What positions helped you progress in labour?


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2013
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Hey ladies,

I'm 37 weeks with my second baby, and find myself thinking about labour and delivery more and more!
Just curious what positions in labour you found the most helpful for progression, and what made you the most comfortable?

My first labour threw me off.....
I had done lots of reading about how upright positions were the best for progressing labour (walking, on the ball, lunges, etc), but right from when labour began to the end (23 hours), I always progressed better when I was lying on my back (and I was more comfortable!). It was totally counter-intuitive. I even stalled at 7cm at 1pm in the afternoon and didn't progress for sooo long (because the nurses told me to stay upright), until I finally went on my back and things sped up again! I think I only dialated one cm from like 1pm to 8pm😣. I delivered close to midnight. I wished I would have just listened to my body and not the nurses, because whenever I was upright I felt like I couldn't take a deep enough breath to support the contractions. In hind site it makes sense that if my uterus wasn't getting enough oxygen then things wouldn't progress as easily.

Now I'm just curious if labour will be similar this time around. It must have been how my little one was positioned or something. Anyhow, I guess I should just expect anything, because labour is so unpredictable, right?!

Thoughts? Experiences?
Hi babytobe, I don't have an answer for you but I'm in the same position, I'm 38 weeks on Monday with my second and also find myself thinking about labour a lot. My first labour was quick because I was induced but I'd read the same, being upright gravity helped etc but then I ended up being laid down the whole time and things progressed so quickly. No pain nothing then they broke my water and 3 hours later my DD was here. Curious to know what people have to say to your question as I feel this time will be totally different. Hope you don't mind X
i do think bring upright helped me, either stood up leaning over the bed swaying my hips side to side ir rotating in the ball. Everyone is different though, you just need to do what feels and works best for you
I did what was comfy at the time, hands and knees, on my knees, standing up and hugging my OH x
Sophiejash, it will be interesting to see how things are different this time around!

I guess what help is different for everyone. Listening to our bodies is key I'm sure!
I agree, do what feels right. I labored upright at home got to hospital at 7cm then of course c in your back... Increased my pain and slowed my labor. This time I will be following my body and not anyone else
I was induced with my first and couldn't do anything but stand up. I would sit on the edge of the bed between contractions but had to stand up when the contractions came. The pain was unbearable on my back or all fours. I ended up having a Csection though cause my daughter got distressed and only got to 6cm x
I don't know about progress because I only allowed one cervical check and at that point I was fully dilated, so no real idea how slowly or quickly things progressed in terms of numbers. But I was upright the whole time. In fact, literally never laid down from the second my waters broke (contractions started about 30-60 minutes after that) until my daughter was born, apart from that one cervical check (and lying down was awful!). I rocked on my birth ball for a good bit and then when I was pushing I walked around and stopped and knelt or squatted to push. My daughter was born with me kneeling over a chair on our bedroom floor (I had a home birth). Total labour from waters going and absolutely no other labour signs to her being born was 11.5 hours. That said, I think do whatever feels right to you and most comfortable. You know your body better than anyone. There are lots more things that impact on progression, like baby's positioning, your energy levels (whether you are eating and drinking enough), and whether you feel relaxed and have some privacy away from niggling nurses or other people coming in and interrupting what you're doing. But really, just listen to your body and do whatever feels right and most relaxing for you.
I was on my back for both of mine because I was induced. Both labour were quick. I have no experience of labouring upright so have no comparison!
With my 1st my sister told me to drink loads so I got up to wee loads. Worked. Labour was 2hr...second labour even shorter and 3rd I done same again!
Interesting Midnight-fairy. Do you think it was being really hydrated that helped? I got really dehydrated during labour and had to have an IV....and then I couldn't pee so I had to have a catheter. It wasn't a huge deal but I'm determined to make sure I'm really well hydrated right from the beginning of labour this time. I already have a stash of gatorade ready to go!
I am not sure if it was being hydrated or the fact I was standing up and sitting on the loo to wee constantly, rather than laying down. We both did it with our 3 babies and weve both had easy fast labours.
My 1st labour. Walking, standing, swaying my hips and leaning forward all helped. It was a long labour so I would lie down for a rest sometimes but contractions were horrid lying down. Contrations also slowed down when I lay down. I had planned to use all fours as a labour position but it didnt feel right. I pushed in a squatting position with OH sitting on the bed behind me helping to support me. My second labour I stayed on my feet a lot too but during active labour felt a huge need to lie down and managed to find a position that was comfortable lying on my side. During pushing the MW was worried that baby wasnt coming down and thought he was stuck on my pelvis. I tried the birthing stool, all fours and something else I cant remember but baby still didn't come down. The MW remembered how well I had done on my side and helped me get in the same position. Then his head apeared and he was born quickly. I think being aware of different positions you can try is good and then go with what feels right in the moment. It also helps to have someone to help you change positions once you are in advanced labour because moving on your own can be hard.
Up and down stairs, on the ball, on all fous and standing up.
I am not sure if it was being hydrated or the fact I was standing up and sitting on the loo to wee constantly, rather than laying down. We both did it with our 3 babies and weve both had easy fast labours.

Ok I'm going to try that! I do remember hating contractions that came when I was sitting on the toilet though. Maybe it will be different this time! Thanks for the tip anyway :).
With my 3rd I didnt lay down at all! Woke up with contractions, sat in rocking chair for a bit, went in car, walked to ward, rocking chair, then all fours in pool. She was the only one of mine that was not back to back!x
My first delivery was a horrible, medically over-managed, mess. With my second, I was on my hands and knees most of the time. I ended up delivering in that position. My second was over a pound larger than my first and came out without cause a single tear... Whereas my first was only 7lbs 4oz and I ended up with a episiotomy that ended up as a 4th degree tear. I fully believe that labor position and delivery position made all the difference.
kneeling all fours on bed, sitting on the ball (with hands on bed), or on knees on bed with arms draped over top of bed (hospital bed that can be adjusted). I remember my arms and legs feeling really weak so it was exhausting to keep my body weight up, which is why I really liked the ball. I had 2 prev CSs so was not allowed in the pool and baby's HB was being monitored which meant I couldn't wander too far! I did most of the pushing on my back (they were worried they'd have to do a last-minute EMCS), and it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. But before the pushing stage I wouldn't want to be on my back I think!

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