I'm 5 weeks into having 2 and honestly it has been MUCH easier than 0 to 1. The most difficult thing is balancing time between the two. Each day gets a little easier though and you just kind of learn as you go how to do it.
My toddler had a couple weeks where his listening tanked and he was quite a handful. However, he is adjusting now too and so that is getting better. We haven't had any jealousy with the baby but I stay very diligent to make sure he gets one on one time with me as well.
I tried to be forgiving of myself with watching extra shows and things like that. When the baby was clusterfeeding during the day, there was a lot of things I couldn't do (like chase DS around the house). So we spent a little bit having more movie days. Now that the baby is falling into more of a routine it's a lot easier on that front and we are doing more of our usual play activities. I'm also taking advantage of out of the house activities (storytime at library, going for walks on nice days etc). Keeps the cabin fever at bay.
I found 0 to 1 incredibly hard. DS was glued to my hip and I had literally zero time to myself. Everything completely changed. 1 to 2 though is an adjustment of course, but you know more what to expect and hasn't felt like a shock. My oldest was a terrible sleeper (awesome now) so I was prepared for a repeat. However, so far DS2 is an amazing sleeper and has made things go smoother. It's nice because he goes to bed and I usually get some time at night to myself. There is also usually an hour or so in the afternoon where their naps overlap and I can get laundry done, prep dinner, watch YouTube, sleep....
Big lifesaver has been baby wearing and would DEFINITELY recommend having a sling, wrap, carrier, SOMETHING because it makes things like cooking dinner or grocery shopping possible most days around here
I was terrified of how things will go but I have been pleasantly surprised that it hasn't been hard. Now I'm thinking of a third because it's been so good so far lol
If you have any specific questions feel free to ask...It's taken me over 30 minutes to write this (it does take FOREVER to get things done these days) and kept losing my train of thought. So I'm sure I've forgotten things
ETA- our boys are just under a 3 year gap. I don't think I could do any less of a gap than what we have in our case. If you have a more hands on LO, I would suggest a bigger gap than smaller