Who doesnt have facebook?


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2010
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I did have facebook until a week ago when i deleted it, and i tell u best thing i ever did.

MIL using it as a tool to start fights, attention seeking, drama, bitching, people using it to discuss personal problems, people sending me facebook messages when they should pick up the phone or come see me in person. Argh. Then theres the people getting upset cause i deleted them even tho i never see them in real life and barely speak to them on facebook!! :dohh: Oh and the family members i dont really want on there but have to keep as they will get offended.

Once id deleted it people were sending me text messages. 'What! U deleted facebook...why???' People were actually confused as to how you can live without it or something :shock:

So who else doesnt have it or had it and have deleted it and why? I feel like im in the minority here!
I truly get where you are coming from. I had facebook and used to close account temporarily for long periods.When I got married, I changed my name and changed my facebook and promised myself that I'd only accept people that i actually talk to.So I don't really accept people that just want to be friends on facebook. I ignore friends request and if anyone asks, i say I'm never really on it.

The only reason i keep facebook is so I can communicate with my family who are many seas away from me and calling is expensive.

So you could count me in, as I stay on facebook long enough to check messages from my family.
Yeh its great if u have family overseas etc. Imo thats one of the only positives about it. But i dont so wasnt an issue for me, i have a friend in the UK but we will keep in contact via email and on here :)
I deleted mine January 1st. Had it ever since 2006 when it was just for uni students.

Main reason for deleting it because I was sick and tired of all the pregnancy announcements, bump or ultrasounds, and statuses moaning about morning sickness. As a LTTCer it's very frustrating and bothersome to watch everyone else get something with ease (it's supposed to be easy) that you have to go thru hell and back to try to achieve. So instead of fearing logging on and having a damper in my day, I just deleted it.

Anyone whom I wished to stay in contact, I have their number and vice versa. Life will go on just like it did before FB came along. It's only a matter of time before it meets the fate of Myspace, then there will be something else.
I do have fb and it did cause a lot of arguments in the family and a lot of " he said" " she said" so instead of deleting my facebook, which I use to keep in touch with a lot of people, I just deleted all family. Problem sloved :)
I should have done that long ago sabby!! Ah well i dont miss it anyway!
I should have done that long ago sabby!! Ah well i dont miss it anyway!

I did get a lot of bother for deleting then and one brother still doesnt speak to me :wacko: But the way I see it there was more trouble when I had them on fb.

I would be completely lost without my fb :haha:
I dont have it and never have, I cant stand it. All i ever hear is bad stories about ot, or bitching, and i dont understand why some people have to update their status every minute of the day, who needs ro know yr in the bath? And when people put how much they love their hubby for skint tea- can't u just tell him?

I just find it false. And im only 30 and in the minority wherw i live for not havin it, but I'm a personal person and prefer to keep it that way.
I deleted mine on New Years Eve, New year & all that x
I had Family members on there that I never speak to but couldnt delete but their statuses used to irritate the hell out of me. Also someone I used to know & their partner argueing with each other/argueing with friends/ argueing with random people/bragging about the new iphone 4s/32" flat screen tv/laptop etc that they have bought with their benefit money/talking about their sex life :sick:
plus I found I was logging on up to 20+ times a day just to see updates, it got stupid x
I'm on twitter which I find much better as I can follow who I want & dont have to follow certain people back x
bragging about the new iphone 4s/32" flat screen tv/laptop etc that they have bought

I get this from a particular 'friend' and her husband. Every update is about how much they have spent on Credit cards, how she has bought her darling wife a massive diamond/car/house etc etc. I cannot believe he doesnt think he sounds like a twat. YOu know, im of the thought, those that talk about it, havent got it...
i have a friend like that and i know from others that they post this stuff on theirs too. i find it a little sad. this is one of the reasons i dislike facebook. its false and somewhere for people who dont have the "perfect family life" they crave to pretend to all their "friends" that they are fabulous.

as i always say no amount of money or material things make a happy life, those things come for free. nothing makes me happier than a smile and cuddle from my little boy-priceless yet perfect.
I don't have it, partly because of the time-wasting and pettiness that goes on, but mainly because Facebook have an absolutely appalling track record on personal data and privacy. Time and again they break the law and then "fix the mistake" once it's publicised. No way am I trusting my personal details/browsing history/whatever else they manage to hack to their extremely dodgy ethics!
I deleted mine well over a year and a half ago but have recently made a new hidden account with no friends on just for coupons and surveys, because in the UK most of these are now only issued via Facebook. But yeah when I mention to people I know that I got such and such coupon off FB they get all offended because they think I rejoined FB fully and refriended everyone except them, so sick of explaining I don't have a single friend on my account nor will I ever do so xx
I don't have Facebook and I never will. I really can't bear it, it's probably totally illogical, but I can't!

I also ban anyone I know from putting any photos of my girls on their FB.

It brings out a really weird side to some of my very normal friends...like the strange, enigmatic updates 'don't ask me if I'm ok with what she said'. Either tell the story, or don't. Stop with the fishing for 'are you ok?' and also the 'look at meeee' style posts...
I did have it but have since deleted my account, I did this after falling victim to a bloody hacker (never put any personal info on thankfully). I never went on it anyway as I got bored of hearing people moan about how long their train journey to work was or how hungover they were or how much they'd spent on so and so. I thought perhaps it was just me that found it dull but it seems not!
i deleted mine just before my bfp with my first baby as me and OH had gotten back togeather to start a family with each other after having split for 8 months or so and realising we had made a big mistake splitting and we couldnt live without each other
when we spit we both went on to get new partners both who were totally jealous when we got back togeather with each other and both just kinda turned into psycho's messaging all the time trouble causing generally making stuf up to try and break us up we had enough so just deleted our accounts best thing i ever did i have never looked back the only thing i miss about facebook it playing the sosority life game pmsl i defo dont miss anything else :) its been just over a year now and never thought of opening it back up i dont think i could cope with it lol
I deleted mine like 3 years ago :) best thing I ever did. I wasted way too much time on it, when I could've been doing other things, and I defo haven't looked back since.

I first tried it in 2006, I delted it a year later, was fed up of all the falseness fakers and attention seekers. Friends and Family acted like real freaks and out of character online, I couldnt be bothered with all the silly childish apps requests either,waste of time and effort - I wish FB would just disappear up its own a*s and I can speak to people normally again :)
I deleted mine after an ex partner starting sending me inappropriate messages then he threatened to come and follow me and my husband on honeymoon in the Maldives. I re-opened it a couple of years later but I was fed up with the constant bragging of people and my Dads girlfriend made an issue of something so I deleted it again, that was over a year ago and I will not be using it again.

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