What were you doing when you went into labour?

With Kieran i had just lay down in bed and with Paige i had just arrived at a chicargo rock for some food , but a manged to finish my meal!
I was looking after my nephew, who was really restless due to teething. I sat down in the sofa with him to give him his bottle, when he was asleep I got up and whoosh, a massive gush. It was the only day that I had done practically nothing all day. The days and weeks previous I had been rushing around cleaning, washing, scrubbing floors on my hands and knees lol so you just never know.
I had done a bit of shopping earlier in the day and had lunch with my best friend. Once she had gone, I made a few onesies with iron on transfer paper. Then I headed back to my room, and was about to lay down for a nap when my water broke.
my waters had been leaking for a couple of days. last tuesday went to my doctor and he told me to stay close to home and that it would happen within 48 hours. that night at 2.10a.m. i woke up and heard a pop. got up out of bed and then a gush. rushed to the loo and it stopped. went in to bed cos i had no pains and then up again to another gush. went to loo again and then back to bed and within minutes started to get pains 8 mins apart. Jack was born at 11.29a.m. 2 weeks early :happydance::happydance:
Lol, glad you got your priorities right before going into hospital Carley!

Yes, but but my hubby! :dohh: He was a chicken with his head cut off! I knew there was no rush, I was right...didn't go into labour until 36 hours later (induced) :dohh:
Lol, glad you got your priorities right before going into hospital Carley!

Yes, but but my hubby! :dohh: He was a chicken with his head cut off! I knew there was no rush, I was right...didn't go into labour until 36 hours later (induced) :dohh:

I shaved after my water broke as well. Figured it would be my last chance for a while.
Lol, glad you got your priorities right before going into hospital Carley!

Yes, but but my hubby! :dohh: He was a chicken with his head cut off! I knew there was no rush, I was right...didn't go into labour until 36 hours later (induced) :dohh:

I shaved after my water broke as well. Figured it would be my last chance for a while.

Not as if baby is gonig to pop out straight away, well not like in the movies!!!
My waters went when I was in bed playing on my Nintendo DS. Although I had had twinges in the evening at my MILs house. She had just fed me a really spicy chilli and I guess it worked!

we went for a long walk on the friday went to hospital that night with pre labour pains and labour kicked in on saturday night at home whilst trying to sleep .
That day I went to work as usual (desk job). Then I went and did my non-stress test at the hospital. I had the nurse check to see how dilated I was and I was at a 3 so she sent me home. I made dinner when I got home and my sister came over to show me how to use the breast pump. I stood up to go to the bathroom and my water broke.
was just runnin the bath for my daughter as she was havin an early bed time due 2 being a little madame then gushhhhhhhhhh so she didnt end up having a bath!! x
I used nipple stimulation & went into active labour the next morning, mind you I think I was in early labour for about a week prior to that.
I was in labour for 3 days and didn't know. I thought it was those bloody Braxton Hicks getting worse. When I knew it was that time I was cleaning and on my way to the toilet. My waters broke, but I thought I'd had an accident. Cleaned myself and continued cleaning. I had to keep busy to distract myself from the pain. Then I lost more water...and that is when I knew. Other half was busy sleeping and I woke him up to him asking.. "How do you know?" ...Well..I'm not here leaking fluid for the fun of it.
Skipping and touching my toes.

I was trying to show off because I was fed up. It worked!
Lol nice work Becky. I couldn't touch my toes even before I was pregnant!
With Faith we'd come back from an evening round some friends house and I ask OH to do the washing up while I did his lunch for work (we'd not had a chance before going out). It was about midnight so my OH was like "you're at home all day, do it tomorrow" me being hormonal demanded he did it as I hate washing up being left overnight so we argued over it and I threw the bread board on the floor and stropped off upstairs to bed! (Told you hormonal or what!) Anyway he came up mins later having done the washing up and got in bed. It was literally mins later I felt "odd" and leapt out of bed and felt wet. I ran to the toilet and couldn't stop leaking so knew this was it, it was my waters and it was. The contractions came an hour later. I was 38 weeks pregnant x
I was 'high-risk' so had to go in as soon as my waters broke (or so they said).

My waters broke AS I was going to bed! I hobbled downstairs (got laminate everywhere thankfully!) went to bathroom then went back upstairs to tell Jeff. Called Mum to let her know and to be ready to have the dog. Then I had a coffee while I wrote my blog!

Contractions didn't actually start until hwe were driving to the hospital, then we couldn't find the maternity ward (was going to be having homebirth until week 40 when it was all changed) so I laboured for half an hour walking all over the hospital grounds!

Rest of it was spent in a room, I paced the room whenever a contraction hit. There was no way I could lie down or sit through them!

Next time I'm staying home longer!
It was a strange day for me. i got up; charged my phone, washed my hair, cut my nails, clean the house and the bathrooms, washed the dishes, and was going for a nap,lol
it';s strange because i never done everything listed above in one day and i did that the same day my baby's born

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