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What will you do differently this time?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2012
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I'm expecting #2 (roughly 8 weeks along) and ive already started thinking of things I want to do differently this time round.

With my first I bf until 6 months before combi feeding. Weaned at 4 months. He had his last bf a week after 1. I tw instead of blw. I cosleep.

This time I want to bf all the way up until lo stops himself. No bottles no formula. I want to wean no earlier than 5 months (preferably 6). Wanr to try blw instead of tw. I will still cosleep as love it!

How about you guys?
Last time we had to stop bfing early for various reasons, this time I want to bf for as long as possible all being well. We blwed DS at six months and will do the same this time. I do want to baby wear more this time. DS was several months old when I discovered wraps and never really liked it, so ill start from birth with this one.

The main thing will be not looking ahead to the next milestone all the time, making the most of baby being tiny and enjoying the baby as a baby if that makes sense.
I won't be bringing "reading material" in my hospital bag. Hahahahahaha. What a joke. Never touched it!

I also plan to be a much more laid back nurser. Omg 1st time around because I had NO clue what I was doing I was obsessed with "how long she fed".....and timing the feeding and stressing out about "why is she hungry!?!?" If she just at an hour ago. I swear I spent the first 2 months just beyond stressing about nursing. Now..if she's hungry..I'll feed her. When she's done..she's done....I'll burp, offer her the other side and be done. Hahahaa. No timers...no charts...just mommy feeding baby. I'm actually looking forward to it SO much!
Hopefully BF this time, no weaning til 6 months, fight like heck with drs if this one has reflux, no clock watching over feeds etc.. no cleaning the house before the mw calls and no being pushed around by bossy mws or health visitors! I wish I had trusted myself more first time round. I'm going to try and skip cosleeping this time given dd1 still makes her way in every night, but who knows!
There are things I am going to do differently with pregnancy and after I have the baby!

Things I am doing differently with pregnancy-
-prenatal yoga 2-3 times a week
-more videos/pics of my bump/belly (I felt too fat last time, but now wish I had more pictures/videos of my pregnancy)
-taking better vitamins (last time they made me sick, this time I am taking an all natural, food sourced one and I have had no problems)
-not telling anyone our name choices!
-not allowing anyone to come stay at our house to "help" (I felt like I missed out on dd first few weeks because I only saw her when others gave her to me to eat since I couldn't move out of bed too much because of a traumatic birth. I still cry about it.
-buying maternity clothes earlier (last time I waited and just wore bigger clothes but I am amazed how much better I feel/look in clothes that are made for pregnancy which is amazing since I am overweight and usually hate my body)
i will bf, blw, and co-sleep like I did with dd, but there are things I will do differently

For the next baby
-not get tons of newborn/0-3 clothes! dd ended up not even wearing half of the clothes when she was little!
-worry less about having a clean house and spend more time hanging out with the baby
-not stress about nursing and just do what baby wants!
-not worry as much about "milestones". I have noticed that all the babies born around the same time as dd are now roughly the same as far as abilities even though they all did things, like first steps, first words etc at completely different times.
-not give up on cloth diapering
-organize more as I go
-buy good quality things even though it's more expensive
-be more assertive and less apologetic about parenting choices that are not the "norm"
This time around, I will try and make my own baby food and do BLW instead of TW.

Also, try and be better at updating baby books/albums at least 2 times a month instead of every 6 months. :dohh:
Dig my heels in big time if this one has reflux - 2 doctors, 2 midwives and hv laughed off my concerns that lo had reflux. It took a 999 call when she was choking on her own acid for a medical professional to diagnose it and start getting some treatment!

Accept much earlier that everything is a phase and the sleepless nights won't carry on forever.

Try to give hubby more attention after the first few weeks have calmed down. Not sure how easy this will be with a toddler vying for attention too but I know he struggled with "losing" his wife for months even though he understood rationally.

Ask for help.
This is my 4th, so I will do combinations of things that worked well. My last was twins, and that experience is massively different, so I look forward to be able to do things I wasn't able to with them, like baby wearing.

Want to breastfed, but two of my three children had issues pm one had missed tongue tie and couldn't latch and the other had pyloric stenosis and also autism and ADHD which might explain some of the difficulties we had, (he would latch on and off, and hated being held etc etc) so, I want to breastfed but I've learnt that only one of my children it was relatively easy with, and having got three young children already I won't be putting too much pressure on myself.

Blw - loved it. Was so much easier than traditional weaning, but depends greatly on of this child had reflux or pyloric stenosis.

Get rid of baby stuff as baby grows out of, or at least dramatically reduce, so hubby won't convince me to go for another!
This time round I *will* succeed with BF.
Also co-sleep from birth rather than fighting it.
Sling from birth too :cloud9:
Nothing, at baby number 3 I'm perfect!!

There's a few things I would like to happen differently this time, but parenting choices wise I made my mistakes and experimented with my first and perfected everything with my second. If I had the same set of circumstances this time as I did with my second I'd do the same again.

Planning on breastfeeding (possibly tandem is DS is still going), introducing a dummy, having a night time bottle of formula from about 4 months and extended breastfeeding until 3 years old. Also baby wearing, co-sleeping, BLW, some cloth, some sposies, CC or variation of around 12 months when ready to go into own cot.
I'm expecting #2 (roughly 8 weeks along) and ive already started thinking of things I want to do differently this time round.

With my first I bf until 6 months before combi feeding. Weaned at 4 months. He had his last bf a week after 1. I tw instead of blw. I cosleep.

This time I want to bf all the way up until lo stops himself. No bottles no formula. I want to wean no earlier than 5 months (preferably 6). Wanr to try blw instead of tw. I will still cosleep as love it!

How about you guys?

Well with my first my lo wouldn't latch on so I didn't get to breastfeed as I couldn't afford to buy a pump and it really scared me even though I had tried and failed.

With my second I still had fear this fear all stemmed from have breasts that were larger than my babies heads! I tried and he wouldn't latch this time I tried to pump but couldn't produce enough.

I have since had a breast reduction and feel more confident but no doctor or lactation nurse or consultant can tell me if I will be able to breastfeed until the time comes but I am bound and determined to try and succeed!

My last lo was born at 37 weeks he developed two hernias an umbilical hernia which got to the size of his dad's thumb and an inigual hernia which is located in the groin at first we didn't think anything of the small amount of swelling in his groin because as the doctors had told me this can be normal at first. Well when his testicles started to turn a purple bluish color we got him to the dr right away where he was diagnosed with this hernia which is cause by an opening that doesn't close up when they desend. So he was scheduled for surgery he was only three months old. After coming out of recovery we were told they got it all and by luck didn't have to hit the reproductive organs but had it been any longer they would have had no choice possibly making it impossible for him to have kids of his own later in life. He was all hooked up to an iv and things and as a mother who had never had a child in this situation I couldn't bring myself to hold him i would play with his hair and things but that was it and his dad stayed the night at the hospital with him. 9 months later at age 1 he had to have another one removed from the other side this time I wasn't able to go I felt guilty and things but had no one to watch my other lo. Once again his dad was there with him and things but this time he came home the same day. I was still very fearful of hurting him. I think if I would ever have to go through this again I would change things and be the one to stay with the baby and not be so afraid to hold and comfort and make the baby feel protected. I felt horrible not having the strength to do it that now as I look back I wish I had so if I every have to go through it again I will def change it around. After the first hernia was removed the umbilical hernia went away with in a week all on its own!
I've already started thinking about this too!

With my son I only bf for a week, didnt co sleep, didnt babywear, blw from 6 months but still did purees (homemade) every now and then, didn't use cloth nappies, took the dummy away at 9 months old, worried a lot about milestones and bought way too many clothes!

This time I want to bf for much longer (hopefully until at least their 1st birthday), maybe co sleep for the first couple of months, babywear, blw again, try and stop the dummy before 1 again, not worry about milestones as much and probably still buy just as many clothes lol x
Last time I cared what people though this time I will not be listening!!

I had to tell everyone I had stopped feeding as I had so many comments it upset me .. I manged to feed untill Isabella self weaned at 18month but I hated it being a secret!
hopefully bf, no visitors (apart from grandparents) to start with - I don't really know what else until we get there - hopefully be a bit more laid back
Less visitors!
Bf til at least 2 instead of 1.
Not put on 4stone during pregnancy!!!
Have some meals prepared and made up in the freezer so I can just pop it in the oven.
Stay at home for the whole of my home birth and be strong about what I want in labour.
I don't think I'll change much about parenting but am hoping for a different birth. I'll stay at home longer in labour and try and use the water for pain relief. Will also be more assertive about things like induction, monitoring etc.
Really hoping for vbac!
Last time I couldn't breastfeed as Callum was in neonatal and wouldn't take to it as he got used to a bottle so I definitely wanna breastfeed this time if I can.

I had Callum in our room till 8 months as we moved so will probably move this one out a bit earlier (although for the first 6 months she'll definitely be in our room). I TW last time and want to do that again this time, we did it around 5 and a half months which I'd like to do again and I made him all fresh food so will hopefully do the same again.

I wouldn't get as many clothes this time, had far to many last time. Also i'll definitely buy newborn clothes this time as we didn't bother last time as were told he'd be 8lbs and he was only 5lb 13oz so we had to rush out and get him some clothes that actually fit! xx
-i will not stress about weight gain or weight loss after pregnancy
-i will not have a family member stay with us after birth (like someone said above it took away from me being able to bond with the baby right away)
-i will NOT get an epidural!!
-i will be more involved in the birthing process (hopefully i won't be in so much pain and will be able to be active and tell them what i want)
-i will be in the moment
-i will do what i want and not let others influence me
-i will not feed my baby cereal

same as last time:
-i will BF as long as I can (2 years and going strong!)
-i will co-sleep
-food for fun until they're 1 (starting when LO shows interest), right to solids and self-feeding
-i will take a ton of pictures all the time
I will sit still and snuggle with my baby as much as I and appreciate the first tiny days because they dont stay that way forever. Sod the housework.

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