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What's your opinion on pageants?

Nah not for us at all,. even the non make up ones. . I dont even enter comps with my kids pics as that dosnt seem right.
I'll be putting Mia in natural pageants, they arn't all about beauty! It's also about speaking in public, the one here has volunteer programs the kids do and scholarships, and friends. Toddlers and Tiaras ruined what the pageant world can be like. So judge me for my choice I really don't care because I want my daughter to be confident in her skin and public speaking.

genuine question: If its for talent, learning skills such as public speaking and the opportunity to take part in volunteer work etc, why would you choose pageants over eg the debate team at school, community theater, community volunteer programmes and music/dance class etc if that is the main focus you're going for?
I'll be putting Mia in natural pageants, they arn't all about beauty! It's also about speaking in public, the one here has volunteer programs the kids do and scholarships, and friends. Toddlers and Tiaras ruined what the pageant world can be like. So judge me for my choice I really don't care because I want my daughter to be confident in her skin and public speaking.

genuine question: If its for talent, learning skills such as public speaking and the opportunity to take part in volunteer work etc, why would you choose pageants over eg the debate team at school, community theater, community volunteer programmes and music/dance class etc if that is the main focus you're going for?

Who said I wasn't? She is already signed up for swimming and tumble class. You don't know the pageant system I plan on putting her in and how they operate.

And if your all up on the beauty competition aspect I don't know if you've ever been to some of the dance competitions where your not only judged on how you can shake your butt but your outfits as well and some of those outfits are more like lingerie. Not to mention the amount of makeup that is put on those little girls to make them pop better. And how do I know all this? the other school of dance in my town that we competed against was like this. their girls had to have fake lashes and hair. and i'm doing harm by telling my daughter she is beautiful in her own skin that God gave her, and it's ok to be proud of that?
Also, it's not really a win/lose situation. Yes, there's a grand supreme winner, but everyone wins a crown and some sort of title. So when they're young they don't realize they haven't won, they're just thrilled to have a crown to take home.

It's like their moment to shine and be treated like a princess and have everyone smile at them and give them their full attention. They love it. It makes them feel good about themselves, if anything.

I'm not trying to say there's nothing wrong with pageants, I just wanted to clear up some misconceptions that Toddlers & Tiaras has caused. I've never been to a pageant where a small child walked away with no crown.
I don't think we have many beauty pagents in the UK but no way would I consider entering my daughters into one.

It would be my idea of a nightmare to find myself on a stage in a swimsuit with people judging how cute I looked. Why the fuck would I put my daughters in that position? :wacko:

And what standard of 'beauty' are they being judged by? Some hideous b.astardised drag style wtf. Just no.

I want my kids to grow up with good self esteem. I just couldn't let them believe that their value is based on something so subjective and temporary as their superficial 'beauty'. It just seems such a plainly obvious dead end route to go down. They literally have no ownership over their looks during childhood, and the idea of pitting them against each other based on something so freaking shallow and accidental is just vile to me. Why marginalise an interesting and innocent little individual in that way?
Im uncomfortable with the idea of children dressed up as adults and have makeup

im sure not all pageants are like that(maybe im using a stereotype)
I'll be putting Mia in natural pageants, they arn't all about beauty! It's also about speaking in public, the one here has volunteer programs the kids do and scholarships, and friends. Toddlers and Tiaras ruined what the pageant world can be like. So judge me for my choice I really don't care because I want my daughter to be confident in her skin and public speaking.

genuine question: If its for talent, learning skills such as public speaking and the opportunity to take part in volunteer work etc, why would you choose pageants over eg the debate team at school, community theater, community volunteer programmes and music/dance class etc if that is the main focus you're going for?

Who said I wasn't? She is already signed up for swimming and tumble class. You don't know the pageant system I plan on putting her in and how they operate.

And if your all up on the beauty competition aspect I don't know if you've ever been to some of the dance competitions where your not only judged on how you can shake your butt but your outfits as well and some of those outfits are more like lingerie. Not to mention the amount of makeup that is put on those little girls to make them pop better. And how do I know all this? the other school of dance in my town that we competed against was like this. their girls had to have fake lashes and hair. and i'm doing harm by telling my daughter she is beautiful in her own skin that God gave her, and it's ok to be proud of that?

No way would I ever put my daughter (if I had one) in a pageant. She could play dress up with her friends all day long and i'll provide the tutus and play makeup but I'm not about to subject her to growing up faster than she should or wearing so much makeup a drag queen would be jealous. Even the natural pageants I don't get. Still judging a child on what God gave them and ranking that to their peers. I'd rather my child learn from sports, friends and extracurricular activities. I'm not dressing my child in a bikini to be looked over from head to toe by strangers. Creeps me out. No baby shoul have to be fake tanned, flippers shoved in, fake hair and eyelashes glued in and caked makeup galore to beautiful. They already are! I think it's sending the completely wrong message.

And no, I wouldn't want my daughter to have a diva attitude either. My daughter won't be entitled to anything but her momma and daddy's love.
Well earlier in the thread I said I would never enter my dd into a pagaent but over the last couple of days I feel like the worst of the pageant mums :blush: Last week we were at a baby fair and there was a lady offering to take pictures of the kids to enter into a competition. They called me a few days later and said they were interested in signing her up with a modelling agency and called her for a "job interview". I spend ages getting her ready for her interview, choosing just the right outfit, doing her hair (not that she has much), and when we got there I really hoped she would SMILE. Today they called to say they definitely want to sign her up and she has a professional photo-shoot tomorrow. Here I am already panicking that she has nothing to wear and hoping she will pose nicely for the camera. WHO HAVE I BECOME?!
Yeah i do. $400!!!! Which includes the photo-shoot (to go in her portfolio)and the membership with the agency for a year, meaning they will put her forward for any job they think she is suitable for a year, then if I want to continue with them I have to pay another $200 the following year. It did cross my mind that this could just be a big scam, and they say they want to represent every kid just so they get the money! But its the biggest agency in Australia which does all the department stores, huggies ads, pampers, and tv shows so I'm hoping they genuinely think she has a chance of getting jobs. Either way if I didnt do it, I'd always be left wondering "what if". I've been completely sucked in! Help!
Obviously you are in Oz, but agents in the uk that charge for "portfolios" with the promise of work are scammers. A decent agent only gets paid when the client gets work.
I agree, in the US at least modeling agencies choose who to represent based on their confidence that the person will be chosen to represent a brand. THAT'S when they get paid. I would be VERY skeptical of an organization that you had to pay into, especially if they require it just to continue with them. If they have faith in a child's real potential, they should be begging YOU to represent your child. Not you having to compensate THEM. That's why legitimate agents are so selective of their clients. They know their time is only going to be compensated if they book the job for their client.

That's also why the top supermodels' "discovery stories" always involve them being spotted while shopping, in the grocery store, etc.
As far as pageants go, I wouldn't put my daughter in them if I had one. If for no other reason than because I wouldn't want to spend all day trapped in a room with other pageant moms!:)
Thanks ladies, I'm a bit skeptical too. I know they are a real agency because my dh's friend is a high end photographer and knows them, but I just dont know whether they genuinely think Sophia can get work. I phoned the other big child modelling agency in Australia and found their selection process is the same- they look at pictures, select the kids that they think photograph well, have an interview, then if the child is successful they offer to represent them but you have to pay $500 upfront for a photo-shoot and membership rights.

I dont feel 100% comfortable with it, and do feel a bit conned, but decided to go for it anyway and see where it goes. I guess ultimately if we lose the $400 it wont make too much of a difference to us, we'll have nice pictures of her, and when she grows up she cant tell us we should have at least tried! She had her photo-shoot and her portfolio will be ready in 4 weeks, which is when they can start submitting her for jobs. Its then up to their clients (e.g huggies) whether she selected or not. Fingers crossed!
I would never agree to pay for a modelling portfolio. There should be no need to do so.
The thing I dont like is that they wear innapropriate outfits, do dances and gestures that are not for children, and try to make them look MUCH older with make up and false teeth, and hair. Why not look NATURALLY pretty. There is nothing natural about any of the pagents I have seen. They look like minature drag queens.
They make me feel incredibly uncomfortable. Children in tan? make up? adult style clothes? Pitched against each other to decide who is more beautiful.
I find the whole thing just, wrong? I can't think of a word that won't offend but honestly, i think its disturbing. :nope:
I don't know if I'd ever do pageants I don't have girls but to be fair to anyone who does them, people have stereotypical views from watching a tv Show. Thats not really fsir. they dint all wear makeup and fake tans. That would be like me thinking all people from jersey are like those on jersey shore or real housewives of New Jersey.

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