It does get better with time, but you have to be very, very patient. One day, two days, three days all seemed like they took forever when I was 6 weeks post-partum. A week seemed a mile away. It was HARD. I felt so disengaged from my previous life, and so stressed that I wouldn't know who 'me' is anymore. I am a long way from that now, and I'm definitely ME. Not exactly the same me, but more like someone who met in the middle with the old me and the new me.
But this is 19 months down the line and I'm sure you can't even comprehend that far ahead right now-
So, in the shorter term, I don't think my hormones even settled down until 12 weeks pp or later. I was up and down like a yo-yo! At 6 weeks it felt like birth should be a lifetime ago, but it all still felt so raw and painful (even more so for you as you've had such a horrid time) and I mistook this to mean that I'd always feel this way. You won't! You'll heal and you'll feel so much stronger. A lot of us (me anyway) have never been knocked about and injured like that when we give birth (I had long failed induction, LO got stuck, and emcs) and I don't think we realise how long it takes to get back on our feet after something like that. An EMCS is major surgery (in my case) and a 4th degree tear in your case is a really nasty complication, and those sorts of things take take to heal- coupled with the fact that you can't just chill out because you have a tiny baby (obviously!), it's going to take you even longer. It's no wonder that after 6 short weeks you aren't 'there' yet. You're so right that if you felt better physically you'd feel a lot better all round. You must feel so, so rough right now!
Life is going to be different with a child. It's okay to mourn your old life, I think most of us have. Having a child is SUCH a huge change. Literally everything is different. Over time, you realise a lot of the differences are good differences (no really, they are- when your LO is a bit older and something simple e.g. you see your child excited to see a horse, it becomes a real, genuine pleasure to be sharing your old life with this new life, even if it is different than before) and occasionally, of course there will be changes where you miss something. I miss being able to go for a drink with friends on a Friday night. It's okay to miss stuff. As 'good' things about having a baby become apparent (it's kind of hard to tell what life is going to be like when you have a 6 week old that doesn't do anything whatsoever- a newborn has its own special joy, but honestly, that's not all there is too it, I promise!), it feels more like you just miss things like any normal human being misses stuff they once enjoyed and don't do anymore, rather than mourning for a whole life lost and never to be recovered.
It's premature to think that the life you have today in this moment is going to be what you're stuck with- with pain, limited ability to get out and about, and a newborn baby that offers nothing 'back' except a dirty nappy every few hours or so. But whilst you're in that place where it's really relentless and 100% baby-related, it's also understandably hard to imagine what else is out there, let alone how the hell you're going to hang on to reach this fun parenting place that everyone keeps harping on about. I completely understand how hard it is to imagine! I feel like there's nothing I can say except trust me. It will happen for you too. xxx