what r u scared of?



I keep going through little waves of calm them pooing myself about the thought of labour. the closer it gets the more i panic about the weirdest things! i've been reading my hypnobirthig book and have been trying to do some fear release stuff with myself and even though i logically think i'll b fine and its totally natural... blah blah... i can't help the panic feeling creaping in! thought i might start a theraputic thread for anyone else worrying like me...

so here goes, i'm scared of:

Mostest mostest most in the whole world i'm super scared of being out of control...i hate being really drunk and i seem to say and do the stupidest things when i'm in anyway not of sound mind and i spend the rest of life cringing about it!!! so i'm really scared i'll suddenly start telling my midwife my deepest darkets secrets or mooing like a cow mid labour. i know everyone says u wont care at the time and i'm sure people will understand but i hate the thought of not being able to control what i'm doing- and the fact that people i will have to see again will witness this!

I'm also really scared as i've heard mid labour its quite normal to suddenly freak out/throw up/ start feeling like u can't do/ don't want to do this anymore...like above i dont like that out of control feeling and i'm scared of having some sort of panic attack and not managing to stick to my hypnobirthing techniques

I'm not actually that scared of the pain of dilating but i'm really scared of the crowning and the coming out bit- especially the prospect of tearing!

and finally i'm scared of all things medical like having to have a c-section/ forceps/ epidurals being jabbed in my spine...i can't even go to my dentist! i want to have a home birth in water but i'm really scared i wont b able to for some reason... i really should have thought about this whole labour bit before i got pregnant!!! doh!

Sorry that was really long

Anyone else got any fears they wanna share or anyone out there wanna tell me about their v easy and pain free labour that lasted the length of an eastenders episode? :rofl:
Im really scared of giving birth because of the pain. And scared of not knowing (as daft as it seems) EXACTLY when i am going to go into labour. Whether the baby will be ok. That makes me nervous.
I am scared of my baby getting destressed like my last two :(
I think I'm literally scared of everything...at times. I'm scared of Labour...the whole thing. I'm scared of how I'll feel afterwords...obviously nervous about the baby being ok. Terrified that the baby will cry and cry and I'll be a crap mom! Then it passes and I'm just excited about everything...oh hormones. I find I'm more scared about things at night...morning, when the sun is out I feel very positive!
I think I'm literally scared of everything...at times. I'm scared of Labour...the whole thing. I'm scared of how I'll feel afterwords...obviously nervous about the baby being ok. Terrified that the baby will cry and cry and I'll be a crap mom! Then it passes and I'm just excited about everything...oh hormones. I find I'm more scared about things at night...morning, when the sun is out I feel very positive!

thats exactly how i feel... like i'm scared of everything but then it goes away and i'm totally cool as a cucumber about it all! and night is sooo much worse for having time to think abt all the scary stuff!!! i must learn to stop thinking!! :rofl:
I'm scared of having to be cut again and the stitches *shudder* and pooping myself when pushing the baby out :blush: xx
To be honest I'm not scared of giving birth, even though I've never expereinced it before, I'm trying to think really positive about the whole thing, keep a relaxed mind about it, and not stress. But the one thing I am worrying about is if there is a problem and I am unable to use the birth pool in the hospital and have to have a c section instead or theres someone in the pool when I need it. Thats really my only worries at the moment, as I would like a water birth so much, so apart from that I'm really looking forward to labour and seeing my little boy for the first time. I haven't even wrote a birth plan I'm just really laid back about it, just thinking gas and air at the moment and depending on how it goes and how I feel I will go up with diff types of pain relief but hoping I can have the pool for majority of pain relief. My mum used pethedine both times, (as she has asthma and couldn't use the gas and air) but everyone is different and I suppose we will just wait and see. I just feel really excited about it all at the moment, maybe I'm werid lol.
I honestly thought I was ok at the thought of labour/birth untill yesterday when I thought I was going to have an ECV and the whole thought hit me.... "this could end up in an emergency section" - at which point I shat myself.

Anyway, it didn't even happen (that's another story!) but it did make me realise I am not as calm about it as I thought...

I don't know what I'm scared of tbh - I think it's just the unknown and not knowing whether this is actually "it" or not.

And I'm scared of the end result... the actual baby :blush: I have no idea what to do with newborns and I just hope that I'm not a bad mum
Done it twice now.
First being a planned section and all I remember being scared of was the spinal block going in,ignorance is bliss so they say!

Second time I wasn't scared,I had a normal delivery.
The pushing and pain and that didn't bother me.
What did was them putting the needle/drip into my hand because they could never find a vein and then went into my foot which hurt like hell!

I also pooped during labour(didn't find out until hours after!) ,just a bit but MW was great and said she didn't mention it because all women get mega embarrassed!
And apparently 90% of us do and don't notice because of the pushing etc

This time I am so so scared of LO getting distressed like my last son.
He had to have a clip put on his head inside me to trace his HB and when he was born needed help to get breathing.

They can do what they want to me but I just want my LO to get here as safe and undistressed as poss :)
Im not scared of anything atm. Im excited. I think i'll crap myself when things really really start happening.

Im not good with pain, so maybe how i'll handle that!
To be honest I'm not scared of giving birth, even though I've never expereinced it before, I'm trying to think really positive about the whole thing, keep a relaxed mind about it, and not stress. But the one thing I am worrying about is if there is a problem and I am unable to use the birth pool in the hospital and have to have a c section instead or theres someone in the pool when I need it. Thats really my only worries at the moment, as I would like a water birth so much, so apart from that I'm really looking forward to labour and seeing my little boy for the first time. I haven't even wrote a birth plan I'm just really laid back about it, just thinking gas and air at the moment and depending on how it goes and how I feel I will go up with diff types of pain relief but hoping I can have the pool for majority of pain relief. My mum used pethedine both times, (as she has asthma and couldn't use the gas and air) but everyone is different and I suppose we will just wait and see. I just feel really excited about it all at the moment, maybe I'm werid lol.

i've heard u can take ur own birthing pool to some places if ur worried someone else might b using their one...i've been looking at birth pools in a box coz i'd quite like a home birth. they dont cost as much as i would have thought either!
I have been thru labor and delivery 4 times now...everyone gets afraid..of what may happen, will it be easy labor or a hard labor...should i use pain relief...will you poop during labor...all kinds of things go thru your head...its totally normal...but being honest i get scared right near the end, the closer i got to 40 weeks. But once things start happening, you dont even think about all that stuff anymore, its like your body is telling you its ok that you can do this...its weird..but you will see what im talking about...Good Luck and you will do just fine...
LOL... can I just say that when they were making me push I farted a few times, I was soooo embarassed, that's the only time my OH has ever heard me fart, I'm not gasey whatsoever!!

I was most afraid of throwing up, I did throw up.. 3 times.. but you know what? It made me feel so much better once I did, so I didn't feel bad after vomitting.
I am scared of losing control as well.

We live in a small town, my doctor is our friend and works at the same clinic as my husband. I will see these people afterwards all the time. This terrifies me.

Also this which ties in. I am afraid of being in labour for so long and nothing happening to end up with a section. If I am to have a section I want a planned one, not emergency. This is something else I can't control.
i think i am most scared of being completely out of control... like having to rely on everyone else to help me move and such... i realllllly hate having to rely on other people!
oh, and i absolutely HATE needles... the thought of them going into my skin just sends me into an utter panic attack! i get all sweaty and everything... hubby has to hold my hand and talk me through the whole thing... sooooo i am soooooo hoping to do it all naturally cause i dont exactly like the idea of a great big needle anywhere near my spine... never mind the iv and all that sh*t!!!
and as weird as it is, the actualy pain of labor isnt as scary anymore as it first was... i think i am becoming used to the idea that i am going to be in a lot of pain. i read a lot of stuff online about relieving some of the pain with different birthing positions and stuff... i am also hoping to use a birthing pool, if its available of course...

Oh, and about the ripping part and having stitches, i actually read that laying on your back to give birth is one of the major cause for that! i had no idea, but apparently, when you are laying on your back, your "opening" is 30% smaller then if you were squatting or on you hands and knees... i also heard that laying on your side and having your birthing partner hold up your leg is one of the easiest ways to give birth. so, after reading all that, i am most definately going to refuse to "lay on my back" and go through labor... ick, the idea of tearing or being cut totally freaks me out.

oh, yea and im nervous about "pooping" during labor... i hate even going in my own bathroom if my husband is home! never mind in front of him when he can make fun of me for the rest of my life! uggh... but i dont want an enema before birth either, so i will just have to go with the flow...
I'm not scared about the birth yet, but I'm sure I will get there.

Right now I am scared of Autism... I saw a COMMERCIAL for a documentary on autism and freaked out. I totally forgot about autism... I just don't want her to have it... Sorry I'm insane...
I was terrified my first pregnancy. I did not even want to think about the pain or read about it in pregnancy books. I had anxiety attacks with worry. Now, oh four birth stories behind me... I just fear the bad stuff I have delt with happening again only (such as having another autistic child)
My only concern at the moment is pooing during labour. I have IBS and I do not think I could handle the embarrassment of it.

Last time I was pretty scared of having a c-section or something happening to Charlotte. This time around, well, honestly, I'm scared of dying. I'm having the c-section and cyst removal and tubal ligation all at the same time. Something could seriously go wrong, especially with the cyst removal. There's a huge risk of hemmorage. I'm scared that if things DO go well and everything is okay that I'll get ecclampsia again and have more seizures and maybe something worse will happen than what happened after I had the seizures after Char was born. I'm also worried about leaving Char for a few days. I hate doing that. Oh, and I'm scared they won't knock me out for the section and only give me an epi...and that it won't work cause my last one didn't and I still felt everything...that would SUCK
I'm most scared of something happen to Soph, i love her so much already!
I'm scared my fudge wont be big enough for her to fit out!
Being sick, i havent been sick in 11 years and im petrified of it!
And dying im so scared of leaving her and DH
Is that irrational? xx

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