14 days after egg retrieval. I got my12 DP egg retrieval.
Hey did you have any sysmtoms at all that were REAL sysptoms too? And did you just know it had worked or did you think it would never happen like me???
14 days after egg retrieval. I got my12 DP egg retrieval.
Anyway it's hard to tell. I do feel twinges and pressure but I am also on progesterone so feel them every month. I'm trying not to symptom-spot because of the progesterone. However for the past 2 months I was pretty certain I was NOT pg. I'm not as certain this time. We'll see - may take hpt over the weekend.
AND - keep your hopes up... My sister got pg on her very first IUI and with low morphology for her hubby's swimmers!!! (I think it was morphology)...