When will it be my turn :'(


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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i really want a baby and this month, I had so many symptoms I really thought I was there...but no...the witch showed up instead. I was ok with that at the time but a few days later i'm gutted. Think it's finally sunk in that im not pregnant. We have been trying on-off for 6 months and it's really starting to get me down :'( I really want to be a mummy :'(
Hey there Littleprices - Sorry to hear ur down.. i know how it feels - 6months trying and still nothing.. this month weve started using OVKs and were hoping this is our month.
gutted is a feeling i get most months :witch: just needs to stay away! Just stay positive. your time will come :happydance:
:hugs:& :dust:
I'm sorry you're feeling down. This TTC road is deffinately a bumpy one but will be so worth it at the end! Just think AF showing up is just one more month closer to getting a BFP. You have a whole new month to try :)
Aww hunnie :hugs: I know how you feel. I could have bet thousands I was pregnant last month even though we were NTNP, but nope! Always here for a chat, keep yor hopes high and chin up! :flower:
Keep your chin up and stay positive! Your time will come never forget that. I know some days are harder than others on this TTC road but I agree AF just means you get another month to try!
Im sorry! Im in the same boat as you!!!
I feel like a lot of people that get preg 1-2-3 either dont want it fully or should not have it because they already have a million they cant take care of. Its beyond frustrating!!
thanks ladies. your support really helps. You are all right, just staying positive can be hard. I deleted a person off facebook yesterday, just because she is pregnant and keeps posting statuses about her baby. Which she has a right to do, she should be proud and happy etc but it really hurt seeing it. This month i'm sticking to the pre natal vitamins, taking iron supplements and eating healthier than ever before. Looking back at the last month I wasn't taking the vitamins everyday and eating as well as I should....hindsight is 20/20!! Had i been pregnant the baby may have been unhealthy....as much as it hurts, its a lesson well learnt, thanks for all yuor support ladies, I hope we all get BFP's soon! xx
thanks ladies. your support really helps. You are all right, just staying positive can be hard. I deleted a person off facebook yesterday, just because she is pregnant and keeps posting statuses about her baby. Which she has a right to do, she should be proud and happy etc but it really hurt seeing it. This month i'm sticking to the pre natal vitamins, taking iron supplements and eating healthier than ever before. Looking back at the last month I wasn't taking the vitamins everyday and eating as well as I should....hindsight is 20/20!! Had i been pregnant the baby may have been unhealthy....as much as it hurts, its a lesson well learnt, thanks for all yuor support ladies, I hope we all get BFP's soon! xx

That's ok, I do the same thing. It's just your way of coping. I get tired of every minute they update with a new pregnant related status, bump or ultrasound pic..They brag about and why shouldn't they. But enough, is enough for some of us. I've taken nearly every pregnant woman off of my FB, the ones left don't brag about it and I still hide their feed so eventually I forget I'm friends with them. A couple have asked me why and I explained myself and they were actually sympathetic. And if they don't understand or even try to then that's not your problem. We're just trying to keep our sanity!!
it is true, I know now that if and when I do get pregnant I wont be shouting it all over Facebook, just s status announcing it and a status for the birth and that will be it. Just in case there are people who are trying so if anything I learnt a lesson for the future :) xx
Oh I know that - hiding the facebook updates - People who got married after me, a friend who smoked, drank and has an on/off partner etc etc - We're in such the right place - family, home, jobs, relationship and yet 6 months later (although feels so much longer as we waited for 'the right time') here I am with no bump.
Vitamins, healthy diet for me and him, I'm taking vitex, using opks, got the pre-seed, even taking cough medicine! and yet... nada. You're supposed to wait for the 'right time' but now i just feel we shoulda just got on with it as soon as we got married :-(

just so frustrating.
it is true, I know now that if and when I do get pregnant I wont be shouting it all over Facebook, just s status announcing it and a status for the birth and that will be it. Just in case there are people who are trying so if anything I learnt a lesson for the future :) xx

Me too! I made a vow to myself that I'm not going to blow up my FB with ultrasound/bump pics, a pregnant related status every 5 minutes. Just one status and that is it. I know a few of my friends who are struggling to conceive and who knows how many out there that are silently suffering?

When it finally happens for me, it will be a time I want to privately enjoy and cherish with my husband and the rest of our family. :cloud9: {Sigh} Happen soon darn it!! :haha:
I suppose it is a lesson well learnt, I think had I not experienced the sadness when people go on about it I would have done it and that could have upset some good friends.

I recently had the pleasure of deleting a 'friend' of mine of Facebook, the only time she talked to me was to brag about something 'i passed my driving test' 'we're trying for a baby' her first scan is any day now and I knew she would brag to me about it. I use the term friend loosely, we never really got on in school. Would love to see her face when she sees shes ( to quote the cybermen in doctor who!) DELETe, Delete, deleted!!

Armywife84, thats what i'm going to do, one status, maybe one scan pic but not publish it, (just so my family who i dont see very often can see it) And it should be private and special between the family and close friends not Facebook! Babydust xxx
so sorry to hear how down you are littleprincess :hugs: I know just how you feel though; there's been a couple of times my OH has had to wipe away tears b/c I judst want to be a mummy so much :( Our time will come soon enough though, we just need to stay positive! (hard as it may seem)

I'm here if you need a chat :)
Ugh tell me about it..it's like it's not enough to see fertile women in our every day life..Nooo..we have to struggle with it on facebook too..Ah they should call it fertile-book and get over with already!..
You've got my sympathy! We're also six months in and have had two times when we really really thought we were there only to get a negative. It seems like everyone we know has gotten pregnant by just going off BC, making it more frustrating over here. At least you're in good company here. :)

Prayers are with you that next month is the month!
thanks ladies and wannabe dad :), I am so glad I found this forum otherwise i'm not sure how I would cope! Babydust to you all, heres hoping June is our month! and yea..it is like fertile-book at the moment everyone is pregnant!! x
Believe me your not the only one who thinks like this, we're on cycle 5 & last month i was sure i was pregnant but as soon as i took a test got my BFN & suddenly the :witch: turns up, i swear it waits till i test to turn up.
I've got a friend on Facebook who's status is always something about being pregnant, she's only 7 weeks & has already got the pram, having the nursery painted, she's already got 3!
Also 2 of my work collegues have just had babies & they decided to bring them in to show everyone, i did get cuddles from them but i felt so upset after cos it just hit me so hard how much i want to be a mum.
SO this month i've ordered the preseed, got OH on vit's aswell, eating healthier, exercising more & thinking positive.
Spreading lots of :dust::dust::dust:

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