I don't know if I qualify for LTTC as we've only been trying 12 months and we have only just begun doc appts, tests, etc. So I'm quite a newbie looking at some of you other girls, and I am humbled by reading your posts. My pain is bad enough and I can only imagine what it must feel like to be waiting for years to see that ever elusive BFP.
I hope I don't rock the boat now, but I just wanted to pick up on some of the comments that have been made in this thread about MC. I don't see MC as a 'step up' from never having had a BFP at all. OK, it does mean that conception has occurred, and after my MC I did get some reassurance from this, you are right. However, that feeling passes (for some of us, anyhow) and you start thinking that even if you did get preg, you wouldn't be able to carry to term anyway. When I got my BFP I was happy for only 24 hours before I had the feeling something was wrong. I am now desperate to conceive again, but I know that if I did get a BFP I couldn't even be happy about it. I would just be waiting for it to go wrong. And having experienced the pain of losing a bean, I almost wish I'd never conceived in the first place. I now have to face my due date in October knowing that I have no baby in my arms, and an empty belly.
I think it's a case of the grass always being greener. I think there are difficulties no matter what situation you're in. Please don't think I'm having a moan, because I'm really not. Like I said, I really can't imagine the pain of ttc for the length of time that some of you girls have...my 12 months is bad enough. I just don't feel that I am at any kind of 'advantage' from having mc'd, and the pain of my MC was far worse than the pain of seeing a BFN.
I hope I haven't offended anyone. That wasn't my intention. I'm just trying to put another side. Please don't be offended.