I think Dizz said it perfectly! Some women (Like myself) were brainwashed into believing you were a failure if you FF.
I battled horrible pain, like toe curling, screaming at the top of my lungs, crying through every feeding pain in the beginning but I stuck with it because I wasn't going to be one of those "weak" women (this is brainwashed mind speaking) who quit. We got through the pain but they I had to battle a low supply that was only made worse by my return to school and the inability to pump milk during my 9 hour days there. I was still fighting it though, I took 25 fenugreek pills a day, pumped day and night and did everything in my power not to fail. Right around the time my son turned 9 months I got pregnant and saw a drastic decrease in supply. My son was beginning to refuse to nurse and I couldn't even hand express a few drops anymore. I was limited to what I could try because of the pregnancy but I crammed lactation cookies and pumped like a mad woman all to no avail. My son went three days without any milk at all and lost weight because of it. I knew logically I was fighting a hormonal battle that I wasn't likely to win. Still, I felt unbelievably guilty and horrid about giving him formula. Thanks to being brainwashed by severe BFing enthusiasts I was of the mind set that formula was poison. That I was failing as a mother because only 1-2% (hey...that statistic again!) couldn't actually BF and it was so unlikely I was one of them. I just wasn't doing something right, I wasn't trying hard enough, I wasn't doing a good enough job, I didn't want it bad enough. Those are all things I told myself.
Now, I've FF my son for two and a half weeks and he is back at a healthy weight and is happy as can be. It has taken a lot of work to come to terms with the sudden end to our relationship but I am becoming more and more ok. I've had a lot of support from friends and family who understand that I am upset but it is ok to feel that way, and I am not failing as a mother. I fought valiantly but lost...and it is OK. That is what I think a lot of the BFing pushers forget. Sometimes you just can't...and it's OK!! As long as your baby is being fed, that is what is important. Formula is not the devil, formula will not kill your babies brain cells and make them a moron (yeah I've heard someone say that).
That being said I think a lot of it does come from the few loud and outspoken BFing enthusiasts who saturate the internet with these brainwashing ideals and make it feel as if it is breast milk or poison, no other option. In real life I have never had any negative experiences with either BFing or FFing.
lucky I guess. On the internet though...oh I've been ripped to shreds.