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What's your opinion on pageants?


Mom of 2 girls
May 6, 2012
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They're fairly common here in the southern US, but I know in a lot of other places it's frowned upon, especially after shows like Toddlers and Tiaras.

My family's asking me if I'll be putting LO in pageants in a year or two, and I'm not really sure if I want to. I don't want her to feel judged based on her appearance, and feel like she's not pretty enough if she doesn't win anything.

But most people here just see it as any other just-for-fun sport. I'd love to see her all dressed up and it could be really fun, but I don't know that I totally agree with it.

Of course this is assuming she actually wants to! I would never force her to do something like this if she didn't want to. And I'm not talking spray tans and fake teeth, nothing high glitz like that.

Me, personally? Absolutely not. That said, I have little boys so I don't know if I'd feel differently if I had a little girl. I suspect not because of my general view on pageants at all.
If we're talking Toddler's and Tiaras style I saw NO WAY would I put my DD in it! I think they are rubbish and only designed to stroke the parents' egos. Objectifying children at such a young age can create body image issues or divas. She'll have enough of that in 10 years.

I would be okay with a Gerber, Carter's, or Baby Gap competition for a photo spread but nothing where they get their hair and make-up done.
I would do a few ones that weren't competitive just to see what they were like. I think it would be fun, if LO wanted to do it that is.
Too bad my boy won't want to dress up in drag and go on the cat walk :(
I actually think I'd want to do it even more if she were a boy! The boy pageants are adorable. They wear little tuxedos! haha
Awwww. Now I have the urge to dress mine in matching tuxes and do a home photo shoot :lol:
I think it's never too early to start teaching children that life's a competition and that the prettier and more crowd-pleasing you are, the better. Now get up there and don't forget to SMILE! :wacko:
I think it's never too early to start teaching children that life's a competition and that the prettier and more crowd-pleasing you are, the better. Now get up there and don't forget to SMILE! :wacko:

Is there really need for sarcasm? I don't get why people can't express there options in a civil way ....
In some ways I feel sorry for my oldest son as everyone is always commenting on how cute the younger is, but not so much him. If I was to enter them in a pageant I would feel awful if one was winning awards and the other not, but if you only have one kid then it may not be such a big issue I suppose. I make a special effort to tell Eamon how gorgeous he is all the time to make up for all the randoms who gush about Liam when I'm out someplace. I see a pageant as a worse version of that... explaining why another kid won when you tell yours they're the most beautiful in the world doesn't make any sense somehow as it's looks that count. I'd be too afraid of damaging my child's self-esteem. I'm kinda with Larkspur on this one.
I think it's never too early to start teaching children that life's a competition and that the prettier and more crowd-pleasing you are, the better. Now get up there and don't forget to SMILE! :wacko:

Is there really need for sarcasm? I don't get why people can't express there options in a civil way ....

Okay... I think they're disgusting and teach children that looks and people-pleasing are what's important in life... there, is that better?
No way. Granted, the only thing I really know of them is from what I have briefly and unfortunately seen on T&T.

I think if it's just a matter of having them wear a cute dress and do something fun on the stage then it's not so bad. But when you start putting makeup on/spray tanning a two year old... I think it's totally inappropriate. Also not a fan of really young children competing for money. Doesn't sit right with me.
The pageants we have locally are usually nothing like what you'd see on T&T. I'm talking natural pagents, no makeup or fake hair or anything like that. But even then, I just think the concept is kinda wrong.

But it also depends on the parents, I think. There are those pageant moms who are basically living vicariously through their children, putting so much pressure on them, and encouraging the diva attitude. You can tell the kids aren't enjoying it, and I can completely understand how that would mess a kid up.

But I also did pageants, and only because I asked to and because I loved it an had fun. There was no pressure. I think in this case it can be okay. Either way, I'm 90% sure I won't be putting her in pageants, but I just wanted opinions from people where this isn't a common thing.
I think it's never too early to start teaching children that life's a competition and that the prettier and more crowd-pleasing you are, the better. Now get up there and don't forget to SMILE! :wacko:

Is there really need for sarcasm? I don't get why people can't express there options in a civil way ....

Okay... I think they're disgusting and teach children that looks and people-pleasing are what's important in life... there, is that better?

Well yes as that's actually answering what the OP was asking. I just don't get why people feel the need to be rude in there responses. I get that people are going to disagree and have stong opposing views which is great, I particailly agree with you but I just don't think theres need to be rude about it.

Now for my view, no I don't agree that beauty contests are for lil kids because there too young to know what's going on, however when there old enough to make there own decisions and that's what they want then I don't have a problem with that.

However having said that, pagents are not popular in the uk so the only real 'experiences' I have of them are from toddler and tiaras which ano is extream and not the case in all pagents.
No kids for me yet, but I have wondered if I'd want to when I do have kids...I think the cheers and praise may be good ego/social boosters when they are too young to really know they are being judged on their looks. I think when they are wee little things it's just "look at all the people, they are smiling at ME!" But I don't think I would want to subject them to the high glitz pageants and all that over done makeup and crap.

So maybe pageants in the beginning then transition to actual talent pageants for dancing or singing or some other skill :thumbup:

That's just my two cents.
Little boy pageants?? Oh hell, I just want to dress him in a tuxedo and take pictures before he spits up on it.
I have my own reservations about pageants. Shows like toddlers and tiaras absolutely disgust me. And not only because the moms are forcing their daughters to prance around like bimbos at such a young age. But I think it's horrible to slather heavy makeup and put wigs on such beautiful innocent babies. Not to mention how disgustingly revealing the outfits are on some of those little girls. I HATE it. Most of the moms on Toddlers and Tiaras are clearly forcing pageants on their daughters for the benefit of themselves, which is backwards parenting IMO.

I would only ever remotely consider putting LO in a pageant if she asked to be in one. And even then I would only ever put her in pageants that are natural instead of glitzy. Meaning no makeup, no age-inappropriate outfits. Just little girls being normal little girls. But honestly I hate the idea of my LO ever being judged by total strangers based on how cute she is compared to other girls...I was raised to love myself and not compare myself to those around me. I plan on raising my LO with the same values.
I wouldn't, for various reasons. I would rather put the extra effort into something that will benefit them in the long run. I don't really like idea of pitting toddler against toddler in a beauty contest either, just seems wrong. Their personality is also heavily affected by what they do when they're tiny, and the last thing I would want is for them to be even more concerned with how they look as they grow older.
As with anything in life it's all in the way you handle things. If I had a daughter and she wanted to do pageants I don't know what Id say but I'm not gonna sit here and say they're evil. Some people are way overboard and do it completely wrong and it's terrible but I'm sure there is a good way to go about it too. I mean rhe Miss America organization has paid for a lot of women to get a higher education and I think that's nice.

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