Sorry to hear that Tigerlilly.
Personally feeling funny feelings today lol. I stopped taking my pill, had withdrawl started on 5th, based on a 28 day cycle I'd have a fertile period from tomorrow till tuesday (I don't temp or anything like that...would drive DH mad). Today I start with a slight crampy feeling in my groin area down left side. someone tell me what does ovulation pain feel like? I never cared so much when we tried for DD but for some reason this time round I'm paranoid!
Is there any chance you can ovulate with only being off the pill for a couple of weeks? We DTD last night but DH really isn't feeling good today so no chance today. Might be able to persuade him tomorrow ha ha
I'm good. Just feeling really bloated...
5 year plan I see you're 10dpo, when are you testing? Xx
Hey ladies! 5 Year- I'm sure it's going to be hard to wait until Thursday to test but it will be nice having your hubby there with you.When is AF due?
AFM-I'm 3dpo! Hubby and I BD'd last night and after I wiped myself I had some pink spotting then it went away. Could it just be from BDing? Never had this happen before.