself cannot speed up pregnancy and neither can it prevent us from dying. Therefore I came to the conclusion that we do have a purpose on earth. I just need to figure which purpose and what religion.

My current personal belief is that God/Allah seems to be universal in monotheistic religion. There are many similarities in christianity, islam and judaism. So I believe that we all believe in the same source but went into 3 different paths.

I have a quran and a bible that I am reading currently. I shall be looking to purchase some jewish scriptures.
My parents are evangelical christians...and i followed the faith in my early teens...i then went on to study all religions in high school,college and uni...having read most of the bible,Torah and Quaran....i came to the conculsion that there is no god in the sense of a higher power who has consouness (SP) who either made the world or can have any impact on it...as i struggle to under stand how an omnipitent god could co exist with a creature such as the devil....so i could never fathom why he would then go on to create mankind knowing that half are doomed.

I also struggle with the concept that for the majority ur relgion is guided by where u are born...ie eastern half of the world largly muslim or hindu and western half more christian...again if one of these religions is the one true religion then is the rest of the world doomed?

Lastly i do believe in the good of mankind...everyday u see miricales of love...esp now i have a baby...and if each human could have faith in themselves n love each other..and i recognise that the thousands of diff faiths out there help ppl to do this bit sadly the world gets to caught up in pointing out the differences in worship..where really they are all teaching quite simply to love ...be it ur self,others and/or a god.
i struggle to under stand how an omnipitent god could co exist with a creature such as the devil....so i could never fathom why he would then go on to create mankind knowing that half are doomed.

God didnt create the devil, he created the angel that became the devil. Just like us, he had free will. That devil challenged Gods right to rule right in the beginning and convinced Adam and Eve they could decide for themselves whats right and wrong. That they didnt need God. As God is a god of justice he has allowed time to pass where humans have ruled themselves under satans influence (the bible makes it clear that satan is the ruler of this world at present), time was needed to show what a mess this would result in and the bible says that soon God will step in, remove satan and wickedness and restore the earth to his original purpose of a paradise free from death and suffering under a real true and just government - his heavenly kingdom. Once and for all it will have shown that without his rule humans fail to govern themselves and without him we are doomed, this is becoming more obvious as time goes on. Bible prophecy also points to the times we are living in as 'the last days' of this rulership under satan and human governments.

I also struggle with the concept that for the majority ur relgion is guided by where u are born...ie eastern half of the world largly muslim or hindu and western half more christian...again if one of these religions is the one true religion then is the rest of the world doomed?

See the bible also says that those who have come to an accurate knowledge of truth, and then reject it are doomed, but as for those who have not they will be given a chance in paradise, so no one misses out.
i struggle to under stand how an omnipitent god could co exist with a creature such as the devil....so i could never fathom why he would then go on to create mankind knowing that half are doomed.

God didnt create the devil, he created the angel that became the devil. Just like us, he had free will. That devil challenged Gods right to rule right in the beginning and convinced Adam and Eve they could decide for themselves whats right and wrong. That they didnt need God. As God is a god of justice he has allowed time to pass where humans have ruled themselves under satans influence (the bible makes it clear that satan is the ruler of this world at present), time was needed to show what a mess this would result in and the bible says that soon God will step in, remove satan and wickedness and restore the earth to his original purpose of a paradise free from death and suffering under a real true and just government - his heavenly kingdom. Once and for all it will have shown that without his rule humans fail to govern themselves and without him we are doomed, this is becoming more obvious as time goes on. Bible prophecy also points to the times we are living in as 'the last days' of this rulership under satan and human governments.

thank you for your view, i have studied the creation story and recognise how christians believe satan came into exisitence as a fallen angel...but imo (and i dont expect others to agree) is that if God is allpowerful and all knowing then he set mankind up to fail...he knew that Lucifer would fall and therefore corrupt human kind...

this is why imo that there is a god but not in the sense of a being with actual consciousness more an essence that is in everything and everyone as i do not think that something that is all loving could do the above knowing the outcome.

i also dont understand why people see Religon and Science and being poles apart...more i see them as two sides of the same coin...Science just explains how the universe was created but whos to say that it wasnt God (or which ever power) that set this is motion...why is the big bang theory not what is spoken about in Genesis when God created light? and why is evolution not how God created animals and humans?

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