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What traditional wedding things can you not stand?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Not meant as a thread to offend anyone, just something a little lighthearted. :flower:
The whole giving away thing, I think it's outdated and sexist.

When during the speeches the groom and best man come out with a load of mushy crap they have never said before and they have never said again. Not once has OH ever called me his best friend or his soul mate and if he thinks he can start during the speeches then he's going to get a kick in the balls!
The giving away of the bride part. I am not anybody's property to be "given" or "sold" or "traded"

I did put up with it, had a traditional ceremony for my first wedding, partly because it was "expected" and partly for my parents.
I intend to elope for my second, probably just a courthouse wedding. I don't want either side of the family to be there - my/our relationship status has NOTHING to do with them.
Top table and who sits there :rofl::rofl: in all honesty, MIL aside, I do prefer the US traditional top table (bm's and ushers) more than the European one (parents)

Other than that I'm quite a traditionalist. I like all the little bits and pieces, even if it's not something that I would go for in everyday life :)
With me it's not that I don't like some of them it's that I don't feel comfortable but saying that I would not not have them in my wedding!
With me it's not that I don't like some of them it's that I don't feel comfortable but saying that I would not not have them in my wedding!

Yeah that's what it's like for me. The top table one is the only one I don't like because it affects other people (and other people like to think they have a say in it :gun:). Of the others I might find some uncomfortable, but only on a personal level (ie, first dance = centre of attention = awkward)
Garters,No offense but a "top table"seems so over the top to me,I dont know why probably because the idea of me eating in front of loads of people on a top table makes me laugh.
Garters,No offense but a "top table"seems so over the top to me,I dont know why probably because the idea of me eating in front of loads of people on a top table makes me laugh.

My friend didn't have a top table. She just had 6 round tables with her and hubby on one with her bridesmaids and groomsmen :thumbup:
I don't like the cutting of the cake (who wants to see that?!) and the welcoming of the guests to the wedding breakfast - you know where the bride and groom stand and everyone walks past and shakes their hand?!

Didn't have either of these at my wedding.

I didn't have a garter either!

Although I did have a top table :)

i dont like the idea of a top table we will just be having a table for us and the best man and MOF, the bridesmaids and ushers will all sit together.

I HATE (dont want to cause offense!) the wedding march lol
i dont know why but i really dont like it :blush: hense why were having music lol

:rofl: i love the cheesiness of the wedding march!
is it weird i dont like it? :haha: lol
it freaks me out, to me it sounds real dramatic id prefere soft music :haha:
Oh yeah LDC, i hated the thought of the receiving line. That was definitely a point of debate for a while with the more traditional relatives!
We're not doing the receiving line, they asked us if we wanted a receiving line or just to be welcomed into the room so we chose just to be welcomed in!

Ohh the wedding march haha never thought of that, it is quite dramatic especially when it's on an organ :haha: we're having our own music as its a hotel wedding :)
I dont like the receiving line ether, cant think of anything more awkward
^^ and boring! We'll have over 80 guests in the day, it would take about 45mins to 'receive' them all. We're going to go and greet each of the tables in between courses to make sure we've spoken to everyone, but I just don't have the patience to stand around shaking everyone's hand.
We're having 120, that would take for ever!

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