Every week I think "okay THIS is my favourite age!" Even though sometimes look at his newborn pictures and feel a twang of sadness cos I'll never get that little little baby back, its so exciting! He's learn to roll from back to front now!!! Every day he does something new and exciting, its so beautiful!
I honestly feel children peak at 2! When I worked in childcare, we had to do monthly reveiws on all the children - reveiws pretty much involved taking a few pictures and referring to one or two developemental areas that we'd been working on with that child. BUT it was so lovely looking through their portfolios and seeing them as a little baby get bigger and more beautiful and more clever and just wonderful!
After 2 they stop being 'babies' and then they're children, which is lovely, but the kind of plateau in cuteness! They just get cleverer and chatty, which is a whole lot of different fun... I LOVE conversations with 3&4 year olds, its so lovely! They understand more than you'd ever expect.
I dont know very many school aged children... so... after 5, I'm pretty ignorant.
I reckonthough for your own, they probably stop getting cuter and more special around age 34!