Why Did You Choose Formula

I decided on FF just before I gave birth..I'm just not comfy with BF. Very hard to explain and I don't really expect anyone to understand either.
I tried BF and had very little support from the MWs in hospital. They just kept advising I give forumla and all gave different advice. I felt so rubbish not being able to do something that should be so natural, so discharged myself after first night. The community MW was fab and came round daily for 2 weeks to try to get BF established but I still felt uncomfy with it, and LO just wasn't gaining sufficiently.
I then made the decision to do Formula top ups, but felt after 3 months od struggling with BF that I was resenting the time spent with LO and feeding as it didn't seem to amount to a happier baby or anything. I moved to full Formula at just over 3 months.
Next time I will probably BF to start but won't pressure myself and will then pretty quickly move to combined feeding and then drop to just formula whenever it seems best for us.
I didn't choose it either. My baby was born with very high levels of jaundice, so the doctors told me to give her formula as well as breast milk, because she needed to eat as much as possible in order to poop and pee it all out. After a few days of breast feeding and formula feeding, she began rejecting my breast. I tried and tried, but she just wouldn't take it anymore. Finally I had to give up because it was taking too much of an emotional toll on me (still is, really). I pump, so she does still get some breast milk, but I'm not making nearly enough, so she's about 80% formula fed.
I don't think there's anything wrong with formula feeding, I don't want to offend anyone by saying I am doing it NOT by choice. I had just really wanted to breast feed, and it was very, very hard on me when it didn't work out.
But she's so far a very healthy and happy baby, and that is all that matters. :)
It chose me! My bubs had a severe tongue tie which despite being diagnosed 12 hours after birth, was not corrected for 22 days, in that time he could not latch properly. He was also jaundiced so had to top up early on as my milk hadn't come in yet.

However, saying that-i would prob choose to FF next time-i found it suited me as i could have breaks from him and a bit of space which was nice ;)
I chose. BF wasn't for me, so it wasn't for Summer. Happy mummy equals happy baby. Never regretted it for a second. She's healthy, she's happy and you can see she's fed. xx
first time i kind of knew i was bottle feeding, at the time breast feeding didnt occur to me, no1 in my family did it so it seemed normal not too

second time i tried it and struggled SO bad with his latching he was mix fed pretty much straight away and i was pumping and getting him to latch but he wouldnt, health professionals said hed do it if i did this or that but he didnt. Anyway after bouts of mastitius and an unhappy baby i just gave him formula!

i would say it was the best thing i ever did.. except hes allergic to it :rofl: so hes now trialling all sorts to figure out whats up with him x
I didnt choose to formula feed either, in fact i really really reeeaaally wanted to exclusively breast feed and i did for 6 days before my baby was diagnosed with severe jaundice, he was so so poorly, he was under quadruple photo-therapy lights and needed as much fluids as possible to flush his bilirubin out urgently. I was told to express so he could be tube fed and it was then we saw that my left breast had blocked ducts and was giving no milk so we switched to formula. Jake loves formula milk, he's always so satisfied after a feed and looks so much healthier, it was definitely right for us to switch.
I exclusively BF for 5 days but was then re-admitted to hospital. I was too ill to BF or even express and the drugs I had to be given went through my milk. The clincher came at 8 days PP when I was given a very toxic antibiotic which then stopped everything. By 10 days PP, my milk had dried up :( Molly was on formula from 6 days old so I guess, it found me.
i just didnt want a baby sucking on my boob all day and night. :shrug:
I had to FF. I tried desperately to BF, but he is tongue tied just enough to where he couldnt latch on to my nipple. Its kinda short too. We tried breast shields and that worked only half the time. I got so scabbed up and sore, I could even wear a bra. I walked around shirtless for the better half of two weeks.
I finally broke down and started to FF Gabriel.
He's being fed properly now, and is growing like a crazy, so I guess it was the right choice to make. I also expressed for him, but I only had a manual pump and it wasnt pumping hard enough to keep my flow going. I couldnt afford to rent, let alone buy a pump that was high grade enough to keep up with the pumping I had to do.
Gabriel is now almost 4 months, and is eating 6oz every 4 hours. Happily might I add. :]
I'm another who didn't choose to ff. I was so confident about breastfeeding, had really done my research & saw no Eason why it wouldn't work. What I didn't reckon for was a baby who simply hated my boobs & screamed when she went anywhere near them. We battled for 2 weeks, she would scream for hours before taking a few sucks, falling asleep for a few minutes then going through it all again. I had midwives visiting every day, but no one could help & I ended up begging to go back to hospital in the early hours of the morning when she was 13 days old because I was at breaking point. It didn't occur to me that bella was starving, I just thought my baby hated me.

The midwives asked my permission to give her formula, & it was the first time I'd held her with her screaming. I expressed for a few weeks but she wanted more of my time so I switched to 100% formula then.
When I was in hospital I tried to bf, but my DD wouldn't latch on, and if she did it would be for a few seconds and then would come off. I tried expressing and couldn't keep up with er as she was so hungry. After the second night in hospital and having a screaming baby who was hungry I decided enough was enough and asked for a bottle.

The midwife told me she'd been having enough milk and was';t hungry. that was a joke she drank about half the bottle in one go, which the midwife was surprised about. I said to her, I told you she was hungry.

Also, my dd was also diagnosed with a very mild case of tongue tie, which didn't help matters.

For us, switching to formula was the best option and I didn't regret as I always had the mentality that if I could bf, then I would and if I couldn't then so be it and would be made to feel guilty about it.
Didn't choose it, had a non latcher and lack of support from both health professionals, and sad to say as he is a brilliant father, my OH. If I have another baby I will be breastfeeding. If I have another non latching baby I will definitely be giving expressed milk for much longer, due to lack of knowledge on my part about how to build a supply with a pump, my milk dried up by week 4 with Ruby. :( :( :(
After pushing for 3 hours with a back to back baby and then coping with the trauma of Jacob coming out blue and limp and not breathing (cord around his neck) I was pretty much forced into BF straight away, they put him on my boob when I was still trying to get over what had just happened, I was confused and Jacob wasn't latching properly. Instead of talking me through it they were just working on getting him to feed without telling me what was going on. I was a bit freaked out by it all. Then we realised I couldn't walk or move without being in absolute pain (SPD). I had to have a catheter put in and there was talks of sending me for an MRI. I had doctors putting their hands up my foofoo and my bum trying to work out why my pelvis was so inflamed. I was very highly medicated and was on 48 hr bed rest, I couldn't even stand up to pick Jacob out on his little cot bed :(:(. Formula saved us really.
Once I was out of hospital I tried to get him to latch but failed :( so I pumped... I managed to express my breast milk for just over a month which I am SO proud of :)
Jakey is a SMA baby and he loves his bottle :)
^ Was there any need for that Oscar? This is the formula feeding forum.
^^ I agree. Why can't we all just respect each other?
Like many others, I had a tongue tied baby who couldn't latch, lots of pain etc, no health prof noticed, ended up having to exclusively express (and then top up with formula) for 6 weeks whilst trying to get someone to help with the TT, eventually had to pay to have it done privately but by then LO screamed whenever he went near the boob (was probably too used to bottles by then) so he never latched. I eventually gave up expressing as it was driving me mad doing it every 3 hours day and night and I barely got to spend any time with my son. So now we FF! FF has been good for us though even though it wasn't the original plan, LO has thrived and we've never had any problems with formula.
I breastfed Daisy up til she was 2 months old, but then she was just dropping centiles and we was advised to suppliment with formula so I switched completely as she wasnt getting what she needed from me :( I was gutted at first but to see how much she thrived on formula made all the difference :) x

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