What's going on with me... :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2010
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OK now I'm officially 35 (yes I just turned 35 last month). My husband and I have been actively trying since Mar last year... but still no babies...

I had a body check Feb last year and found out I have 2 fibroids. But my period has always been regular with not much pain etc. My Dr told me I'm good to go and it wont affect me getting pregnant.

But then... I really have no idea... I have tried everything... but still no baby...

My friend got pregnant and delivered a baby on MY birthday. And I just found out my husband's cousin is pregnant with her 2nd baby. Why is it so easy with other people???

I mean I won't consider myself unhealthy despite my fibroids. And I admit that I'm a little overweight but I rarely even fell sick! My DH's cousin is an overweight woman around my age and she's already pregnant with her 2nd baby. What is the problem with me?

I know I have to see the Dr... but the fact that I feel like it'll turn out to be my problem is making me so scared. I feel like maybe I should just give up...

I just feel so sad when I found out every one around me can get pregnant so easily but not me... I just had O few days ago... and I feel like another month is gone... and the result will be the same...

I just can't help and start crying... why me? I've always liked kids but why can't I have one? I just want one...

Sorry you have to listen all this... but I feel really bad right now...
Hey Lady come on now!!! My Dr laughed (nicely) at me when I sobbed that I had been trying since May and hadnt fallen pregnant yet, I had done a test and got a negative yet was 4 days late, so I had convinced myself I was having early menopause!!!! Please dont be sad, give it time...we will both get there, I know it!x
I am 40 soon as I am so not giving up on this journey until I have my much wanted :baby:.

You should never give up on your dream :hugs:
:hugs::hugs:oh never give up...u will definatly have your turn and ull be so happy...please dont be doubtful...babydust:dust::dust: :hug:
Thanks for all your support and encouragement! Sometimes it's just so hard for me. Esp. my friends and relatives around me don't understand.

I have a friend who never got pregnant keeps asking me when I'll have a baby and how come I'm still not pregnant yet... She knew I want a baby and she thought it's so easy... that made me feel so bad and I don't even want to talk to her sometimes... So now I've stopped to tell friends/ relatives that I want a baby...

Good thing I can still come here and share you ladies. I can't find anyone who can understand in real life... :(
It can take the AVERAGE couple 12 mos to get pregnant
Thats an average couple with NO problems and no age issues.
Don't give up
It will happen :hugs:
oh my word im right there with you hun mc june last yr im 42 in 3wks by way. i feel ova hill as theres younger nanas at schools nowadays to make it worse i took my 4 yr old to see santa and he sed 2 my 4 yr old keep tight hold of nanas hand i looked at santa n sed im his mum not his nana now tht made me feel so old i cried wen i got home i told my hubby we too old 2 have anymore he sed noway theres loads tht have babies in their 40s
Don't give up honey - I'm 36 on Thursday & still trying. There's been a bit of a flurry of BFPs in the TTC number 1 over 35 thread so we're hoping there's something in the water at the moment!
Baby dust :dust: and hugs:hugs::hugs: for you hun, keep the faith it will happen, and you can still try the assisted conception route.

Thank you sooooooooooo much!!! I hope all of you will have BFP VERY soon too! I'm glad that some of us here got BFP! That means we still have hope!!! ***BABYDUST TO ALL OF US HERE!!!***


Yeah I know some nanas are so young nowadays.... I bet it's cuz there are so many teen moms! But I don't think having kids at 16 is a good thing anyways.

So don't be sad at what you saw. You are still young. Just hang in there. This will happen soon (I'm telling this to myself too!).

Today is Day 7 past my O. Normally if my period is coming, my breasts will be a little bigger or sore 5-7 days before that. But there's still nothing. Well but maybe my AF will come a little later this month or just there's no symptom suddenly. My BBT is still up... I just hope that it won't drop. Once BBT drops, it will definitely mean that my AF is coming...

Please pray for all of us here...
Baby bear i really know exactly how you feel and how upsetting it all is.
All my friends have kids now, some on their 2nd and 3rd! And my best friend is due next week, 36 just like me , only she took 3 months to get preggers!!

And here i am 8 months trying, peeing on stix, evening primrose, grapefruit juice, proper wgt, non smoker, sod all drinking, and no medical problems!
Had hormones all checked and all good. The man has 4 grown kids already. We only want one together, twins would suit me grand, sister has them from IVF.
Going to fertility specialist next wed, dreading it cos really dont want interventions. Thought this morning about maybe my cousin (we are very close) being a surrogate, she would too cos she's a star but i know i'm jumping ahead. Just lost all hope that it will happen. I'm doing loads of chores and DIY around the house to keep busy and not think any more cos i just want to scream and cry. I've told the fella that i'm very down about it but can only vent here!! I really thought i'd be pregnant this christmas and when the bells rang at new yr my heart just broke! No new year for me just more of the same charting and POAS and doctors!!

So thats me, i know it can take time but i did that with my ex husband 5 yrs ago, he had very low sperm counts..and was a git (long story lol!)

still hoping but soul sore!
Hi Guys

Life is bitter sweet!

Baby bear i was told i had two small fibroids and had a mc in 0ct 2010, despite this im told i can go on to have normal pregnancy :), still trying to do that so I understand your concerns, and i understand where Princessjulia is coming from because when Mc'd in Oct my daughter who is 17 said i could name her first when she had children and I thought i could die, as the reality that my daughter would probably have a baby before me hit home. :/

Yeah I tried so many things too... EPO, Robutussin, Vitex, Grapefruit juice, vitamins etc etc... BUT there's still NOTHING.

Now I'm soooooo worried that it's my problem (my 2 fibroids). Dr said they wouldn't stop me from getting pregnant... but why can't I get pregnant after so long???

Hm... if there's still nothing... I think we'll have to see the Dr... I'm just so sad and worried...

On the other hand, my husband is still optimistic... he just thinks it just takes time... oh well...

Anyways, GOOD LUCK & a lot of BABY DUST to you!


Hm... how big are your fibroids? My fibroids are not small but since it's not affecting my period or anything, my Dr said I'm good to go and I don't have to get rid of them thru surgery. She told me it depends on the location of the fibroids and mine seems ok. I heard that my friend's friend also had a frbroid and she wanted to have a baby. Her Dr asked her to do a surgery. Then she had to wait for 6 months after the surgery before trying. But then another friend's wife got pregnant with twins and had fibroid too without problem. She did have to do a surgery to get rid of the fibroid some time after delivering the twins.

Anyways, I just hope that it's not cuz of my fibroids... I really don't want to do surgery cuz I know I'll have to wait to try again afterwards. :( I've already stopped drinking milk and eating beef cuz I read that they're not good for fibroids.

I just hope that we all on this board will get pregnant soon!!!
Hi Baby bear

Apparently my fibroids aren't that big, after I m'cd in oct they give me thorough examination, something that felt like torture at the time, and the doctor came to see me after said that i had two small fibroids and my womb lining was 4 inches thick and someother stuff i didn't really take in at the time. Im wondering if i missed something during that chat.
The fact i got pregnant then means i suppose that i can get pregnant :thumbup: but every month since has been like torture that i have not got pregnant again.:nope:

My AF is due on the 15th but im hoping it won't come but if it does im going to make an appointment with my doctor to go back over my notes just incase i missed something and go from there i guess.

Be Strong baby bear :flower:
Monkey 12,

Hm... don't worry. I don't think it's cuz of your fibroids cuz it is not that big. I believe you can even shrink it naturally over time. And also if you don't have heavy bleeding/ cramps during period, you should be fine.

Today is Day 26 of my cycle. And my AF usually comes on Day 29 or 30 too. So mine will be due around the same time as yours. As I said before, around 5-7 days prior to AF, my breasts usually grow bigger/ are a little sore and I sometimes have a bit of urgency to the bathroom. But so far I feel NOTHING... I mean absolutely NOTHING. I don't know if this is good though... cuz I kinda feel that maybe its just the occasional "NO AF Symtom Month" or my AF may just arrive a little late. hm... I don't know... cuz I feel like if I got pregnant, at least there should be some type of signs? Oh well... good thing is that my BBT actually increased this morning.

How about you? Do you have any symtoms before AF?

But no matter what, I hope we both DON'T get AF this month!!! BABY DUST BABY DUST!!! We deserve our BFP!!!
thanks babybear wer i live i feel isolated as theres loads of 20s n 30s something when you reach 40 they look at you are you mad its like no im not

Yeah sometimes it's just hard to see all those young women surrounding us. In where I live I see so many young pregnant women too. I think they're all in their 20s... :( I just wish I were one of them! And occasionally I'll even see some 20-year-old or below having a kid already!

You know I sometimes try to avoid looking at those people... it's just too hard for me. But then even my friends in MY AGE don't understand. My good friend who is single and was never pregnant thinks that it's so easy to get pregnant. She's acting like she can't get pregnant just cuz is she's now single. I don't know what to say... she's like being so curious about me still not getting pregnant. But she doesn't do it out of love and concern. So now I just kinda stop telling her all this. But still she tries to bring up this subject whenever I talk to her. Well I think she's getting too annoying and giving me too much pressure. It's to the point that I think I should stop contacting her...

Anyways, I really can't find anyone who can understand me in real life. All I can do is to come here and share...

Hopefully we will both get thru all this and get our BFP very very soon!

So yeah... you also don't give up! I DON'T think it's impossible to get pregnant unless we're 50.

Again, hope you get your BFP very soon!
Hey don't be upset,my grandma delivered my aunt when she was 44.FX for your BFP!!:happydance:
Monkey 12,

Hm... don't worry. I don't think it's cuz of your fibroids cuz it is not that big. I believe you can even shrink it naturally over time. And also if you don't have heavy bleeding/ cramps during period, you should be fine.

Today is Day 26 of my cycle. And my AF usually comes on Day 29 or 30 too. So mine will be due around the same time as yours. As I said before, around 5-7 days prior to AF, my breasts usually grow bigger/ are a little sore and I sometimes have a bit of urgency to the bathroom. But so far I feel NOTHING... I mean absolutely NOTHING. I don't know if this is good though... cuz I kinda feel that maybe its just the occasional "NO AF Symtom Month" or my AF may just arrive a little late. hm... I don't know... cuz I feel like if I got pregnant, at least there should be some type of signs? Oh well... good thing is that my BBT actually increased this morning.

How about you? Do you have any symtoms before AF?

But no matter what, I hope we both DON'T get AF this month!!! BABY DUST BABY DUST!!! We deserve our BFP!!!

Hi Baby Bear

I have had loads of symptoms this month, tingly breasts, high sense of smell, extreme tiredness. I usually just get the odd cramp before my AF shows and a little sensitive and tearful.
Im going to be posistive though it's the 13th today so not out yet, OH is so posistive about everything and gives me strength.

Do you have a lot of support ?

thanks babybear i went 2 gyni yest i just have to wait for af which is due today to start on clomid dr thinks i mite need help in hand so tryin this out for 3 mths so hopefully i get pregnant this yr

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